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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Yeh thanks for the spoiler -.-


If it helps, you kinda works out whats going to happen.:(


And I love the character development. Poses like:





Really add a lot to the character development. Also, like I predicted, Wolf Link seems to have a lot of personality.


I effing loved Links face! I wish we got to see his expressions more...dunno how though!

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I really found TP very underwhelming. Its not a bad game per se, I just found it to be very lacking in soul. Given that Hyrule is very vast the lack of sidequests was disapointing there could and should have been a lot more. Some of the items where utterly pointless and pretty much half the items I got from dungeons I didnt use after defeating that dungeons boss. The ending was lame and the final boss was far far far too easy. (I lost one heart in the entire battle). I read absolutley no spoilers before getting this game so went into it with low expectations. But something about it just doesnt seem right to me.


After finishing it I have no desire to go find the remaining poes or missing heart pieces or to even play it again. Which is a first on both counts in a Zelda game.

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I really found TP very underwhelming. Its not a bad game per se, I just found it to be very lacking in soul. Given that Hyrule is very vast the lack of sidequests was disapointing there could and should have been a lot more. Some of the items where utterly pointless and pretty much half the items I got from dungeons I didnt use after defeating that dungeons boss. The ending was lame and the final boss was far far far too easy. (I lost one heart in the entire battle). I read absolutley no spoilers before getting this game so went into it with low expectations. But something about it just doesnt seem right to me.


After finishing it I have no desire to go find the remaining poes or missing heart pieces or to even play it again. Which is a first on both counts in a Zelda game.


A few people have found the good to be underwhelming, but Zelda is held to such a rediculously high standard that I think this was always going to happen with a lot of fans/gamers.


Going to have to disagree with you about the weapons, though. I think this game has the best selection of weapons, by far.


When I first saw the spinning top weapon, I was a bit like what the hell! But, its really awesome, especially for the boss. It's used in other temples too.

The Ball and chain was completely awesome, too! This is my favourite weapon in the entire game, and a strong contender for my favourite zelda item/weapon ever.


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I really found TP very underwhelming. Its not a bad game per se, I just found it to be very lacking in soul. Given that Hyrule is very vast the lack of sidequests was disapointing there could and should have been a lot more. Some of the items where utterly pointless and pretty much half the items I got from dungeons I didnt use after defeating that dungeons boss. The ending was lame and the final boss was far far far too easy. (I lost one heart in the entire battle). I read absolutley no spoilers before getting this game so went into it with low expectations. But something about it just doesnt seem right to me.


After finishing it I have no desire to go find the remaining poes or missing heart pieces or to even play it again. Which is a first on both counts in a Zelda game.


Yeah, there are spoilers here. Most of you have beaten the game already but on the off-chance your horse runs slower than ours, better skip, skip, skip to the loo my darling.







I try to include a lot of side questing in the main runthrough as I'm rarely one to go back and complete stuff like Poes and Heart Pieces. I do agree that Twilight Princess lacked optional side quests. It's almost as if a lot of the side-quest style stuff you'd have in other Zeldas is actually itegrated into the main game. Kakariko escort and tears of light collection ect. I was actually very disappointed in the game's side quests - it was probably the most disappointing thing of all for me, aside that gaping plot hole of course.


I didn't find the game immensely challenging either, although it's certainly quite tough in places. It was mostly some of the puzzles that got me thinking, with combat on the whole being very easy but also very enjoyable. Items seemed very dungeon specific actually, with minimal usage outside of the area they were acquired in. Excellent use of them whilst inside dungeons has to be commended, however, as do the fun dungeons themselves.


Remember how it was said the game was delayed for a year to add Wii functionality and to sort it out as it was a mess? I have a feeling the Twilight Princess that resulted is kind of messy in pacing because of them basically creating all this great stuff to do in the game, but needing to find a place in the game for it. I bet an awful lot of cool stuff was cut out and an awful lot switched around/changed from their initial plans.


Despite this, I wouldn't say the game itself gives a sense of being rushed. More a sense of the player being rushed through it, more evidently towards the end. We were really spoiled with things to do between dungeons at the start and they just seemed to slowly take it all away, as well as present us with shorter dungeons as the game went on.


Another thing about the dungeons... did anyone else get the feeling the intelligent reuse of items previously acquired was basically absent? There were times in both Ocarina and Wind Waker where it was necessary INSIDE A DUNGEON to make use of an item you had previously obtained to progress. In Twilight Princess, aside small uses of others, the only items I can really think of being used often was the Clawshot and the bow.


Actually, the Clawshot was greatly overused throughout the game. Fun? Sure, but by the end you almost knew to look around for something to Clawshot onto if you got stuck. I'm all for specific items being well, specific to their respective dungeons but when you get some so late into a dungeon's life and the game offers you so little chance to keep using it throughout you can't help but feel it was wasted.


Saying that, what items were available were great. I enjoyed the brief use of the Rod, Ball and Chain and Spinner. Two of these were new additions to the series and would be welcome returns if Nintendo could find some better uses for them outside the areas they arrive in. Other all-purpose items like bomb arrows, DOUBLE clawshot (I know it was overused but it's just so much fun) and of course bombing underwater were pure Zelda bliss for me.


As I mentioned at the start one of my biggest gripes with Twilight Princess lies with the one real plot hole apparent to me throughout the story. Just how the fuck did he get hold of her body after she vanished? I understand why he wanted her body (ohh-arr) but just where did he get it from?







Spoilers are over now. Not much post left here for you non-finishers to read except maybe this little disclaimer telling you that.

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Just completed it. Excellent ending.

Despite the criticims of how Twilight Princess lacks soul/that magical feeling that I agree with, it is still one hell of an amazing game, and I think it was concluded really nicely. Yes it could have been a harder final boss, but then we're always going to say that, and i'm sure many non-experienced Zelda players didn't think so.

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You know, people complain about a lack of characters you can interact with...


...I say that even tho TP has fewer, I just feel that TP's characters have much more personality.


Well, there is obviously Minda, who goes from childish, non-caring and mysterious, but the generosity of Zelda makes her look at the world in a whole new way - and she keeps developing (and gets closer and closer to link along the way), and her departure makes much more sense than Navi, and was much more emotional. (Navi's departure in OoT seemed like "Job done. Screw you Link, I'm off").


And theres Link himself. He seems to be much more emotional than even in WW, and expresses himself greatly in Wolf form (a gromit-like effect). And Link seemed to grow (mentally) throughout the game (something I felt was missing from WW - he seemed to be childish in character all the way through).


Other characters are great too, In Kakariko Village, there may be only 3 residents, plus some gorons later on, but the bomb-shop owner seemed to have more personality than the whole of Kakariko Village in OoT. I just loved him in every scene. TBH, the shaman was a bit weak, and you hardly ever saw his daughter. Also, the children themselves develop, too. Mainly Colin, Beth, and the great Malo. It was also great to see Rusl from Ordon in his later appearance.


Illia is great to start off with - her annoyance with Link and Bo at the start is great, and the whole memory-finding sequence was great (loves Impaz, too).


Telma is another fantastic character - and her "suggestive" looks (and links reactions) are great - she also appears to be the last female Gerudo left (albeit only half) which makes since (with the locking up of their only male). Her cat is great, too.


And then theres Yeto and Yeta. Possibly the best "dungeon keepers" of all time. And the transformation because of the shard is great. I just love the both of them.


Speaking of bosses, some of them are made much better by Nintendo giving them a few lines - The goron mini-boss and the King Bulbin is great recurring-boss. The "serve the stronger side" sentence is great.


The "group" that save Hyrule were a bit disappointing - I was annoyed when they showed up to "save" link (The threat didn't seem good enough to require them).


I haven't even mentioned all of the memorable ones yet.



I'd say that character development in this game is only rivaled by Majoras Mask (in Zelda games)



edit: and at least the final boss wasn't as easy as TWW's final boss...


edit2: To think about it, MM has the only remotely hard final boss in a 3D Zelda game..

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Just had a quick browse of this thread...


Ive only done the Goron Mines, this game is sublime and is full of soul and magic. The soundtracks brave and great too so far. :hehe:


The only one complaint I have so far has already been mentioned somewhere here: that Kakariko is a bit on the wick side. It reminds me of Pyrite from Pokemon Coloseum and Gale o' Darkness.


And ok, one other mini complaint... the whole map could be a bit too big for me to get a decent feel for. :hmm:

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I though sword fighting is underused!


[spoiler=]"I loved the bit in the desert on the way to where the mirror of twilight is. When you are fighting all thouse lizard warrior things and they keep spawning! It was awesome! I wanted loads of enemies to fight at one time, like 20 - 30, instead of the usual 2 or 3!"


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I though sword fighting is underused!


[spoiler=]"I loved the bit in the desert on the way to where the mirror of twilight is. When you are fighting all thouse lizard warrior things and they keep spawning! It was awesome! I wanted loads of enemies to fight at one time, like 20 - 30, instead of the usual 2 or 3!"


They are Bokoblins.

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I am even more annoyed by the music now. Seems they had orchestral music, and just took it out...


Are you sure that the music in the video was just put together with that trailer like the Conan music with the orginal trailer?


I still pisses me off that the tunes weren't orchestrated, the music in Shadow of the Colossus had so much more effect becasue all the tracks were orchestrated.


The only good, original melody I can remember in Twilight Princess was the theme that accopanied the Light Spirits in their scenes.

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Are you sure that the music in the video was just put together with that trailer like the Conan music with the orginal trailer?


I still pisses me off that the tunes weren't orchestrated, the music in Shadow of the Colossus had so much more effect becasue all the tracks were orchestrated.


The only good, original melody I can remember in Twilight Princess was the theme that accopanied the Light Spirits in their scenes.


Nah, doesnt look like a trailer, just someone demoing it with someone using a freecam aswell. But DAMN the music is awesome. I hope Nintendo releases the soundtrack of what WASN'T on the game.

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Nah, doesnt look like a trailer, just someone demoing it with someone using a freecam aswell. But DAMN the music is awesome. I hope Nintendo releases the soundtrack of what WASN'T on the game.


Well I doesn't really give the impression of a demo, first there's no HUD and it's on a big screen for all to see.


I think this trailer is another tailer from the GDC conference back in 2005, maybe.


It certainly isn't from E3 2005 because it has the open ended version of Ordon woods and that was removed from the game by E3 2005, and then I guess it shows an early version on the Lost Woods.


This and other things really makes me think whether Nintendo really had finished the game by the end of 2005. :hmm:

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Nah, doesnt look like a trailer, just someone demoing it with someone using a freecam aswell. But DAMN the music is awesome. I hope Nintendo releases the soundtrack of what WASN'T on the game.


Well in Nintendo Power TP Soundtrack it had a song called orchestrated piece 2.

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