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First Tiger Woods Hands-on


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well quite a few people have spoken of their interests about this game. so thought I'd post this. Looks pretty good, got graphics that they compare to the the PS2. But has gameplay elements from the 360 version. Also it seems they have nailed the wiimote control for the most part, apart from the putting perhaps.


anyway supposed to be out in March might be worth keeping an eye out for.


sorry if this has been posted somewhere else....

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Nice read , certainly a game worth keeping an eye on.


As much as I enjoy WiiSports Golf the lack of depth soon hits you , and EA will certainly be providing that. It does seem that both games are going to have issues with the putting mechanic , perhaps it is something that can't easily be solved with the Wii-mote.


Normally I would be a bit sceptical about EA games , but after they managed to pretty much nail the controls on Madden my faith has been restored.

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EA get far too much stick than they deserve, Imo.


Well, Wii Sports is a simple, basic game. There is some depth, but you'll find more in specific titles for each sport, such as Virtua Tennis. It's good to have that kinda balance where you can play simple games like Wii Sports for fun, and then games like Tigar Woods golf for some added depth.

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Whenever I saw a golf game in the past I never gave it a second thought, but this is one I would actually consider buying. I can see it haveing real depth with many different clubs and courses, the seal on the deal however would be online play. If it was online that would bring so much more to it, and the ability to download new things like courses, or even a course editor would be cool.

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EA get far too much stick than they deserve, Imo.


Do you know anything about EA's employment practisce? Have you heard of their 80 hour weeks?

Have you heard about how you only get to go home early on a Saturday if you've been good.

It destroys families. No wonder why people won't work for them- I sure as hell wouldn't even if Criterion offered me a job.


Not to mention the fact that they fired a couple of hundred people.. then gave Tiger Woods a raise to keep his name on the box of the game.


Fuck this and SSX and the Godfather and.. well not Spore.

Get Pangya instead is my advice.

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Anyone got any word on whether the GAMEFACE feature is superior to the previous version of the game? This is the main incentive to buy this game for me. I have 2006 because of this feature [i know unbelievably made an exception to the no multiplatform game rule but I didn't purchase it at a store, I bought for considerably cheaper on EBAY thus NOT giving them the sale].

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Anyone got any word on whether the GAMEFACE feature is superior to the previous version of the game? This is the main incentive to buy this game for me. I have 2006 because of this feature [i know unbelievably made an exception to the no multiplatform game rule but I didn't purchase it at a store, I bought for considerably cheaper on EBAY thus NOT giving them the sale].


Are you insane?

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