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This whole censured content in games is clearly getting out of hand, first they ban manhunt 2, then the germans BAN Umbrella Chronicles, then Zapper gets a PEGI-18 rating (a frickin' plastic gun for god's sake) and now this.


This has to stop; hell, lot's of worse things are roaming arround just for the simple fact that we live in democracy's thus... people are free and responsable for what they buy and do; therefore we don't need these institutions if instead of rating games they're dumbing them down, creating fear on developers and stalling the game releases. Their work is rating not banning.

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  James said:
Surely this hasn't even gone to be rated by the BBFC so why has it been altered? Someone email the publishers since I have no light.


They've got no fucking balls and are flat out avoiding even the possibility it could get banned by taking the easy way out and making sure from the very start they eliminated any chance of that.


The best scenario now would be if everyone could import the game from the US to show that hey, having the game the way it envisoned (I dont care if the Japanese version is censored too, the version with blood is how the director WANTED it to be, hell it was a big part of the experience he talked up in the original intervies) does make a difference and hopefully people could show Rising Star games just how many people were importing because of their retarded decision.


Problem is, we cant play US games without a US Wii, so hey, idea fucked!

  tapedeck said:
Who makes these calls!?!?!? Idiots. Oh, and THANKS Rockstar. You've opened up a whole can of worms...AGAIN.


Yeah but if you actually played Manhunt 2 on Wii you would notice that it's a average game which doesn't actually shock that much at all.


The game Rockstar ended up releasing isn't that bad. It was more the game they showed beforehand which didn't help matters!


You know what ... I'm pissed.

Seriously, excessive and unrealistic bloodiness is completely part of the game's identity. Now, I see the game as a Wednesday 13 movie with Jason holding a candy stick and not his machete.

I hate those stupid lobbies of irresponsible and illiterate (since they don't seem to be able to read ratings) parents which provoke this kind of thing.

  tapedeck said:
Let's protect the little Brits and those Japanese minds (who actualy CREATED this piece of software). Insane. What is the world coming to? What next? No Zombies in Resident Evil!!?!?


It's not the BBFC's fault this time. It's the publishers overreacting.

  LazyBoy said:


I am so freaking pissed off. Will these c**ts stop messing with my games. Dammit i'm so angry


They won't be happy until were all playing Pong again, but not the hardcore version with sharp edges on the bats but the BBFC version with rounded bats and a spongy ball.


Shame this game gets such a shite publisher in Europe, why couldn’t Ubisoft or better still Capcom pick up this title instead? :wtf:


Rising Star Games. :indeed:

  http://www.risingstargames.com/aboutUs.asp said:

Rising Star Games is a flourishing and vibrant publisher of next-generation video games across all current gaming platforms. With decades of combined experience in videogames publishing between us, and a genuine passion for interactive entertainment, everyone in this small but dedicated team wants to bring the very best titles from our Japanese owner to the European market.


We are now in our third staggeringly successful year of trading and have published to date 18 titles for Sony PSP, Nintendo DS and PlayStation 2. Our portfolio includes brilliant franchises like Harvest Moon, Bomberman and Bubble Bobble. As well as our selection of powerhouse gaming brands, Rising Star Games also believes in building fresh franchises and Intellectual Property which includes the eagerly awaited No More Heroes – due out on Nintendo Wii in February 2008 and details of it appearing on our site next month!


So, why not tell us how you think we’re doing? Please click here to shower us with praise or to let us know if you think we can do better!


Alright, I've e-mailed this guy in a fit of rage. Here it is.




I have a suggestion. If you don't have the balls to publish a game as it is intended to be published then don't publish them. Games may be just a way to rake in a some more money but for people like me they're an art form, and censoring that art form is a crime.


If you're going to continue down this route why stop at video games. Let's see Pulp Fiction without the swearing, 300 without the violence or Basic instinct without the sex (I am in no way indicating I have ever seen this movie). What you're doing is giving into an arcahic institution who haven't picked up a controller since Pong, and they're going to continue in their ridiculous, and more importantly undemocratic ways till someone stands up to them.


You think maybe that could be you?


Publish the game as is and show that video games aren't just for kids anymore. Take it seriously.




Ryan McKinney


If you're pissed too e-mail him. Please.

  LazyBoy said:
Alright, I've e-mailed this guy in a fit of rage. Here it is.


I told him that Manhunt 2 was largely banned due to the gameplay - that it encourages you to kill in the most gruesome way possible. And pointed out that games/films with OTT blood don't really get that high ratings (eg, RE4 and 300 getting 15)


Please write an email to the publisher expressing your frustration:




Edit: Haha I beaten already. People are sending emails over at IGN as well.


Spread the word!


I'm really thinking of putting a mod chip in my Wii, but a lot of NTSC games don't work yet and it has problems with firmware updates :/ I also don't have money to buy a NTSC Wii. It's not the "no blood" problem, I don't care about blood, but I want to play the original experience and NoE release dates are pissing me off...


I'm gonna everything I can to help get this uncensored. I'll even do that petition even if it helps a tiny bit and i'm gonna e-mail that guy aswell. I raelly hope this get's spread round more.

  Cube said:
It's not the BBFC's fault this time. It's the publishers overreacting.
Of course it's their fault, when they ban games instead of rating them, of course companies will want to avoid being banned when that leads to delays and such. It's just a natural consequence.


They're just fomenting fears within the companies, them and the USK who bans a lot of games in Germany.


No developer wants to be restricted to Holland to commercialize a game; and they shouldn't have to.


I find this extremely frustrating, and normally i wouldn't bother emailing anyone about it. But i feel passionately about this game, to the point of emailing them (and Grasshopper). Even to the point of posting on here for the first time. For those that are interested in what i have to say about No More Heroes being published in Europe without the Gore, this is what i had to say:


Dear Richard,


This isn't something I would usually do, I’m very sceptical about consumers trying to influence the decisions made by companies. Money is the only thing that influences decisions. But it seems something I’m very passionate about will not be published in the form I was expecting it to be. I am referring to the Nintendo Wii game you will be publishing in Europe next February called no more heroes. A game I have been following for some time now. I’ve recently heard its being published with the blood and gore removed, like the Japanese version rather than the US version.


Having played through Killer 7, I have a feel for the aesthetic style the developers employed, part of that aesthetic was the depiction of violence and excessive use of blood. Killer 7 was controversial for a number of reasons, but the most interesting was the reaction from the video game industry. Members of the industry were split on the games noir minimalist art style. I found the game to introduce an art aesthetic to depictions of violence in videogames as a whole. Rather than trying to contend with countless other developers trying to achieve a level of realism, Grasshopper went for a unique idiosyncratic style, truly standing out amongst the crowds.


No more heroes continues this trend, but its relevance could be lost if the violence is censored. This may not be as much of an issue in Japan, whose videogame preferences clearly vary to our own. RPG’s and other popular genres in Japan don’t depend on realistic depictions of violence. But in Europe (perhaps excluding Germany) huge popularity of FPS and sandbox game (ala GTA), the violent aesthetic of videogames has become a sensibility amongst seasoned gamers. A game that questions that aesthetic, and who delivers its satisfaction through exaggerated anime perhaps even Avant-Garde style. Has the opportunity to bring into question the 'norms' of the industry, by standout amongst the crowd as 'ART'.


I'm unsure as to the reasoning behind this decision, but there is a definite ignorance to the potential impact this game could make. Perhaps the censor’s reaction to manhunt, and the obvious comparisons to rockstar. Perhaps the assumed family demographic of the Wii audience. But this game stretches beyond that. It’s a game that has gamers talking, and people who otherwise wouldn't hold an interest in the Wii are turning heads. Not only because it’s an 'Adult' game appearing on the Wii, because it questions the violent aesthetic of Videogames.


You have the opportunity to standout, please don’t waste it, because I want to enjoy it. If you have little influence whether to publish No More Heroes in Europe as the Japanese or US version, please forward this email to who might, or let me know who to contact.


Thank you for listening,



You know who's fault this is, really?




They had to be immature and make crap games that sell on puclicity because that's all they're good for. If Rockstar never made crap like Manhunt WE WOULDN'T HAVE THIS F**KING PROBLEM.


I still believe it's the media's fault for blowing these things out of proportion.


For example a lazerquest was supposed to open near my area but got canceled because the local newspapers ran an article claiming it would lead to gun crime :S

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