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Everything posted by Will

  1. Simple but delicious, Bacon and Brie roll.
  2. One of the great things about living in a place with this kind of horrible weather year-round is that we have heavy-duty aircon built into every room. It really is a joy to be able to sit in whatever temperature you like while the sun and humidity boil away outside.
  3. F1 2020 Predictions Game Round 5 Results More tyre woes for Mercedes and Red Bull take their first win of the season, maximum points for this race were: Pole - Bottas (10) Fastest Lap - Hamilton (10) 1st - Verstappen (25 + 5) 2nd - Hamilton (18 + 5) 3rd - Bottas (15 + 5) 4th - Leclerc (12 + 5) 5th - Albon (10 + 5) The results for this round: @BowserBasher - 42 @will' - 40 @Goron_3 - 30 @Mandalore - 27 @Nicktendo - 15 @bob - 15 And the overall standings (previous total in brackets): @will' - 233 (193) @Mandalore - 158 (131) @bob - 155 (140) @Nicktendo - 126 (111) @BowserBasher - 87 (45) @Goron_3 - 75 (45) Spanish Grand Prix Predictions: Pole - Bottas FL - Hamilton 1st - Hamilton 2nd - Verstappen 3rd - Sainz 4th - Bottas 5th - Perez
  4. Tried to add everyone posting in here to my PSN friends list, if anyones playing later today will try to join in.
  5. He’s not really saying anything with that though. It’s obvious Sony will have a relationship with anyone capable of developing for PS5 and that those developers will either have content and/or games available to discuss as exclusives for the system. It would be more surprising if deals hadn’t been discussed. I’m not saying he’s wrong, and I’d say it’s a safe bet that we’re going to see a lot of exclusive “stuff” during the launch period coming up. Just don’t believe everything a journalist who’s closest touch point to games companies is a (often 3rd party) PR guy representing the best interests of whatever they’re talking about that day.
  6. Woohoo! Won my first episode. Such a good game.
  7. I think it’s good to discuss all view points, I certainly have seen the most value in this thread from reading, thinking about, and responding to other people’s thoughts on these issues. That is totally nuts. I think America really needs to have a look at it’s constitution and laws and have a long think about ripping them all up and starting again.
  8. Will


    Oh that sounds great, will definitely be watching.
  9. In practical terms very little. It’s the same track, run in the same way, with all regulations for the race the same. The one sporting difference is the use of softer tyres across the weekend, so the race is likely to be two stops as opposed to last week’s one. The main reason for the difference is just as a way of identifying the races. Traditionally there has only ever been one British Grand Prix (and one race of each country) and they want to maintain that. If there were multiple British Grand Prix this year then it could throw records out of whack, would remove from the prestige of the event, and would just be generally weird for the sport. Put simply, the only difference is the name.
  10. @Ronnie, do you mean you don't want to have to announce your own preferred pronouns or that you don't want to have to use other people's? I assume you mean the first and if so I agree with you, but I don't think anyone forces you to do it do they?
  11. Yeah, I can see why it could be seen as supportive, as you’re showing it’s a legitimate and standard thing to include, so people nervous about it would feel empowered to - I’m really not sure though. Is it a bit “All Lives Matter” ish? If our members to whom this more appropriately applies feel comfortable sharing I’d love to know their opinion on it.
  12. Depends how many of those are actually in consumers hands. The article says that’s numbers shipped so it’s pretty difficult to say if they’ll have broken even on it. If they do manage to sell all 5 million of the shipped copies then they’d need to really overspend not to make a profit. I’d imagine they’ll end up profitable on the title in the end.
  13. Would definitely be up for this! If anyone is playing morning or early afternoon this weekend I’m in!
  14. I’ve been looking at that Gina Carano stuff and I can’t even work out what everyone is pissed off about. As far as I can tell they mis-interpreted a post about standing up to oppression as support of Nazis and therefore she doesn’t support BLM which of course you must do or else you’re a racist who should be punished? Yeah, I think I’d put that one down to idiocy too.
  15. Thanks! I can’t say I’m too worried about the stability of a Bluetooth controller, so I think I’ll go for that version. Just a shame they have much better colors for the 2.4Ghz options.
  16. I think everyone is getting bored of it. I dread to think what is going to happen in the UK when winter roles around. We’re currently at less than 10 cases per day in the local community, and lockdowns are not easing up. Other countries around us are doubling down on them too. At work we’ve started planning around no return to the office this year, possibly well into next. Things are really not looking good.
  17. I hadn’t heard anything about it and everything I’m going to say I based on 10 minutes of reading up about it. I think it’s completely fine calling it Black is King. I’m no fan of Beyoncé (nor do I dislike her), but it seems to me as if this is a really genuine production stemming from exploitation of a black artist in the making of the Lion King, which has gained steam culminating in this. It absolutely would scream racism if a white person called something White is King without any context, but I don’t think the opposite is true. There is reasoning for the title and it represents something that I think is really a positive thing. So, my thoughts are that it’s great, I agree with the title, and I don’t think it should even be considered that they change it.
  18. I’ve been looking at the Retro Bit Saturn pads, but I’m note sure which to buy. Maybe I’ve gotten bad at searching but I can’t really tell what the differences are between the Bluetooth pad and the 2.4ghz pad. From what I can tell the 2.4ghz pad is more hassle due to the dongle and doesn’t have rumble. Do any of you guys know more?
  19. Must be why I had absolutely no idea what you guys were talking about. I heard from some other members that they’ve been popping up loads today, quite annoying they told me.
  20. Bumping this up as after having some really good conversation on these issues we shouldn't let it fade away. I got accepted to this! Not too sure what to expect yet, but looks like I'll get to undergo some diversity training sessions and then be part of the group that enacts policy to ensure we have a positive impact for diversity and inclusion. Do they have this set up just as a space and whoever wants to go in there can go in and do whatever they want? Religion is a tricky one as I don't think you can explicitly say it's for anything as you risk immediately isolating anyone not mentioned. Companies in Singapore seem to just label them as reflection rooms and never mention anything else. I also find this one quite interesting. I totally get it for people who want to clarify where it might be ambiguous or they have a preference for something in particular. When I see totally normal regular guys putting him/his I'm not sure it's the right approach. It feels to me like saying you have a black friend so can't be racist. Maybe I'm totally out of line on that though.
  21. My sister just got one of those. For a bin connoisseur I’m sure it’s great, you’d be the envy of all your friends! We just have a plastic bag on a hook - not cool at all.
  22. Sorry - yeah it was. I totally get where you’re coming from, I guess I just see this type of thing as another addition to why to pick on console over the other. If people really don’t like this then they won’t spend money on games that do it and the practice will fall out of use. I’m actually quite interested to see what a difference this makes in terms of the sales split by console over a normal release.
  23. I do wish they would do the whole trilogy, I’d love to play through all of them again. I never managed to finish this one originally so it will still be nice to go through it. Looking forward to it!
  24. I’d say that’s a pretty good shout. Hardcore gamers will definitely shell out more money to have the best.
  25. Ah! I mis-read that as a back button, as in back and forward buttons. Ignore me, I totally agree. It is weird they haven’t included it as standard with the Dual Sense.
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