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Do you like your own company?


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I often have a discussion about this in some form or another with my mum, as she hates her own company and gets bored yet I explain how I personally love it. Although I do no doubt enjoy the company of my friends and family at many times, i'm always quite satisfied with having lots of time on my own.


In winter right now, it's not ideal to go out most of the time, and as a result people complain about being bored, yet I never can find enough hours in the day to do what I want to do. I always have so much I have/want to do. So many books/games/films I want to get through that I never have enough time to, and you can never stop learning.

Obviously when you're in love you always want to be with that special person, but that aside i'm generally rather satisfied with my own company.

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I'm easily pleased in my own company. A few of my friends would consider me somewhat anti social at times but I think they misunderstand me. It's not for lack of wanting company that lets me sit around and enjoy myself, rather an ability to easily amuse myself with my own thoughts and such.


ideally, however, I'd still rather be with friends, just somewhere and when I can enjoy my surroundings too. My uni mates tend to frequent rather shit club nights I'd rather avoid, but if they're going somewhere good I'm more than willing to be there.

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For the majority of the time, I love myself.


EDIT:I am aware how that reads, but it shall still stand! Having said this, it doesn't mean I prefer my own company, just that I don't mind it at all. I love going out with people and stuff, absolutely, but I can totally just chill by myself if I have to, I wouldn't go crazy or anything.

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I can spend countless hours thinking to my self. Not like another personality, just thinking about stuff.


I'm the same, I think a stupid ammount about different things. I like my own company, but I like to know someone's around. If I'm the only person in the house I hate it if it's for too long.


That's why I love having my own room, just chatting on the computer, watching Planet Earth and playing Zelda. What I want to do is move in with someone quiet.

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I like thinking to myself about everything. It can keep me amused for ages, and I love thinking, over analysing, imagining, planning and fantasising. All fun things to do! Sure, I prefer to be with some people rather than myself but they are starting to become a smaller and smaller number.


So generally I prefer the company of myself than people I don't get on with an awful lot and can keep me interested and amused for an extended period of time.

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I love being with my friends, we have loads of fun and I just forget about my problems and I'm always myself. I don't know what I'd do without them.


totally with you there mate. I've come to realise that I'm addicted to people. Its both sad and true. I crave human contact in one way or another and I do worry about how easily i become lonely. Sometimes I think I'm going mental but then I realise that I just love making my friends happy and indulging in that commonly overlooked phenomenon that is human communication (on many levels). If I can help my friends or have a good night out with them then I'm happy.


Sure I can do stuff for myself and I probably dont do enough. Its usually a last resort rather than something i dont wanna do but these things all seem a bit unfulfilling.


I live and thrive off people. Personalities, humanity, emotions, relationships, love, conflict. These are a few of those human elements that make life beautifl and enrished to me. This is what colours my world between the lines.

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You need balance.


You need to be able to interact with other people, whether it be through talking or just having a laugh (gaming, going out).


But, you also need to be able to do your own thing.



So, yes, I enjoy my own company. But, I also enjoy other people's.


Exactly, that's why having hobbies is very important.

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