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You know those films that look so bad they look good?


This isn't one of them. Possibly the worst trailer I've ever seen. And I am the most forgiving guy in the world, and this just looks "bad" like...it defines awful.


Watch at own peril.




Less funny than the Sex Drive trailer.


What a remarkable feat.


I remember the main guy was Jimmy Olson in Lois & Clark. What a shame he's ended up in these kinda movies.

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Oh dear and Captain Awesome is in it :/


(lol that kinda works)


Twice in two pages you've said precisely what I was thinking. Well, Paj filled in the rest of it BUT you both forgot to spot That Gay Guy From Buffy - You Know, The One From The Team Evil? guy. Inurfaccio

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Twice in two pages you've said precisely what I was thinking. Well, Paj filled in the rest of it BUT you both forgot to spot That Gay Guy From Buffy - You Know, The One From The Team Evil? guy. Inurfaccio


Go team me!


Which gay guy from Buffy? Andrew? He's not in it, or at least not according to the Powers that IMDB.


However looking on there it does have Sam Llyod (Ted from Scrubs and lots of other stuff) and Adam West. ADAM FREAKING BATMAN WEST!?!

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Be that as it may that trailer was like laxative. It was awful while it was happening and all you can think is "this is awful" but soon its out of your system and you do your best to forget everything about it.


The only thing that does stick is a) its awful and b) it has Captain Awesome in it.

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Looks okay. Bateman is starting to look his age.


Oh and I've lusted after Kunis since 1998 so...dibs?


And it has that lady in...whose in everything. Muffin Buffalo lady, store owner in Jericho....the argumentative construction line worker person in that trailer.

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[/b] I present to you, your new film of the year! :p


The synopsis:


"A specially trained squad of guinea pigs is dispatched to stop a diabolical billionaire from taking over the world."






It has a Mole called Agent Speckles in it... what's not to like? :heh:


Looks awesome! : peace:

New X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer:



As does this! And woot for Gambit being in it! :yay:


Shit, I just looked back a page and watched the Fanboys trailer: That's got to be one of the most awesome things I've seen!

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