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If One Saw A Wiimake on the Shelf...


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would one purchase it? ::shrug:


Do you remember a while ago that there was all the chatter about the possibility of GameCube games being rereleased on the Wii, incorporating Wii controls? Well, now that we have out Wii's, you've tinkered with the Virtual Console and have contrasted the old playing style with the new... what do you think?


Me, for the right price, I'd like to get my hands on these... what games though and why? Well, having Red Steel and not having Resident Evil 4, Id buy it. Also, Id maybe rebuy Metroid Prime to see if I could get into it with some Wiimote action. Killer 7 aswell could be fun.


The thing is though, these arent really needed. The only reason that I think Nintendo should release these would be if for some reason theres a shortage of new Wii games in the pipeline. Hopefully that wont be an eventuality and most of the games out on the Cube warrant a proper Wii sequal anyway, not just a quick wiimake. :hmm:


Whats the consensus now that the Wii is actually here? :smile:

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Guest Stefkov

I wouldnt buy the same game again. And like Stocka said, I would rather ninty or whoever to have their whole team working on new games specially being made for the Wii, rather than making old games have new controls.

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In just about all cases i'd say no, but i'd perhaps get a remake on a few rare occasions and based on personal criteria it must fulfill. The game had to be an exclusive on Nintendo consoles to begin with, otherwise no purchase, UNLESS its a franchise such as Grand Theft Auto whereby it'd be practically an act of divine intervention if we were to see premium third party games such as Grand Theft Auto and Final Fantasy to ever make an appearance on a Nintendo console with games from the OFFICIAL SERIES, not cheap inferior knock off substitutes such as Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. Also the game would have to surpass the original in EVERY single aspect, and have a superior average ratio to the original game. In cases where games have not been released in PAL regions such as Sin & Punishment: Successor of The Earth, i'd be enticed to buy the game as it was never released on PAL systems and remained a Nintendo console exclusive.

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I'd like to see The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker with Wii controls, that'd be good. It'd be incentive to play games that I never played on the GC aswell. Don't forget that with a lot of new players that will probably end up being more than the GC buyers, a lot won't have played these titles before so it would be good for them.

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What I would prefer is "updates" (mainly just controls) for GameCube games available via the Wii Shop Channel. Better than releasing the game again at full price, and shouldn't even cost Nintendo much money to do either.


I doubt that's even possible.

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I doubt that's even possible.


With a firmware edit, and access to the source code, it's easily possible. Basically, you would just get the Wii to load the GameCube games code, then overwrite parts (in the memory) with the Wii alterations.

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As many have said, it would depend on the type of game, and if/to what extent it enhances the gameplay. So if it was an FPS that was done well, or Resi 4, then yes. The monkey balls, if done the same as the current Wii iteration, the yes as well. Killer 7, Rouge Squadron (wiimote as one of those plane control stick thingys), Fire Emblem and Metroid would also get serious considerations.



And Gears of War.



What, I can dream.

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Aahhahahahaha next they'll be going on about GTA Wii city stories.

Using the Miis as in game characters and the like.


Okay I would buy a 'Wiimake' as you put it, if it is competitively priced against the GameCube pre-owned market.

I know this wouldn't happeb because they would want to charge £35 for them so no.


If they reprinted GameCube games in Wii boxes again I would only consider them over the original if they were very competitively priced.

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Yeah like I said, it would be a complete cop out for there to practically only be updated Cube games coming out. But there was definitely something mentioned about these becoming a possibilty a while back, wasnt there. I think even Miyamoto-san may have said it himself.


I agree that it definitley depends on what the games may be, I cited a few examples, like Resident Evil 4 with Wii controls implemented would get some consideration from me for sure, or other games that I didnt get.


With something like Pikmin, or Luigi's Mansion, would be better off just getting a sequel on Wii.


Caris' idea of somehow updating them through downloads would be ideal - if it was possible. :hehe:

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The only game I'd really like to play with the Wiimote is killer7.

Holding two Wiimotes like Con Smith holds his two pistols should be absolutely awesome.

Other than that I think most games were very good with GC controls. Sure Battalion Wars would be better with Wii controls but there's already one in production.

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