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Voice-acting in the next Zelda game


Voice-acting in the next Zelda game  

152 members have voted

  1. 1. Voice-acting in the next Zelda game

    • Yeah
    • No
    • Yes, but with a silent hero

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NO voice acting!


Imagine if Zelda sounded as terrible as Peach does in Sunshine!

Or if Ganondorf ended up with an aweful voice like Bowser has been given!!


Though the voice acting sounds like it might be alright in Metroid Prime 3,

When Mario went from 'sounds' to 'voices' in Mario Sunshine, all the voices were absolutely rubbish!!


It's safer to leave it as it is! with speech sounds and laughs etc...

Giving people the option to choose from two versions at the start of the game could be a good idea though!

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imagine if Link did speak .... and he has the most camp "carry-on" voice 'ever'. It would only confirm what we already knew. Tingle is not the only man-friend in the world of hyrule.



Anyway, a true next gen game will have voice recognition and so 'you' speak as Link the hero..... but think that will be another few years yet

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It was a toss up between "No" and "Yes, but with a silent hero." I opted for the latter cos, well, it could work nicely if some characters were voiced. But I like reading, and the old cliche of its cool having your own voices for them and better, too, is actually my opinion.


Making little sounds and expressions, with the odd word thrown in here and there is probably how they should keep it though. It works fine, and adds charm :smile:

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Zelda sound like Peach?!?! Don't worry I doubt Nintendo are that stupid. She'd get a very sophisticated voice I think, probably someone like......well can't think of one yet.


If Samus has a voice I bet it will be all sassy and stuff, can't wait!


EDIT: Oh god.....If link had a voice it would be just like Xander's on Drawn Together...

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i think speaking could be possible for the lesser known roles, but Zelda, Link and Ganondorf are too well established to be given voices. And if they sound a particular nationality it'll just annoy people of other nationalities. Imagine Link or Zelda with an american accent.

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The voice acting in Beyond Good and Evil is great. I love it.


I would love to have voice acting in Zelda. Only trouble is it would take double the amount of time for the game to be translated and brought over here. I can only imagine it in cutscenes, not just when talking to random people though.


I think Link should have a voice. I doubt it would be squeeky and high like in Wind Waker (when he says "Come On!") I am sure if the next one was realistic graphics, Nintendo would go for Lord of the Rings tone, with none country specific voices (kinda of british, but not british enough for you to just say "they aren't american!") Can't explain it. But I'd love it. I wanna talk to Gorons!

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Guest Stefkov
I've opted for voice acting, but for a silent hero.


Actually, I'm not sure whether I'd like voice acting or not. There's just something about reading text in a game that makes it seem that bit more epic. I'm talking shit, but I know what I mean.

I know what your saying. I'm gonna opt for no, cos I like reading the text. Even games like Dead rising or GoW, or even films I read the (tele)text.


Reading it gives you the power of giving the characters their own voices. Which I like, you have the odd couple of noises in the game, i believe to give you an idea of what they could sound like. Like midna, that noise she makes is really high, i couldnt stand to hear that everytime she spoke.

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One thing that could destroy the game, the use of voice acting in scenes which tell you the story, such as creation of hyrule. Reading it is fine, but having somebody speak

"and the 3 goddesses din, nayru and farore descended upon hyrule.." it could ruin the experience. You need the right voice.

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I liked lara crofts voice... but cant think of anyone else really.


I was gonna say Keeley Hawes (Lara's Voice) but doubted that anyone would know who the hell I'm talking about. I think that on the whole the Voice acting on Tomb Raider: Legend was very well done. Especially the ending.

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I was thinking that Zelda with voice-acting would be good. But first off, Link should never talk. But even if it was textual, Link was never intended to speak anyway.


But, wel, maybe it's not good at all. If tehre's voice-acting, everything should be voice-acted. From the interactive people in towns to the cut-scenes. i don't want a half-a-voice-act Zelda. If they get it pulled of properly, yes. But most games with voice-acting are totally crap, because the mouths don't match the words. Asynchronised, that is. And because the game is originaly scripted in Japanese it would a) need new cutscenes with different mouths or b) need a long and expensive translation proces like cartoons have. Troubling and expensive, that is.

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Think of the grunty sounds King of Red Lions made in WW, that pitch of voice extrapolated into full voice-acting would be perfect for the King of Hyrule. So the voices is mostly about finding the right pitch in the voice-actor.


Ganondorf = James Earl Jones?

Zelda = the girl who did Jade in Beyond Good and Evil?

Link is the silent Hero and shoul, in my opinion, stay that waht

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