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Everything posted by Will

  1. The Renault factory thing looks cool, always heard good reports on it in the past. If i was in the country i'd definitely go. F1 2010 is a must have! I'll be going for PS3 too.
  2. Don't forget you can stay a bit further out to reduce costs. Personally I'd find somewhere cheap on a convenient tube line and get the train in.
  3. Outside school and the like I'm all for it. No excuse whatsoever for speeding in areas like that - though I think it's more a problem that the people that do it in that situation are total idiots - punishments should be harsher. Dual carriage-ways, motorways and the like should be free from though I'd rather see more police out there stopping the morons rather than the speeders. I've never been done by one, luckily my car has the most incredible brakes.
  4. Loving this, going to be a great result for the championship.
  5. My hair is thinning on top, I don't like it one bit but there's not a lot I can do about it. I'm hoping it doesn't get too bad too soon, I really like having hair.
  6. I remember it, was a damn good show with some very interesting ideas. I'm definitely going to download it now you've reminded me about it.
  7. I feel for you, sounds like you're making the right choice getting rid of it. I've only really had two big driving mis-haps: 1. In my old 206, driving along in the outside lane at top speed rear puncture. Managed to control it and pull over, bloody scary for the few seconds it took, tyre was roasting hot once we came to a stop. Highway patrol came and protected me while I swapped the wheel over, still bloody scary with giant lorries thundering past. Got the tyre changed and all was good. Not too expensive. 2. Driving to work in my Lotus, silly bint didn't look when changing lanes and drove straight into the side of me. Happened to catch my front wheel and ripped a very small piece of the chassis. You could hardly see the damage from the outside, but the slight tear in the chassis meant a replacement was needed. This happened in March and I'm still waiting to get the car back. She then had the cheek to sue me for causing her whiplash, something my insurance company have been sorting out due to it being so ridiculous. I should have the car back when I'm back from America on the 26th of August. Estimated repair bill is about £15k.
  8. Twitter facebook foursquare That's all of mine, not sure if the facebook link is right, I never bothered setting up a username.
  9. The teeth dreams are quite common I think, usually relates to money worries. I used to have them quite often and that link would definitely fit. I've beaten my (ex) girlfriend a few times in bed. One time I thought an old man with a beard was attacking her so i grabbed the beard and started swinging him round by it. She woke me up to find out what the hell I was doing pulling her hair trying to break her neck. Another time i simply punched her in the face. Looking back she certainly deserved it.
  10. I'm tempted to go just to see how bad it is. My thoughts are that it would be really really awful.
  11. Apple trackpads are way way better than anything else though. I honestly find them preferable to a mouse. I don't really see how they wouldn't be useful.
  12. Will


    I'm currently in a good position but i'd definitely like to be a nit higher in the chain. Hopefully I'll get promoted in the next few month, one possibility could be a very good move indeed. Basically i want to keep moving up and end up in a very senior position within my current company or another.
  13. I'll definitely be getting the trackpad, wanted one ever since the leaked shots a few months ago. They're so much better than a mouse imo. Hopefully someone will hack some software so it runs on a pc, then I'll buy one for my work computer too. iMac I'm not so fussed about, i think my next machine will be a mini. The charger is interesting, if it's genuinely better than competitors I'll probably pick one up.
  14. Looks like this was a lot of fun, I'm pissed off I missed it, I worked constantly this weekend. It definitely wasn't fun.
  15. Mine are nowhere near, they're correctly stamped but coming to me much later on. I have done! It does seem to give the network some sort of push and downloads any messages I'm waiting for, but I don't want to have to turn the thing on and off all the time just to see if I have any messages. To me this sounds like a network thing - but what can I do about it?
  16. Is anyone else having issues recieving texts at the moment? Mine seem to come through ages after they've actually been sent. I'm guessing it's a network issue (o2) but I really don't have a clue. It's bloody annoying!
  17. I'm glad Alsono won, he should go well in Hungary too and then he's right back in the mix. On the position switch I don't really see what choice Ferrari had, Massa has been nowhere all season while Alonso actually has a good shout at the title from here. They'd look pretty stupid if at the last race Alonso missed out by a couple of points. I think the whole team orders rule is stupid anyway, the team should be able to tell their drivers to do whatever they want them to. It's also only ever enforced when it's the lead of the race in question. If the Ferrari's had been 5th and 6th no one would mention this at all.
  18. God that looks amazing, I would love to have driven one of those in anger. Surely this weekend is finally one for Alonso. I really really want him to get back in the fight.
  19. I like that a lot, very nice little game.
  20. I would absolutely love to drive round there, hopefully I'll get a chance to soon.
  21. Yes that, it's been ages since I've watched that film, may have to get it out soon. The Terminator point is interesting, if they'd been a bit cleverer about the setting for Terminator 3 they could have sorted all of that malarky out and had it that everything in the first 2 films had always happened and there was nothing they could of done to prevent judgement day. It always really annoys me actually.
  22. What don't you get about 12 Monkeys?
  23. I really enjoyed Inception but agree that it has a good few flaws. It's very cool but I don't think it's particularly inteligent. I'd rate it very very highly but for me it would certainly miss out on a 10.
  24. - I'm Will - 26 years old - born in Stourbridge (nr Birmingham) - I have a Business degree from Bournemouth - I now live in London - I work as a Business Analyst for a video games company - I love F1, try to go karting as often as possible - I drive a Lotus Elise - I may be moving to San Francisco in the near future
  25. I love my job, good people, good money, free games. To top it all off I actually enjoy the 'work' bit too.
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