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Whats on your desk!


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I'll get a picture soon, but:


Laptop, HiFi + 2 Speakers, Wii, 2 Wii Remotes, DS, 2 Nunchucks, iPod Nano, Wavebird, GC Memory Card, external Harddrive, Webcam, Keys, Some money, Micro Memory Stick, Glasses, Lots of wires.

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Why does everyone label in red? Well, unless you count Harribo. So unoriginal :heh:


My main monitor is currently pointing to the right side of my desk so I can lie in bed this morning watching anime ^_^ my desk is quite small so I have to keep it tidy anyway :/

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Guest Stefkov

I'll get a pic when I get home but:

Sammy hdtv, Wii, 2 wiimotes, lamp, Wii games, phone holder, speakers, keyboard, mouse, metabee figurine, 32cm ruler, pencil crayons, a wallet, some newspaper with a job opening for a games tester in Germany working for Nintendo (over18 only :( ).

Thats all I can remember.

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No pictures for me, since I'm too lazy to wait for them to upload!


Let me see:

my hands/arms, laptop, speakers, webcam, phone, pencil case and various pens, vitamin C, laser pointer, keys, hat, Kumar and Clarke (1500 pages of medicinal goodness), a letter, lecture notes, mouse gym mebership, buttons and an empty bottle of JD...

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Gaggle, you have the same speakers as me!11111!


On my desk there is currently:

A big 17" CRT Monitor

Some random books

Some random CDs

A touch lamp without a touch sensor


My old wallet

My new wallet

Sony earphones


Car keys

Some random plastic thing that came with the iPod

13 Disco tickets

A sponsor Sheet

A U2 pinbadge without the pin

A 1 pence coin

"Sociology in Scotland" text book

Multiple pieces of lined A4 paper

A box on printable label-things.

The latest EDGE magazine

My exam timetable.

Nivea for Men deodorant

A receipt for something which is hidden underneath books.

My Mac Mini


Old computer

Old keyboard

Sweet wrappers

Some old games/random CDs

Microsoft Works (wtf?)

Loads of old school books


And I don't even want to open my desk drawer for the fear that I wont be able to close it again afterwards.....

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I used to have the same keyboard as you Letty, untill I really started to hate wireless keyboards =/


Caris has the most evil desk in history...

All there is, is Apple and Sony!


Not true, there are some Bose speakers there as well.


I have nothing on my desk where the monitor is but I have beneath them a printer and an ipod dock (iHome) Was thinking about upgrading that to Apple's own ipod hi fi......is it worth it?

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