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Got paid last friday, spent £90 on clothes. Went away for the weekend, £60 in travel. 2 nights out, another £70. Food while away, about £30. Sunglasses, £12. Rent, £100.


I now have £80 to last me 3 and a half weeks :hmm: So much for saving cash


On the bright side though i got my new mobile (W810i) for free and on a better contract so im paying less every month :grin: Just need a 4GB Memory Stick Duo now so i can use the Walkman player properly




GAH! knew i forgot something! Must resist urge to buy...



Oh double shit! Why did you have to go posting something like that!

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Guest Stefkov
good game but ur find out quickly that alot of the achievements are impossible to unlock

Most of them don't see too hard up to now. I was playing it for a while. Really fun beating Nadal etc.

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Most of them don't see too hard up to now. I was playing it for a while. Really fun beating Nadal etc.


yeah the achievements aint that hard, I played it on and off for about 2 weeks and ulocked most of them

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Went to get my hair cut, but passed a brand new shop (opened today) selling collectable figurines (thats what the shop is for, but there are 7 year olds admiring star wars 'toys'). I get my hair cut and walk past it again and see this guy showing off a Limited Edition Halo Figurine to a kid. I walk into the shop after remembering that I had forgotten the discount leaflet in the paper, and searched for 10 minutes to find this little section on halo. Everything was £7.95. I got a limited edition red spartan , and the guy said there was more stuff that was yet to be put out inc limited editions. I got another discount code. guess whos going back on tues:hehe:



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Went shoe shopping, finally! About time, cause my old pumas are falling apart now. D:


Got myself this:



Black River Woods ballerina shoes (or whatever you would call them). Cost 80 euro but I still had a gift card of 35 euro.

(My first shoes with some sort of "high" heel, haha.)



Some new Puma shoes to replace my old ones. 75.95 euro, but I had a coupon of 3.50 euro left. :heh:



A belt (9.98 euro), some tiny socks (12.50 euro) and some thingies to put in my ballerinas so they won't fall off my feet (5.50 euro).



There goes my money. ='D

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Yipeee! Medium arrived in the post this morning.


Got some DVDs from my local indepenant games store today :


Panic Room £1

Clarkson : The good, the bad, and the ugly £2

Rise of the Phoenix (remake) £3

Assault on Precint 13 (remake) £3

National Treasure £4


And two tickets for.....




in August :)

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Guest Stefkov
Went to get my hair cut, but passed a brand new shop (opened today) selling collectable figurines (thats what the shop is for, but there are 7 year olds admiring star wars 'toys'). I get my hair cut and walk past it again and see this guy showing off a Limited Edition Halo Figurine to a kid. I walk into the shop after remembering that I had forgotten the discount leaflet in the paper, and searched for 10 minutes to find this little section on halo. Everything was £7.95. I got a limited edition red spartan , and the guy said there was more stuff that was yet to be put out inc limited editions. I got another discount code. guess whos going back on tues:hehe:

I'm so jealous.

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