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Train tickets to......


n518191408_661807_436.jpg + co!


(aka Sheffield Thurs>Sun)


Well...tickets from Brum to Sheffield for £15.85. Will have to get tickets from where I live to Brum but this saves me £10.


Also peeps; don't mention it on Facebook. I have a lecture on Friday and my lecturer is on my facebook (I plan to just email him saying "hey looks! Im in sheff. Ooops!" but I want to pretend it was impromptu and I will see him Tuesday and don't feel like explaining to face)

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Been itching for this since I finished Season 1. Also - Loving the way they totally disregard the cliffhanger at the end of season one on the front cover of this...


Yeah, I know. Meant when I bought season 3 I refused to look at the box.


That was fun.

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Ah come on, its the love story of Bill Adama and Galactica really, they wouldn't kill him off :heh:

Although initially I thought it was going to be a 'kill the father so the son can grow' angle but still, logically speaking its not BSG with Adama


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Happy birthday :)


For an assignment (which granted isn't in til May but want to get it out of the way) I have to analyse a film reviewer's reviews to find what they classify as "good". One of his reviews I am reading is for...




Sounded interesting so I got it for £1.50 off ebay.

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Happy birthday :)


For an assignment (which granted isn't in til May but want to get it out of the way) I have to analyse a film reviewer's reviews to find what they classify as "good". One of his reviews I am reading is for...




Sounded interesting so I got it for £1.50 off ebay.


It's a good film. I wonder will you notice all the religious items?

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Rock star is quite drying, I use it now, but I used to use You snap the whip, in the shower. Its actually alot better, has bits in it like a scrub and it smells nice too!



Love the video that shows you how to use it.

I dont have a pan that big though =[

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I picked it up in HMV, assuming from the cover it was a really depressing war story about a young solider or something. When I realised it was a comedy starring Goldie Hawn, I needed.




And I got this as a late Christmas Present from a friend...


I like Sofia Coppolla, I like Dunst, I like how it's a postmodern biopic. So I assume I'll like it. :)

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I picked it up in HMV, assuming from the cover it was a really depressing war story about a young solider or something. When I realised it was a comedy starring Goldie Hawn, I needed.



A sound purchase. I'm going to let you off of not noticing what the film was from the cover [which you really should've], because I love you so.


Awwww yeah. Prepare to fall in love with Invincible.

Have you got a reason for me to without spending monies? Because your avatar/sig sets make me dislike him as he looks a lanky fuck, with a few stolen[?] Spiderman elements.

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