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Everything posted by Will

  1. Will


    I've just finished this and in my opinion the game is an absolute work of genius. It's a non-stop riot from start to finish and I can't think of a better game on PS3/360. I won't go into detail but I'd say anyone who owns the console to play this game on owes it to themselves to give it a go, even if it's not 100% their cup of tea.
  2. Will


    I haven't been to the gym since I left uni, so about 2 and a half years ago. Been thinking about starting up again and there's a lot of offers at the moment, just not sure where to go. I've lost almost 3 stone since I started working so I should really look at putting some of that back on.
  3. Got myself a Kenwood mini chopper, quite good for small amounts of choppage, I've been making some fantastic meals this week. Unfortunately Christmas has really cleared me out, this will (hopefully) be the last thing I buy until at least march.
  4. I don't think I'd have ever understood that if not for playing racing games. In fact I think I learnt pretty much everything bar clutch control from SEGA Rally.
  5. Agree on the car front, the more red the better. I love the look of those tops though, I'd be tempted to pay the extortionate price of Ferrari merchandise if they start selling them to the public.
  6. I would think he probably means lowest gear that you control the car in, which in snow is higher than usual, but you don't want to be burning out clutches by starting out in 5th all the time. Some people really are crap drivers, the snow here was never that bad. I drove to work every day in it with no problems whatsoever in a car that is in no way intended for snow driving. Yet still we have people skidding along our road and having trouble getting going, I have absolutely no idea how they can't do it.
  7. I'd quite like to a be a Police driver, chasing criminals on the open road. Other than that it doesn't hold much interest. Can you specify something like that or do you take what your given? Good luck anyway!
  8. Hey! I have the body to pull that dress off no problemo. In fact I'm going out to find myself one right now - AND I'm brave enough to wear it in the winter!
  9. Very nice dress, is it a charity shop of great wonders or just a very lucky find? If the former then please send me the address!
  10. Ah thats cool then, if you want anything more detailed or specific then feel free to PM me and I'll happily flesh that out for you. Out of interest, if you don't mind, what was the question you were given?
  11. Well in very simple terms it's just a case of: Developer > Publisher > Distributor > Retailer In terms of product, with money flowing in the opposite direction. For big retailers like Game you can remove the Distributor step. Of course in reality its far more complicated than that, with both product and money going both ways as well as skipping stages and coming in and out from other sources. Money also wouldn't flow in a linear order, but makes its way across stages at different times. I'm guessing a detailed view of a single part of this chain may be enough for what you need?
  12. I'd actually say thats the easiest of all the top teams to call. Lewis will beat Jenson easily. I would think your right going by alphabetical order. Who knows how they decide anything in F1 though, not much of it makes sense.
  13. The non-self publishers will all follow a pretty similar pattern. Is it just the developer side your looking at or do you need to cover the whole value chain?
  14. Been watching a few videos and I think it looks pretty good. Both in hardware and software. My issue would be that I've got too much invested in Apple's products, apps I like, mobileme, macbook sync etc. This would have to offer me a big improvement over what I have to convert me. At least it's competition though, that's always a good thing.
  15. It's a complicated process with money and products flowing both ways, along a number of channels. It really depends on how many links of the chain you want to cover and the amount of detail you want to go into as to how this would look.
  16. Really looking forward to this season. I would argue that all of the top 4 teams will have a car capable of winning and the majority of the drivers in those cars are damn good and capable of doing the business with them. My early money is on Alonso and Ferrari to take both titles, but as always I'll wait to see some testing before making an absolute prediction.
  17. I often find I have no desire to play games, and so I don't. Unfortunately I really should be playing them a bit more, just to keep my finger on the pulse of what's going on. At the end of the day it's no bad thing going off them, try your hand at something else and wait to get your hunger for it back.
  18. Randoms will follow you (though not many people follow me - WRCox) It's great for keeping up to date with your favourite things though.
  19. I still don't get the love for that game, I found it average at best.
  20. I had no idea there was a remake of The Karate Kid on the way. One of my favourite films as a kid and this one doesn't look too bad. I think I'll be checking that one out when it's released.
  21. Will

    Your town

    Yeah that's pretty much it, there is a little shopping centre type thing but nowadays it's just a small Waitrose and WH Smith. There is a Bright House for the local scum though.
  22. Will

    Your town

    Oh very close then! I was back over Christmas and I can't believe people of and around my age seem to like the place so much. Only a couple of bars and pubs, none of which are particularly great and a few charity shops. It used to be great when i was a kid, now it really has gone down the pan.
  23. Will

    Your town

    The Badger's Sett reminds me of being a kid, I'm sure my Mom used to go there on nights out with friends leaving me with the babysitter. There were a couple of schools in Hagley, surprising considering the size of the place, I think a lot of the hot girls used to come from them... I'm from Stourbridge, an equally depressing place: The high street: Some people you might meet: Some things you might see: Actually this site has a few nice pics of the place, still, I'm glad I don't live there anymore.
  24. I think this is the first time I've posted in this thread, enjoy a few pics from my new year! My Dad and I at the start of the night: Start of the night again, me in a stupid pose: Bit later on with a friend of my mom's: Much later on attacking my girlfriend:
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