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I hate fish, tuna and other common fish. BUT I love Sushi, very ironic I know. The thing is it really has no flavor, but if you go in thinking its going to taste the way it smells then thats what its going to taste like. I told a friend of mine to try it last Friday, he didn't like it. Eat it with some good hot sauce, or alot if its your first time.:yay::heart: :heart: :heart: :awesome:

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Out of interest anyone watch that Rick stein show were he cooked for the ambassdor of Japan?, was quite interesting.


That was what prompted the thread actually. Watching him talk about how great it was for an hour made me want to try it.

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Had it loads of times now. I go to a bar in Leeds to have it. It's very tasty. Seriously if you like fish from the fish shop then you'll like sushi. It just taste like cold fish but with more flavour.



What's it called? Where in Leeds is it located? I might have to go there next time I'm at my brothers.

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Authentic Wasabi, where can you buy it from on Earth and at what price, £10,000 pounds per serve?

I don't know the price, but:

Almost all sushi bars in America, and most in Japan, serve imitation (seiyō) wasabi (see Etymology section, below) because the real product is relatively more expensive. True wasabi is made from the wasabi plant but imitation wasabi is made from horseradish, mustard seed, and green food coloring (sometimes Spirulina), often as a powder to be mixed with water to make a paste. Since real wasabi loses its flavor if dried, its presence as an ingredient in some powders is of questionable value. To distinguish between the true variety of wasabi and the imitation product, real wasabi is known in Japan as hon-wasabi (本山葵), meaning original, or true wasabi.

So it's probably not that expensive, just rare...

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I saw a program about sushi the other day too. You're talking the Rick Stein one, right? It was really interesting. I was shocked when i heard that fresh tuna could cost 50,000 quid on market over there though...


As for sushi itself, I've tried the supermarket stuff (M&S i think), it was rather nice too. I'd kill to really go to Japan though. Trying sushi will deffo be one of my first priorities when I get there. I'm determined to get there someday!

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The Japan Centre (downstairs) on Piccadilly has the best Sushi in London! Another awesome place to eat Japanese food is a place called Zipangu, just off Leicester Square! Both places have absolutly amazing food and its really cheap!


Oooooh, I visited there with some friends when I went to a jrock gig a few weeks back! Looks like a brilliant place. :) We didn't have time to eat there though, the place was bloody packed. :( We did get time to look around the shop, and my friends bought some cool Japanese stuff. If I'm ever round there again in the future (which is likely) I'll deffo go there for a meal. Ty for the tip. ^^

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Oooooh, I visited there with some friends when I went to a jrock gig a few weeks back! Looks like a brilliant place. :) We didn't have time to eat there though, the place was bloody packed. :( We did get time to look around the shop, and my friends bought some cool Japanese stuff. If I'm ever round there again in the future (which is likely) I'll deffo go there for a meal. Ty for the tip. ^^


Its awesome and sould definitly try out Zipangu because its REALLY nice and cheap and near by!!! (http://www.london-eating.co.uk/3071.htm):santa:

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My Irish landlady is cooking me, and some random French people Sushi on Monday. Its going to be very "united colors".


Speaking of Wasabi, I bought her some for Christmas. Was mooching around the Chinese district of Brum and got really confused, so I just went to Selfridges instead. She said it was good though, very natural apparently.

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