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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Ooh, Sherlock is in it! Also: does anyone else think that the music in the trailer is very reminiscent of the Avengers trailer? "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuunh. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunh." Additionally, I'd like to echo @Cube and his DS9 love: I feel it's a massively underappreciated series. It was very much the fore-runner to Battlestar Galactica - especially with RDM doing some of the stories. It pushed the Star Trek universe to a slightly darker, more morally ambiguous place with episodes such as "In The Pale Moonlight" and "Inter Arma". TNG and Voyager never really had the courage to show the protagonists as flawed human beings with any consistency. Loved the fact that there was a real feeling of continuity with DS9 as well. Incorrect! I recently "won" on the internet by making someone completely lose his rag over a shitty article his wife wrote. http://www.cityweekend.com.cn/shanghai/articles/blogs-shanghai/family-matters-shanghai/overcoming-shyness-how-to-help-your-child-cultivate-social-skills/ Try to guess who I am.
  2. RIP. There will never be another one like him.
  3. 200 quid? Fuck off, you stupid cocks. /end of discussion.
  4. Well, big plans include: seeing friends I've not seen in the UK for five years; eating a full English; eating gypsy tart; eating a Cornish pastie; eating Wine Gums; buying a years' worth of clothes in MacArthur Glen in Ashford; buying books and DVDs that can't be found in China; plenty of long walks through the countryside; spending time with my sisters; playing with the cats; opefully have a father-son talk with my dad... ...basically all the stuff I can't do during the rest of the year in China.
  5. Shame, I need some cash. And remember: I'll be back in the UK from next Sunday - why not "surprise" someone you hate and give yourself an early Christmas present?
  6. Meh, don't think anyone wants you dead, so we're cool.
  7. Considering I'd kill most people I know for enough money, no, this wouldn't bother me.
  8. My love for you transcends sexuality, you know that.
  9. Self-loathing. And sexual attraction to @bob. And @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane can go.
  10. Rural for the peace, urban for the convenience. My family lives in Ringwould, a blink-and-you-miss-it village with three streets and an A Road going through the middle of it. It's absolutely beautiful there. But yes, you need a car to get to the nearest town, and the nearest town is Deal and there's very little there. Then Dover is close, but that's even more of a shit hole. The only decent place is Canterbury, but that's a 90 minute round trip on a good day. Plus, my eyesight disqualifies me from driving, so I guess I'm stuck in Shanghai for the rest of my life. :/
  11. Terribly sorry to hear that, Cube. Cats are man's Nemesis: they are here to remind us that no matter how proud, how powerful, how smart and how mighty we believe ourselves to be, that there is a creature out there who will, somehow, someway SHRED THE GODDAMN SOFA WHEN WE ARE NOT LOOKING. I love cats, they're a little bundle of love, indifference and trouble wrapped up in whiskers and a tail.
  12. Positive consistency is what we need. We've been consistent.....ly bad so far.
  13. No, no, no.... That's ot how you say that at all... You say it like: *SMACK* Who are you working for, Platty? *SMACK* Anyway, haven't had one in years. Used to have a fantastic glow-in-the-dark one from a catalogue that I got out every year. But no chocolate one for a while.
  14. Iun


    I'm an insomniac (I have a certificate and everything!) so for me it means I get anything between 2 and 5 hours a night.
  15. Gods, Cube, I wish I had known it was you. I mean, I've given you away to so many people... The amount of times I've said "I have nothing but Contempt for you". You might find a lot of people I've met come knocking on your door claiming that they own you...sorry about that.
  16. BLASPHEMY! How DARE you piss on the good name of SexyMacBook by suggesting ADDITIONAL PERIPHERALS! I already tried and literally nothing works.
  17. Yesterday, I was witness to the final moments of my sexy, sexy Macbook. Bought in the USA during an abortive attempt to get an American girl to sleep with me one Thanksgiving Holiday, SexyMacBook joined me travelling back to the UK with my enormously swollen balls. SexyMacbook quickly came to replace DinosaurPC as the go-to computing device of choice: SexyMacbook came with me frequently on a Saturday afternoon to Deal's ONLY Hipster Cafe, "The Balcony" where I could mooch free WiFi and pretend to be a writer in front of a beautiful open fire while the gay manager of the cafe made puppy eyes at me. Then, when I decided to become a full-time masochist and move to China, SexyMacbook joined me as well. In the first few tortuous weeks without a DVD player but a DVD shop RIGHT ON MY DOORSTEP selling pirated DVDs for about ONE BLOODY POUND EACH, SexyMacbook was there to act as an interim DVD player. Soon I discovered digital downloading, and although I didn't use SexyMacBook to do the overnight downloads, I'd always transfer the files from and InferiorPC to SexyMacBook to watch. I saw the Season Two Finale of the Sarah Connor Chronicles with SexyMacbook, it was a moment when we both cried a little, realising that such an important and amazing part of our lives was now over. Slowly, I noticed that SexyMacBook was getting a little long in the tooth, but I could never have replaced her. She helped me rip the two Iron Man movies, all the Transformers films and my favourite .Hack// anime to my first iPod Nano, then my iTouch and finally my iPad 2. Yes, truly we had good times. But we weren't done yet: for SexyMacbook also helped me pass the first two years of my MA studies with Merit. Hours were spent laborious copying hand-written notes onto her in my pirated copy of Office for Mac, every successful essay, presentation and mark sheet was downloaded onto her harddrive to be analyzed and over-analyzed. She helped me do so much. And now, at the grand old age of 6, her single-button trackpad gave out. Hurriedly, I rushed to the local Reseller "Please," I begged them, "Pleaase... fix her.... make her whole again."But there was no hope: her model had been retired, the parts were no longer available. With a heavy heart, I laid her to rest. She was the greatest, the most beautiful, the most helpful and fun, the most loving, she asked so little and gave so much... she was... My SexyMacBook. SexyMacBook. "AGE QUOD AGIS" NOVEMBER 2006 - 2012 You Shall Not Be Replaced - Because I Damn Well Can't Afford A MacBook Pro At These Prices.
  18. Why? Because your brother was shoplifting in Sainsbury's?
  19. Lemme get those grumblecakes Over the river and through the woods, we gotta get that serum through y'all. Over the river and through the woods we gotta get that serum through y'all. Over the river and through the woods we gotta get that serum through!
  20. Do they still have that Pumpkin Bookshop at the bus station?
  21. It just seems redundant, especially with the touch screen.
  22. One thing that does need to change is the sheer volume of redundant actions and text - in battles for instance, "Blargeymon used FookUpUrShit.... Blargeymon's special attack rose! Blargeymon's special defense rose! Blargeymon's speed rose! Blargeymon's evasiveness rose!" Waste of time. Why not "Blargeymon's special attack, special defense, speed and evasiveness rose!" ? Hmm? And those PC boxes... why do depositing, moving and withdrawing pokemon have to be separate actions that require you to exit box operations? Again, complete waste of time.
  23. You have an ENORMOUS amount of time to spare, have you considered getting some kind of life?
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