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eBay £17.99 been addicted to picross as of late
Hope it's not from Hong Kong because if so it was probably fake. I recently got Tetris from there, it was an obvious ripoff (the most obvious sign being that it said in the description that it wouldn't work on a DSi) and it stopped working after a couple of tries.
My brother has an iPhone. So I suppose I should get a BlackBerry.

It's not as though iPhone and Blackberry are the only smartphone options. If I was to get a non-iPhone or specifically a phone with a hardware keyboard right now it'd probably be the Palm Pre or the N900.

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Whoop. Came yesterday. Already on the last episode. I frakking love this show. My only disappointment is I don't have enough cash to buy season 3 just yet.


:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

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Got myself a Flip Mino HD mini camcorder. Decent enough quality, haven't had a good chance to use it properly yet though.




Also have the following book, some great recipes in there. Will be putting together a shopping list for the week tonight.



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I'll have my video game with a side order of blatant racism.


In all fairness, the Black edition is the better one. It's the same as the white edition but with some extra stuff like a DVD and book or something...


...and an AK and a bucket of chicken, obviously.

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Something akin to this cardigan:



(stupid model face ahoy!)


Two cardigans in two days. I'm becoming more and more preppy!


I hate that I showed it to my mother and she said "oh yeah I saw that and nearly got it for myself" >_> Its from the mens department of Next but still...




Although not from Sheff and not that fucking expensive.

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Yes, daft. Yes, yes, YES. /orgasm.


I'm just torn over lenses for mine now. :hmm:


Glad you like it so much, I can't wait for it to arrive!


Thanks for the help btw! :smile:


That reminds me, I need to get a case for it. Any recommendations?

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Wow, never seen it with a figure...but seen the Metal Box by itself marked down to £70 in a lot of places. It's so worth it.


Question; When is BSG: The Plan coming out on DVD here?


It's a brilliant set. I got it even though I own Seasons 1-3, Razor, Season 2, Season 1 and the Miniseries.


There doesn't seem to be any news on The Plan (or Caprica) over here.

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