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Everything posted by Will

  1. For me I really don’t care about my digital library, I’ll probably never play the games again once I upgrade and even if I went to another ecosystem I’d keep my old console just in case. What I do care about is my digital identity, my friends lists, achievements etc. I think in real terms that’s a bigger reason to stick with the same console over time, especially as they’ve become more central to the experience over the last generation.
  2. I feel like this is exactly what the platforms should be doing. I want them to offer me some advantage to having their console to justify the huge amounts of money I’m putting into it. I don’t really think this is anything new is it? We’ve had characters be platform exclusive before, we’ve had pre-order exclusives based on where you buy something from, I don’t really think this is all that different. I also don’t see how it’s a bad thing for the industry. Sure it’s probably annoying for people who don’t have a PlayStation and intend to buy this game and love Spider-Man, but the industry? I’m not so sure it will have that much (if any) overalls impact.
  3. Yeah I fully expect they will open up at least one more round of orders for this. It’s probably better I don’t drop another big amount of money this month anyway.
  4. Already out of stock on everything by the time I checked it just now. Oh well. Put my name down to be notified when there is more stock.
  5. I think it’s a good thing you can’t use the DualShock 4 with the PS5 games. Sony have been very clear that generational gaps are an important part of their process and the controller is an integral part of that. Good to know that the specialist peripherals will transfer across though. I’ve been considering spending a considerable amount of money on a racing wheel and it would totally suck if it wouldn’t work on PS5.
  6. I do think that’s quite a nice video, but it cherry picks very conveniently to prop up it’s case. I would get Luke growing weary of the Jedi order if it was still some massive organization as per the prequels, but it was just him. Why did he choose to rebuild it in such a way that he had to run away from it? I totally agree that it’s fine for him to evolve, even in an unexpected way, but for me the evolution they chose to go with doesn’t really make any sense. It matters because it’s not consistent with anything we’ve seen previously. In the originals Han doesn’t believe there is such a thing as Jedi, yet now a small battle on an out of the way world is instantly known by all these people. It’s not even this part I really have a problem with, it’s more the fact that he needed to sacrifice himself at all, and the weird way it was done. It’s up there with Padme just losing the will to live in the prequels. That’s another good video, but it still doesn’t explain to me why they would hang around on doing this. It’s just a weak plot point to allow all the other stuff to happen. Fair enough, I agree with that, couldn’t honestly remember what her deal was. I also can’t really remember what she did in the movie, I just remember her being in the way a lot and causing various things to happen not because it made sense that the character would do that, but because they needed something to get us to the next part of the movie. I don’t really enjoy Star Wars for it’s critical acclaim, it’s not what they’re about for me. The audience score of 43% seems a far fairer indication of the films true worth. Though it is higher than I’d give it. I do think it’s great that you (and many other people) like it, I REALLY wish I was in the same camp. I wanted to love the sequel trilogy as much as I love the other films in the series. Instead I think they range from pointless (Force Awakens) to downright terrible (Last Jedi). I do appreciate your viewpoint and the time taken to explain it too. I just think Star Wars should be cool moments in a universe that makes coherent sense, something I felt was way off here. Maybe one day I’ll be able to sit through them fully and re-evaluate my position on them, it would definitely be nice to enjoy all nine films.
  7. F1 2020 Predictions Game Round 4 Results Hamilton having fun with three wheels, but still takes another victory, maximum points for this race were: Pole - Hamilton (10) Fastest Lap - Verstappen (10) 1st - Hamilton (25 + 5) 2nd - Verstappen (18 + 5) 3rd - Leclerc (15 + 5) 4th - Ricciardo (12 + 5) 5th - Norris (10 + 5) The results for this round: @Mandalore - 53 @BowserBasher - 45 @will' - 45 @bob - 40 And the overall standings (previous total in brackets): @will' - 193 (148) @bob - 140 (100) @Mandalore - 131 (78) @Nicktendo - 111 (111) @Goron_3 - 45 (45) @BowserBasher 45 (0) 70th Anniversary Grand Prix Predictions: Pole - Hamilton FL - Hamilton 1st - Hamilton 2nd - Verstappen 3rd - Bottas 4th - Norris 5th - Stroll
  8. Pretty boring race up until the last few laps, but what a dramatic ending! Really good work (and a rather large slice of luck) from Hamilton. Barring any major disaster he’ll walk the title. Covid-19 is probably the only thing that could possibly stop him.
  9. He didn’t need to be a badass that would save the Galaxy, if he was it wouldn’t make any sense for these films to exist at all. It just needed to make sense that the character in the film evolved from the character we left at the end of VI, which it didn’t. So did he sacrifice himself or come out of it unscathed? I’m confused by what these kids are inspired by. How did this message get out? The good guys are a few people in a cave, did they have a PR Agency on Coruscant sending out press releases on Luke’s never before seen force abilities? Whichever way you look at it I don’t get how Luke’s sacrifice is the most heroic thing he could do. As the only trained Jedi around it seems like the stupidest to me. But why not just squash them? The whole premise of the movie is nonsense because of this. Because of her stupid actions. Didn’t she also have some weird and convenient hate for some people on the casino planet they luckily had time for a detour to while on the snail pace space chase? I can’t remember. Don’t the rebels lose overall in this film? I think I’m giving you a fair amount of reason I dislike it. I’m just also saying that in addition to these examples the whole thing sucks. Would it? I think that’s just a weak reason to link The Last Jedi with the (generally accepted) best film in the series. As someone who’s social media intake is this forum (if that counts) and a few instagram posts a year I’d like to think I’m not too swayed by what most of it is saying. But it wasn’t just those things it tried to fix. It explicitly tried to sort out the mess of Luke’s attitude to things and then it also had to tie up the various messes the film had created. Those two things would have been fine on their own, but these films are part of a bigger existing storyline. If there was no connection to the past films then what would be the point of them being 7, 8 and 9 in the first place?
  10. I wanted him to be a character I could believe had developed from the original series Luke. It was unexpected because it made no sense that that was what the character had become. For me it wasn’t interesting at all because I don’t care one bit about this new Luke Skywalker. They don’t have enough magic fuel to escape but they can go slow enough that some other faster ships can’t catch up with them and they can just trundle along in a stalemate for a few days? Why would anyone on either side allow this to happen? Things I can think of would be nobody following orders to do things that don’t even have much of a benefit. That idiot girl who loved Finn so much she stopped him from taking out the giant laser thing (I think). I can’t think of other specific examples as (thankfully) it’s been a long time since I saw the film. I think the lack of having specific examples if due to find the whole film bad. Like non-stop bad. For me it’s not a few specific things that pull it away from greatness. It’s a non-stop, 100%, all the way through piece of crap. The specific example of it being bad is not needed as you can pick out a part of it at random and it will confirm the thought that it’s bad.
  11. For me it’s the exact opposite, in fact I’d go even further and say that The Last Jedi is by far my least favourite of the entire Skywalker saga. Luke as a character makes no sense, the situation they’re in makes no sense, the actions of the majority of the characters make no sense. The majority of the film is a bore fest. I honestly can’t think of a single redeeming part of it. I have tried to watch it since and I can’t even sit through a full viewing of it. The Rise of Skywalker was a mess because of having to fix so much of what this film broke. If he does end up getting to make more Star Wars I’d probably go as far as to not even bother seeing them, something I never thought I’d think about any Star Wars film.
  12. Just finished the third series and really enjoyed it. I wish more shows involving time travel were this well thought out and had such a coherent path through the story. Really hope we get more stuff like this. One thing that was disappointing is how bad the localization is. We watched with English dub and subtitles and there were multiple points where the two didn’t match up and even a few where they had a completely different meaning. I would have thought Netflix would have a proper department to sort stuff like this out.
  13. That’s an awesome write-up, @Ronnie - thanks for putting that together. I wanted to go through mine and see what I would actually put without the hard mode rules of not repeating a game. I didn’t look ahead on any of the themes and there were definitely a couple where I later on thought I had a better use for a game. I also missed a couple which I’ll cover too. Favourite Ranged Combat: Halo While I did enjoy Halo, I don’t think it should have been my pick here. I wanted to pick Goldeneye but had already used it. Now I think about it a bit more I’d probably change this to Metroid Prime. Best Story: Eternal Darkness I really wanted Shenmue here, but I’m not sure if this is a better place than the opening sequence. Overall I think it is, so I changed it. Opening Section of a Game: Shenmue Because of the above I’ve changed this to Ocarina of Time, specifically the introduction to Hyrule Field Saddest Moment: N/A Missed this as I was busy and honestly not sure what to put. I’m still not sure. I would pick the Dad’s death in Shenmue but then I need to change my best story and overall I think it deserves that one more. So I’m going to go with NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, as I was so sad at how bad it was having waited years for a sequel. Favourite Playable Character: N/A Another one I missed. It has to be Mario Licensed Video Game: N/A Had a few candidates for this. Goldeneye, which I’ve already used. Aladdin which I used to love. In the end I had to pick the most recent Formula 1 game as the series has been my most played games of anything for the past five years or so. Codemasters have done an amazing job with this series, for me it’s just about as perfect as an F1 game could be. Best Final Mission: N/A This one goes to Super Mario Odyssey. The final final mission where you have to use every skill you’ve learnt through the game and have a lack of live meaning you need to be nigh on perfect - some of the best gaming of the generation for me. Best Boss Battle: N/A Still not sure what to put here. There are games that I’ve picked that I think are better than my choice, but I wouldn’t replace them from where there are in the list already. Based on that I’m going with Wizpig from Diddy Kong Racing. Really difficult one on one races and something a bit different from other racing games of the time. Personal Gaming Tradition: Buying Japanese Games I really would prefer this to be Christmas NiGHTs but then changing the DLC section I have this in would be very difficult for me. In the end I’m keeping it as-is but this is by a considerable margin my number 2 choice for the category.
  14. I’d had it in my head that his films were cancelled rather than delayed. Guess it was just wishful thinking. Hopefully any upcoming changes will see him never let near Star Wars for the rest of time.
  15. On a professional note it’s very important to know what other large publishers are doing. As a parent it’s essential to know when to introduce toys with small parts to your child. I feel I am totally justified in buying all of this for research, @Ashley.
  16. Oh you need it! I’m still doing my best to hold out on it but my god it looks so tempting jut sitting there.
  17. I have the say the Super Mario stuff is actually way cooler than I’d thought it would be. The starter set along you get enough cool pieces and connectors to make a cool level and the build of each part is really well thought out. The app based instructions work really well and I can see them rolling that out for other sets in the future (if they don’t already?). The whole thing is really well done and I think they’ll make a lot of money with this. I can still see kids having a lot of fun with it, but I’m also sold on adults enjoying it too. No doubt I will pick up a few more sets.
  18. Found all of this stuff was in the lego store here while out shopping earlier. I picked up a few sets for testing purposes. Think I’m going to save the NES for a while, but the Mario stuff will probably get played with today. Everything about the NES looks awesome, going to be a lot of fun building it.
  19. Picked up a few items at the lego store.
  20. Reminder that if you want to play predictions for this round to get them in in the next few hours - @Nicktendo, @Goron_3, even @bob!
  21. It’s quite funny watching him talk about stuff like this, clearly he’s just setting up some excuse so that if he loses he can question the results and stop proper process from happening. I think most worrying in all of this is that the democrats don’t seem to have learnt their lesson from the last election. In Joe Biden they may well have found that one person that Trump actually stands a more than even chance of winning against. That combined with the way Trump has made everything them vs us puts him in pretty good standing to win the upcoming election. Unfortunately, I expect just that.
  22. Good question and I’m sure I’ll miss a few of my favorites. The ones that come to mind when I think of platform games that have had some sort of impact on me would be something like the following: 2D Super Mario Land (Gameboy) Sonic 1 (Game Gear) Aladdin (Mega Drive) Sonic 3 (Mega Drive) World of Illusion (Mega Drive) NiGHTS into Dreams (Saturn) 3D Mario 64 (N64) Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast) Mario Sunshine (GameCube) Mario Galaxy (Wii) Mario Odyssey (Switch)
  23. It would definitely make sense for information to start coming a bit more regularly from now on. Assuming a launch in November I’d expect some sort of drop every month between now and then.
  24. Yeah it really is such a pain. Glad to see him looking well and not having any ill effects from it. Looking forward to seeing what Hulkenberg can do in the car though.
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