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Everything posted by Will

  1. At the time when she hit me no, we were moving towards traffic lights so everyone was slowing down. Unfortunately earlier on I probably had been when overtaking traffic, one of whom stopped as a witness which could throw a spanner in the works. Neither party can prove the speed at the end of the day though so it comes down to the physical evidence - she moved when it wasn't safe and hit me. That's what my head says at least, in reality I can't help being mega worried about it.
  2. Uh oh, looks like my case is not going to be as clear cut as it might have been. Had a letter from a personal injury firm tonight the general tone being that I've caused her to suffer whiplash. Her position is as follows: "Our client was correctly proceeding along ****** towards ******* in her motor vehicle registration ******* in the middle lane and indicating to right to join 3rd Lane. You were traveling at very high speed you could not control your motor vehicle and negligently collided into our motor vehicle at the rear." Quite clearly trying their luck at getting some money, I'm no expert but a few observations: 1. This thing is badly written, surely it should be more professional than this? 2. Indicating does not give you right of way to move off. 3. Her front wheel hit my front wheel as I went past, with 2 damaged cars as evidence of this I don't see how they can possibly argue that I hit them in the rear. Should I be worried by this? Obviously I'll pass it on to my insurer first thing in the morning but I've never had this happen before and it's quite unnerving. Most annoying thing is that this will clearly mean that she's no longer accepting liability for the accident. Any advice or experience on what to expect from this?
  3. Some pics of my car following the accident on monday: And the worst of it all, possibly causing it to be a write off: A snapped chassis. Starting to hit me just how much I love that car, if it is a write off I'm really really going to miss it. Right now I'm driving round in this: An utterly horrendous car, I'm going to send it back to the hire co asap as I just hate being inside the thing. Luckily I completed my CBT yesterday afternoon, the scooter shopping begins at lunchtime.
  4. It was hand delivered by a sales assistant I think. The label with my details was stuck over an old one, can't make out much from the original label, just a "cana.." it gets too messy after that. Maybe the sent me someone else's?
  5. I ordered a copy this morning and it arrived during my tea break. Went for the slowest shipping too.
  6. Yeah I can imagine, how much roughly would you be looking at to take the train the whole way?
  7. I actually think that would be amazingly cool. Would love to do it myself.
  8. Decent enough day though very unproductive. Had a really good massage earlier for the whiplsh I've got from my car crash yesterday morning. Feels as good as new already.
  9. This is what I'm just not sure about, as it's for city riding I don't think I'll be going too fast, but it would be nice to have the option there if I need/want it. The 50cc is a 2-stroke whereas the 125 is a 4-stroke, does that make much difference to the performance?
  10. I like it too, only thing I'd change would be to do each piece as a separate post and make them more often or else actually have it laid out like an actual news paper with a main piece and others dotted around. I look forward to the next one.
  11. Goafer you nutter that thing looks awful! That said I'd love to see someone driving around in it. As for old cars vs new cars I agree that in terms of overall costs an old car is generally the better option. Personally I don't think there's anything better than picking up a brand spanking new car and driving away as the first owner knowing that everything is fresh just for you. Can't beat that new car smell. As I've previously mentioned I've been looking into getting a scooter, I think I've finally settled on a model, the Vespa S: What I'm not too sure on is whether I should go for the 50cc or the 125cc. It's going to be used for probably 5 miles a day to work and back, with the occasional trip into central london. Hopefully I'll be doing my CBT tomorrow so I can actually test them for myself, just wondering what people on here thing who have a bit of experience.
  12. It looks really nice, with the general polish and wrapper codies tend to put around their racing game I think this could be great. Just annoyed we have to wait so long for it.
  13. Good times ReZ, Drinks are on you at the meet then? I feel awful today, came home at 4 and now I'm just lying about watching TV and eating snacks. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
  14. Will

    Yakuza 3

    Looking forward to playing this, figured I should finally try the series. Just got to finish Heavy Rain first.
  15. I'm amazed at how easy it was, took 10 minutes on the phone and once the tax year ends I'll have a cheque in the post. Will be a very welcome £1,000ish for something nice - good day for sure.
  16. I just found out I've been paying about £110 pounds a month too much tax. Pretty annoyed as that would have come in quite handy really. Looking forward to getting that back though, now I have to call the tax office - something that will surely make my day bad.
  17. Sometimes I have no idea, it's all worth it when I'm driving it though.
  18. Ah Raining, I guess the lack of no claims is the biggest hurdle for you, should come down loads, once you start building it up. Being a girl should help you out loads too! Luckily my insurance is nowhere near £3,000, renewed last week for £900 which isn't too bad considering. If it were £3,000 then I wouldn't be leaving the flat for the next 6 months.
  19. Not a fan of the interior but I like the shape of the car. £990 for a Ka is eye-watering though. Almost makes me glad I'm over 25.
  20. £850? That seems pretty high, I can't remember exactly what you drive but from what I recall it's not something I would have expected to be that high.
  21. To be honest it's all a bit up in the air, our respective work commitments mean we actually see each other very little (a big factor in the break up) we do need to properly work out things at some point though. Not something either of us are overly keen to do though.
  22. So if we were tasked with creating the N-E Formula 1 rules, what should we put in to make things a little less dull? Leave out things like the DDD as we know that's going next year anyway... My suggestions are as follows: 1. Qualifying should be a flat out fastest car is on pole, none of this qualify on tyres you will use for the race malarky. I like the knockout format though so keep that in. 2. Totally different tyre compounds, at each race should at least be one compound that can go the full distance and one compound that is mega fast but lasts about 25% distance. Maybe you could add in others inbetween. 3. Scrap the forced pit stops. If a car is able then it should be allowed to go the full distance without stopping. What do you reckon? What else would you add?
  23. It's been building up for a while now and then finally the actual break up was last weekend. She's away this week, hopefully some time apart will ease the strain a bit.
  24. The film part of this has just been on TV - great stuff. I'm tempted to buy this now for the gig part too - amazing times.
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