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Just won £60 with the guys, woo. Tense last few hands. Anyone else play Poker? 5 card? Texas Hold'em? Do you play for money? Any stories you people can share?


Get talkin' :heh:


I play hold 'em now and again. I tried playig 5 card draw, but every fucker seems to fold since that the chances of good cards is slim. Therefore, 5 card makes an interesting game. I don;t tend to play for money (since I'm a poor lowly student) but we play into the early mornings a lot fo the time. Its all good fun, except waking for lectures the same morning... :p

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I play hold 'em now and again. I tried playig 5 card draw, but every fucker seems to fold since that the chances of good cards is slim. Therefore, 5 card makes an interesting game. I don;t tend to play for money (since I'm a poor lowly student) but we play into the early mornings a lot fo the time. Its all good fun, except waking for lectures the same morning... :p



The best way to play 5 card is take out all the 2-7 cards as it makes it easier to make a good hand.


I play hole-em the whole time. Every monday / tuesday we all play in college for a fiver each and its a bit of fun! Had many a game over xmas and made / lost some money.


God bless poker :)

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Yeah, Hold'em is awesome. Any way we could set up some sort of board tournament?


A while ago I was dealt 4-4 (can't remember suits) on the second hand, while another person was dealt 2-2. With a flop of 4-J-2 I bet a significant amount; everyone folded except for 2-2, who called. The turn comes out 4, giving me quads and him a full house. I bet a small amount, he raises by a lot, I raise to all in and he calls. You should have seen his face.

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I play poker quite regularly at college, not for money though. No-Limit Hold 'Em is my preference since there's more scope for bluffing, giving it more of a psychological edge.


We had a game yesterday actually, and I won it quite convincingly. What I like about poker is just how deep and strategical the game is. Anyone claiming it's a game of luck clearly doesn't understand the game.

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I quite like poker, but I've only played it properly once with chips and all that, I don't know anyone who'd play poker with me. The time I played was a summer or two ago now, and it was my first time playing and this one time all I had was a queen high, and I managed to bluff my way to winning the pot with it. That was texas hold 'em, I used to play 5 card as a kid I think, but not for anything, so I didn't really play it proper.

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You guys wanna set up some online games then? TruePoker is good. Download it free here, its all free and theres a selection of quite random and funny characters. Its 3D aswell.


EDIT (More Info): Its easy, when you download it you just create an account through the game and if we start playing on this game, we'll use any of the Play for Fun servers, one of us will create a table, voila.


I'll make a thread in the online gaming thread so this one doesn't get closed, I hope to see you all there, and, if anyone has a better poker app we can play on, suggest it. :)

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You guys wanna set up some online games then? TruePoker is good. Download it free here, its all free and theres a selection of quite random and funny characters. Its 3D aswell.


EDIT (More Info): Its easy, when you download it you just create an account through the game and if we start playing on this game, we'll use any of the Play for Fun servers, one of us will create a table, voila.


I'll make a thread in the online gaming thread so this one doesn't get closed, I hope to see you all there, and, if anyone has a better poker app we can play on, suggest it. :)


If you can create sit and go tournaments then I'll be up for that, or even regular tournaments if we get enough people.

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Im not too sure about an official tournaments, but I can make a private table, and agree to start off with certain chips (you start with $1000 and if you lose all your money you can get unlimited free money until you back at $1000) and if you lose all your money then just stand up and spectate the rest of the match or leave.


You still with me on this? Sounds a little complicated to explain :P.


Then we could have like a week or so of "preparation" where you go off to other random matches, earn say... over $3000 on your own, then qualify for a forum final, I'm just firing ideas out here.

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I play texas hold em with my mates all the time. We get quite competitive actually.


We even have a league going. Tis quite sad but we all enjoy it. I came 2nd in the first league and im currently 2nd in the new league.


We usually all stick a fiver or a tenner in the pot and the winner takes all. :)

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What kind of Poker is that Truepoker thing? When making an account do i ahve to give bank details? and one more thing, are these Play for Fun tables not real money right?


Theres the option to play for money, The Play for Fun tables are completley free, and no, you dont have to enter bank details unless you want to play the real money tables.


Oh and considering Poker stories, last night when I won the £60, the final hand between me and my friend (really good player who won the £60 the last poker nights) there was 2 jacks on the table and he went all in. I just knew he had a jack to make it three of a kind. There was also a 7 down on the table, and I had two 7's in my hand. The three 7's and the two Jacks was a Full House, I went all in aswell and I won. Sweet, sweet £60.

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Best thing I've done in poker: I was losing massively, so I sort of gave up and went All-In with a 7 and a 2 (different suits). Surprisingly, Two Sevens appeared in the river, and other people just had pairs.


No, that was not the best thing you've done in poker, it's just called being lucky. Seriously, it really pisses me off when something like this happens. For example: I called a guy's pre-flop all in with wired aces when he had J-5, and just my luck, two fives came out. It's enough to put you off the game altogether.

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