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Italy 2 September 2009 (Venice Film Festival)

USA 25 September 2009 (Austin Fantastic Fest)

Spain 1 October 2009 (Sitges Film Festival)

Spain 2 October 2009

Japan 24 October 2009

Argentina 29 October 2009

Germany 29 October 2009

Belgium 23 December 2009

France 23 December 2009

Netherlands 11 February 2010

Brazil 19 February 2010

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Looks good, but I'm always weary of audience reactions. Mainly because they're always American audiences and they lap that shit up. Show me an English audience freaking out, then I'll pay attention. Getting a reaction from an English audience is like getting blood from a stone.


And this is the best Blair Witch style movie. It's ludicrously low budget, but they get the glimpses of the aliens just right. Enough to see them, but not enough to see them clearly.

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Looks good, but I'm always weary of audience reactions. Mainly because they're always American audiences and they lap that shit up. Show me an English audience freaking out, then I'll pay attention. Getting a reaction from an English audience is like getting blood from a stone.


And this is the best Blair Witch style movie. It's ludicrously low budget, but they get the glimpses of the aliens just right. Enough to see them, but not enough to see them clearly.


I really wish that movie had got a proper dvd release, its awesome in its crapness yet still quite creepy in places.

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I hate pointless remakes. It's not like it's a source material REALLY open to interpretation, it's just another cash-in on the trend of remaking horrors, as most people have no attention span and think "old" films are rubbish.


It's looks mildly interesting visually. But then, not.

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I hate pointless remakes. It's not like it's a source material REALLY open to interpretation, it's just another cash-in on the trend of remaking horrors, as most people have no attention span and think "old" films are rubbish.


It's looks mildly interesting visually. But then, not.


I pretty much agree with that. It seems to be the "in thing" to do, bringing back stuff from the past.


Quit living in the past, Marge.

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Nightmare on Elm st remake trailer is out




Looks alright..Not sure on Freddy's new look though


I'm a massive fan of the series (except for the second movie because, in my opinion, it sucked) and I can't wait to watch this. I don't know why but I think it's going to be awesome. I just have a feeling. However, I agree with lostmario, his voice isn't right. The only person who is Freddy will be Englund all the way. You can't replace Freddy at all, it won't be the same but still, I reckon Jackie will be able to be very good as he looks creepy, haha.


Thanks so much for posting this! :D:D:D:D

Edited by Animal
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Movies like Paranormal Activity, Blair Witch Project, and Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County are the type of horror movies I love. Gory movies like Saw I don't like, even though the psychological aspect is interesting. The other type of horror movies are definitely the best in my opinion, as they play with the whole unknown aspect of paranormal phenomena - the creepy and scary stuff stays in the shadows, never truly revealing itself, only hinting. It's what has always been so frightening and fascinating about the unknown and paranormal.


Still, it doesn't change the fact I'm a scaredy cat who hates watching scary movies. You know how difficulty it is both loving and hating a movie genre?

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Movies like Paranormal Activity, Blair Witch Project, and Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County are the type of horror movies I love. Gory movies like Saw I don't like, even though the psychological aspect is interesting. The other type of horror movies are definitely the best in my opinion, as they play with the whole unknown aspect of paranormal phenomena - the creepy and scary stuff stays in the shadows, never truly revealing itself, only hinting. It's what has always been so frightening and fascinating about the unknown and paranormal.


Still, it doesn't change the fact I'm a scaredy cat who hates watching scary movies. You know how difficulty it is both loving and hating a movie genre?

I am exactly like you for the second part. But I like saw because I can watch it without getting scared, unlike the other ones.

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I am exactly like you for the second part. But I like saw because I can watch it without getting scared, unlike the other ones.

Hehe. :heh: I don't actually have a problem with the gore itself. I can handle the graphic part of it (mostly, but I think we all have a limit somewhere, don't we?). What really freaks me out is again the psychological aspect: The thoughts that must go through those people's minds ... it just disturbs me. But again, it's also what's so fascinating about it.

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Seen the tv series dazz?


No and I really want to watch it. I can't find the episodes for the life of me. Unfortunately, they was out when I was a kid and my parents wouldn't let me watch them.


I heard they were good but my friend, who is also a Nightmare fanatic, said they're crap...I don't care, I still really wanna watch them, lmao.


If you know a link where I can watch them online or something, I'd be really grateful.


I love all types of horror movies and I don't think I have any limit in the gore department because I know it's fake but funnily enough, I can't handle real life documentaries when they explore the insides of bodies and stuff, I'm almost always feeling lightheaded.


Oh, and since I posted this in the wrong topic (still apologising for that), here is the NEW Saw VI sneak peak trailer which if you never knew, I can't wait for:



...this looks awesome. Also, there's a 360 game coming out of SAW which I'm also getting hopefully on its release date :D

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Worst trailer for a film ever? Up there with the Rosemary's Baby blurb in terms of ruining a film before you see it...


Really? You think so? I think it looks great. I think it's a good idea, like the trap layout. By the way, it's a scene sneak peak, not the actual trailer being played everywhere. That was 'leaked' for the internet. This is the official movie trailer:


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No and I really want to watch it. I can't find the episodes for the life of me. Unfortunately, they was out when I was a kid and my parents wouldn't let me watch them.


I heard they were good but my friend, who is also a Nightmare fanatic, said they're crap...I don't care, I still really wanna watch them, lmao.


If you know a link where I can watch them online or something, I'd be really grateful.



Found the first ep online.


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Worst trailer for a film ever? Up there with the Rosemary's Baby blurb in terms of ruining a film before you see it...


Oh come on it's the 6th Saw film, it should be blindingly obvious to everybody whats going to happen in it by now. Given that every single Saw film has been dire since the first one, i'll be giving this a miss.

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