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Everything posted by Will

  1. Oh God I spent about $200 at $2 Tuesday. Needless to say I am absolutely off my face in the office at 10:15am. It's actually working out quite well. Hopefully the hangover doesn't kick in for a while.
  2. Great find, I like this site a lot.
  3. Totally agree with the two points above. I really couldn't care less about MMORPG's so pretty much all of the questions were totally irrelevant to any of my playing styles. Then half way through the ridiculous amount of exactly the same questions it crashed. No way can I be bothered to go through that again.
  4. This went up for sale: Car So upset, hopefully I will have something else soon.
  5. I thanked the people who's setups I would like to have myself. Some nice minimal things that I rather like there. Here's my gaming area, only the PS3 there at the moment but Wii and 360 will be added when there's something I need to play on them. And the desk area, the desk is glass with an area below for other stuff. The desk itself is mostly clear, everything is underneath apart from the computer bits.
  6. Will

    CV help

    These two are the big ones for me. It doesn't look very nice at all, I'm guessing the lines down the side are just layout things but the font/bullet points really do nothing for me. A CV should be third person, I'd get rid of all of the I's, me's etc. Your skills should be a very basic list, or else you need to show why you have these skills. You could write all sorts of things as skills, if there's no backup to it then why should anyone believe you?
  7. TellTale's Back to the Future is now on the app store, I believe it's 3.99 in the UK. Downloading now for some playing tonight. Really hope it's a good one.
  8. Ski Rental: $50 Cabin Rental: $130 Lift Pass: $120 First time skiing this weekend. Can't wait!
  9. Had a look through and voted. Some graphically stunning games in there, though I'm not sure they necessarily represent the best each system had to offer. I really like the art of games, been meaning to get some more canvasses made up for my wall.
  10. Looks like this will be an awesome game, the general concept and direction they've gone in with it at least deserve some attention. I don't think it will sell particularly well though unfortunately.
  11. It does look like that, but no not really. I just paid a lot of tax on relocation money/salary but as I was only here for 45 days of the tax period I didn't go over the yearly tax threshold by too much so I'm getting most of my tax back for the period. The main thing is TAX REBATE! It's good no matter what the amount, and means I can buy new toys.
  12. Looks great, another one that if it does come out as they say it will I'd probably buy one. Seems like a far better solution than the current generation of 3D tv's.
  13. I just did my tax return, confirmed everything, and it filed for a $5,500 refund. I'm rich! Now to make my shopping list.
  14. The big problem is that anything did happen, regardless of whether it was related to this or not you'd be totally screwed. You'd effectively be driving without a license or insurance. God forbid if something did happen you'd be looking at, at best, a hefty fine - possibly more. I'm sure your not actually any danger at all on the road, you'd know far better than any of us and say you're ok so I'm fine with that part. I just think for yourself and what could possibly happen to you it's not worth the risk you're taking.
  15. I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of trouble I'd have been in, I used To get seriously shouted at (+ fined) for going a little over the dial up Internet limits. Rez, that picture is awesome, I'll probably be using it at work when this comes up.
  16. Love the stuff above. There comes a point where it just al seems so good. I a m so pisses yet ao happy! I love it!
  17. This is Nigel Mansell's first ever F1 car: It can be yours for £450k, and it's for sale in the same place as my car is going to be sold! Pretty damn cool if you ask me. Wish I could afford to trade mine in for it, I'd love to own that thing.
  18. I like the Force India, hope they have a good car this year, would be nice to see them moving up the grid. HRT I'm not so keen on, looks like someone on the internet designed it. Also no sponsors apart from Tata? I'm going to put my money on them being gone before the year is out.
  19. That family is fat and stupid. They deserve it. Microsoft should double the charge as punishment.
  20. If it was the bad company that took it definitely report them for theft. At the end of the day they lied to your friend and took the car without your permission. You can't let them get away with that, I'd be livid!
  21. If I ran Renault I'd be on the phone to Kimi right now.
  22. There is a video on YouTube of the doctor that did the work. He says one year for the arm to be 'functional' for racing. Sounds really bad, though I'm sure he will be back much quicker than they think. At least I hope he is. I guess we should start speculating who gets the seat. My money is on Senna.
  23. I just did $5, enough to do a remodel and get going. Seems like you get very little from actually playing though which is a bit rubbish. My game centre ID is the same as on here, will' - not sure if I have you added.
  24. Sounds terrible, I really hope he's ok, even if it takes a while. Going back to what I said earlier though this is exactly why I wouldn't be doing this. He's potentially lost his career now.
  25. Amazing, especially the final paragraph. I do agree, when you actually sit down to consider it those stories are totally and utterly mental. I want to be a British Villain!
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