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Everything posted by Will

  1. A chunk of one of my wisdom teeth just decided to go solo and break off. Doesn’t hurt thank god but looks like the tooth is dead inside so that’s going to need to be removed. Unfortunately my health insurance doesn’t cover dental so looking like a $2k bill to have that sorted out.
  2. The fact that the incompetence can continue to amaze me really is quite something. I get that mistakes happen but quite how they don’t have any checks on this type of stuff is crazy. It’s going to be a long winter with this thing going around.
  3. I get why they would change the confirm and cancel buttons to be universal but it’s going to be super weird for anyone in Japan to suddenly have it change. The way I read it was that this is now going to be set for all games rather than devs being able to choose which is confirm and which is cancel. In my experience (Japanese PS4 owner, games from a variety of regions) Japanese titles always use circle as confirm, I’ve never played something that is the other way around, though I don’t know which are picking that up from the system vs. which are coded like that. European and US games either pick up the system setting (so for me confirm is circle) or have it set at a game level (so for me confirm is X) - at least with them unifying this I won’t get the situation of bouncing back and forth because the button system being used keeps changing.
  4. The link seems to go through properly, but don’t see it embedded on the forum. I seem to remember needing to figure out the direct link to the photo before it will embed properly, but haven’t tried it in a while.
  5. This is really fantastic. Played through the Prologue and loved every minute of it. Feeling like you’re actually sat in the Tie Fighter and X-Wing is just so cool, really a great experience. I inverted the y-axis but that’s a great shout to swap the stick around - will definitely do that for my next play session.
  6. I really don’t understand what Honda are thinking with this. They’ve done all the hard work and gone through the growing pains to the point where they can win races, and they pull out just as they’re partnered with a team that can genuinely win championships in the next few years. Such a wast of effort imo. It definitely brings up an interesting problem for the Red Bull teams. Can’t imagine Renault will let them have an engine, they won’t want a Ferrari so where does that leave them? I can’t imagine Mercedes wanting (or needing) to supply them, so will they have to try and pull someone in?
  7. F1 2020 Predictions Game Round 10 Results Sorry for the delay with this one. Maximum points for this race were: Pole - Hamilton (10) Fastest Lap - Bottas (10) 1st - Bottas (25 + 5) 2nd - Verstappen (18 + 5) 3rd - Hamiltion (15 + 5) 4th - Perez (12 + 5) 5th - Ricciardo (10 + 5) The results for this round: @Will - 32 @BowserBasher - 25 @Goron_3 - 15 And the overall standings (previous total in brackets): @Will - 481 (449) @BowserBasher - 353 (328) @Mandalore - 241 (241) @bob - 155 (155) @Nicktendo - 126 (126) @Goron_3 - 90 (75) Eifel Grand Prix Predictions: Pole - Hamilton FL - Albon 1st - Hamilton 2nd - Bottas 3rd - Ricciardo 4th - Perez 5th - Stroll
  8. Looking fun, not sure I’d make much use of it but hope it’s still around when my son is a little older - think we’d have a blast with it.
  9. I completed my running target last night! 1,000km for the year three months early. Quite happy with that. Going to move on to some of my time targets. I’ve been doing some HIIT on my non-running days and I’m going to try and build that into some speed at lower distances. First Target: 5km in 20 minutes
  10. Yeah I think you’re right on that, terrifying really.
  11. It's really amazing that these two are the best America can come up with. They manage to make the UK politicians look positively competent. The next few months are going to be very messy, and given Trump is already sowing the seeds of an unfair election things are going to get really bad no matter which way this goes.
  12. Have to second this, one of the best things I’ve watched in ages - really worth taking a look at.
  13. Series X is quite simple, no games so why bother? With PS5 I’m not sure I really want any of the launch games, they do look great but not my usual thing. I do love the stuff Sony’s studios put out but generally I don’t play them so do I really need the PS5? Then there’s the weaker reason of the fact that I find the PS5 so ugly I just don’t want it in my house, stupid I know but when the console is going to be on display for at least the next 5 years you do have to somewhat like the way it looks. I do love getting a launch day console, but more and more I feel like I’d be buying a PS5 just because it’s new and exciting, not because I actually want to use it.
  14. Quite enjoying your weekly spot on LBC, @Rummy. Anything you’re looking forward to covering next time? It’s an interesting topic and I’ll probably listen to the whole thing when I have time. I think a lot of it comes down people being of their time and what they value. I’d say we’re coming to the end of people who value time at work to being almost fully into a situation of people that value things done at work. Interestingly Asia (in my experience) is still very much in the mindset of valuing time at work regardless of whether you’re actually doing anything or not. Even so, I think it would be a red flag for me to get the hell out of any company that was surveilling people on what they were doing right now. Personally I’m very much of the opinion that people just need to get there obligated work done by the time they say they will and outside of that they can do whatever the hell they want. I’d definitely use it in the UK as there are so many people you could come into contact with I’d rather have some form of potential warning when my risk levels are higher and I should stay away from vulnerable friends and family. I also trust that the level of incompetence in the government is such that I don’t have anything to worry about from their mis-use of any data. Here in Singapore I’ve actively steered clear of the app. There are so many other things they track about us and through sheer manpower of government workers I believe they could, if they wanted, mis-use the data in a way I would not be happy about.
  15. There’s a ton of general functionality updates and then everything just seems ‘nicer’ - For me at least. I believe it’s also due to work with the mobile app Invision are currently testing which would be quite nice for some users. They do seem to have updated the default theme quite a bit which might suggest it would indeed break a lot of custom things. I guess there might be some work re-doing them based on the new default to really get the full advantage of the update.
  16. I had something similar from Amazon saying they didn’t know when they would have stock. My order page still says it’s coming day one but I expect that’s just not going to update at all until they know more. I’m really considering just cancelling both consoles to be honest. I’m not feeling super excited by either (for various reasons) and am really feeling like building a PC is a much better gaming option overall. Have a few months to decide at least.
  17. We should definitely have some N-E games, it’s not really the same playing with a bunch of strangers. I’m totally up for it!
  18. Well done to you both! Nice to hear some good news at the moment.
  19. There’s no reason to expect digital pricing strategies to be any different to how they are now. I would expect launch pricing on PSN to be at RRP as opposed to a small discount you get ordering a physical copy online. You’ll be able to buy top up cards with pretty much the same situation as you have now. I’d say if you’d have been OK with digital only on PS4 you’ll be fine with it on PS5, if not, you won’t be.
  20. I pre-ordered a Series X on the off chance I want it by the time launch comes around. More than likely I’ll cancel it. Pre-ordering here was super easy, not sure if that’s because they have allocated a lot of stock or because Xbox is completely unpopular here. Probably a mix of the two.
  21. Honestly, @Rummy, I’m not even sure I understand what points you’re making with a lot of this stuff. I like having this conversation with you but I think we’ll just keep bouncing back the same stuff at each other if I go into what you’re saying directly. Do you really think that changing the name of our stately awards is akin to erasing history? As far as I can tell nobody is suggesting we should forget the past, just that the naming of them might not be fully appropriate as things stand. Even if you take ignore any offense that could be caused, it is kind of weird to have “x of the British Empire” when there isn’t a British Empire anymore. I’d see it like pulling down the statues of slavers, we don’t have to forget it - it just doesn’t belong as part of public ceremony anymore. Your point with the Lions is what exactly? That because we have a coat of arms from 800 years ago that features animals that aren’t native to the country we can’t move on with anything else? I don’t get how it’s relevant to this discussion at all.
  22. Seriously tempted by that! Looks awesome.
  23. I don't think this counts as tit-for-tat erasure, nobody is saying we should forget the past, just that there might be better ways to move forward into the future. Absolutely we should keep the traditions and symbols where is makes sense to do so, but we can pick and choose how and when we use it. Personally I'm of the opinion we should continue with the good and the positive, and leave the rest for the history books. I found it quite interesting, and yeah I had seen that quote before. For me it's not about whether people care or not about the particular item, it's the attitude that people take to it. It seems all that discussion did was create outrage on both sides. Outrage because your traditions are under attack, or outrage because your heritage is under attack, no middle ground and nobody wants to listen to the other side. I kind of see it in the same way as the other talk, make some positive changes and let's move to the future without the bad side of it all. We do, but we don't have to be chained to it. Like I said, I don't think it's about changing history, it's about the path we're on to the future. I'd be down for this too, I don't think the specifics of how it eventually changes are important, it's the act of moving on from the bad and maintaining the good that's important. The Three Lions are hundreds of years old and I really don't have a clue how the original individual crests came to be lions or what contact people back then had with them. My (very) limited understanding is that they may have originally been intended as European leopards and only later become lions. I don't particularly see the relevance though, do the three lions cause controversy or anything like that?
  24. The caller after you had a good idea to reform it: CC - Contributor to the Community CS - Contributor to Society CN - Contributor to the Nation The top two would be voted on and the Nation level would be those people who sit in the House of Lords (or whatever new name you might give it). I quite like this concept, think it would work rather well.
  25. Nice! funnily I've started listening to some of the clips from these shows as they come up as recommendations via YouTube. Really quite shocking how insane some people are that call in, glad you weren't one of that group. I agree with your general point completely, but I do think they should scrap the "empire" part of the titles. We don't have an empire anymore and I think people need to move on from the notion that we do, that it makes us special and that we can hold it as something of a good thing. I think having these honours is great, and they mean a lot to a lot of people, like you say let's be proud of the country and what people do within it, but times change and things need to move on. It doesn't take away from it in any way but does show we're making an effort to move on and be better people. Going to give the whole hour a listen to now, as I think it's a really interesting topic. Maybe not your thing @Rummy, but did you have any opinion on the controversy surrounding the last night of the proms use of certain music? Feel like it's kind of similar to this.
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