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1 day to go!


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For me, I find it hard to rely on others to do stuff like this for me. Its not the fact I don't trust them, I just feel a little be insecure so I would personally go and buy one myself, almost gaurantee myself that I will get one.


Or if I was broke or just felt the need to save a few quid (which is almost always) then I would get her to phone her work as soon as it opens just to re-remind everyone of her co-workers to leave one for her either that or try and miss college, get the Wii as soon as her GAME opens and then strut into college late...or just take the day off :P


exactly. its not that i dont trust her i just cant imagine her going out of her way to garuntee me one. so i might just try and get one from the local, even though i do need every penny i can get. She told me it'd be about £140 from her store with her discount and something, which means i could get a whole extra game! hmm :shakehead decisions decisions

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I remember looking forward to the DS a lot, but not this much. Handheld hype can't reach the level of home console hype, I think. It feels so unreal that when I wake up tomorrow - a short day in my book - it'll only be three days. Wednesday will be a killer though. Long day, work after school, and I have to study for a test in the late afternoon. Thursday will be alright. PE, History and another social studies test, but after that, it's steady cruising toward 5 in the morning on Friday :P

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What a shit week for work to ask me to do overtime! So now I'm working 8am till 6:30pm instead of my usual 8 till 4:30 shift. Dammit! At least I have Friday and the following Monday off.


Haha I got the exact same thing from my workplace too. Jumped from 9 to 26 hours for this week as well as college. Got Thursday and Friday off but it's still going to be hard to finish my assignments this week :(

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What are the exams? I'd say to give it to your mum or something to put away somewhere, I don't think you'll be able to handle that. Especially if you're still browsing these boards with all of us talking about how fantabbytastic the thing is, which IS going to happen. Hell, I don't even have a wii yet and I can't manage to do any work due to it being the only thing on my mind!


computer science damn how i hate thee , i know once i touch Zelda (or the wii mote) i won't be able to put it down thats why when it comes in gonar go into a locked cupboard and only be opened after 12th Jan ..............................................


listen kids any one u guys (or girls) who is think of doing CompSci at uni, make u do your work early and do not leave to the last minute and always think MATS MATHS MATHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



-- = :horse:


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Man i am so excited now, haven't been this excited since i had to jump out of my ex girlfriends bedroom window (then run into town to EB games) when her mum came home early on the launch day of the N64, oh the memories of childhood eh?


Just like a few of you, i have also got Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off work, unfortunately one of those days will spent Xmas shopping and the stupid office Xmas party is on Friday the 8th!!


Game is across the road from me so i'll be there at 8:00am sharp and home by 8:05am sharp to set up.


Wii Launch! More exciting than (boring old) Xmas.


I'm telling my boss I have extra lectures on Friday.


Your looking a little ill there Cube, you may even have to book it off sick :D

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I'll be picking up:



Wii Play + Wiimote


Component cable (pleaaaase?)

2x Wii Points Card

Classic Controller



Call of Duty 3

Red Steel

Tony Hawk


thats a whole lot of Wii loving!


i'm being simplier and getting Wii, Wii Play, Nunchuck, RGB Cable (if they exsist), Zelda and SMB:BB.


SMB:BB better not let me down like SMB 2 did . . .


I woke up this morning thinking it was either thursday or friday, lol.


you wish dude . . . actually we all wish :cry:

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Wii Play + Wiimote


Component cable (pleaaaase?)

2x Wii Points Card

Classic Controller



Call of Duty 3

Red Steel

Tony Hawk


Wow...someone's rich...:D Or you just saved a lot of money ;)


I might have to wait some more days to get a Wii but then I'll get it for 200€ then. If my connections can manage this :D It wouldn't be such a problem for me to wait a bit longer 'cause the whole weekend is full of family-stuff :)

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You think thats a lot me and my housemates are getting:


2 wii's (2 Wii Sports, 2 wiimotes, 2 nunchicks)

2 x Wii Play

1 Wii mote

3 x nunchucks

2 x Zelda

Red Steel

Monkey Ball

Call of Duty


GT Pro Series

Classic Controller

Wii Points


And on friday for the weekend we are renting:

Tony Hawks


Marvel Alliance


It's gonna be one hell of a weekend for us!!!

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