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annoying words or phrases!

mcj metroid

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Nah that's fair enough, I understand.


I CANNOT stand sitting next to, or hearing people eat. It's my biggest annoyance, and my Dad is terrible for it. Ugh, it's like the equivalant of scraping nails on a blackboard for other people [Which I don't really mind].

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Yeah it's certainly been filtered out by slang with phrase such as absolutely, for sure, totally (maybe a bit 80s?)


But I don't think it's a posh word as such- when people say it to me, i'll almost scan it for lack of interest, it's the kind of thing you'll say to acknowledge them but not respect it.


Which I suppose is kinda condescending. I certainly see where you're coming from with that. But when I imagine a working class person saying indeed it doesn't seem out of place.


"absolutely mate" sounds assuring and flows

"indeed mate" it feels a little out of place and lacks that flow


Where's Ned Flanders when you need him?

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Go to a Hiphop or Grime gig and everyone is waving their hands and shouting "brrap, brrap, brrap" or "boooooh" as a term of endearment. Quite bizarre, but entertaining.


I don't think there are any phrases I find really annoying, but on a larger scale I really hate the Essex accent. I fact the just general estuary english annoys the hell out of me.

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When someone (most probably a girl) interjects like every 3 words in a sentence.


It's straight out of the OC and all them frickin american teenage sitcoms and annys the HELL outta me!


Like totally! I, like, know EXACTLY what you mean! It's like so frickin' annoying ain't it buddy?


*shoots self*

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Ive just discovered, our very own rolling eyes emoticon :indeed:

Is actaully a visual representation of Indeed?!?!!?1




Perhaps a sarcastic indeed?


Anyway don't know whether this has been said but the words/phrases that do my nut in are "bovvered" "I want that one" etc especially when people actually think they are being funny when in fact they are just annoying pricks who need torturing, hanging, resurecting, taught about good comedy and then mauled to death by babies, babies with soiled nappys and colds. That ought to teach the sick bastards a lesson.


Also I find the phrases get your hair cut or "mosher", "emo, "goth", "are you some sort of masher/emo/goth?" or the sound of someone preparing to spit or spitting quite annoying especcially when they're aimed at me.

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