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Everything posted by Iun

  1. OMG! The last few years of N-E were all a dream! Letty and Jordan stayed together! Rokhed stayed in the closet! Dynastygal never threatened to firebomb anyone! That guy probably WASN'T 14! What's real and not real?! I don't know any more!!!
  2. Madonnas is a better model of enduring success, Thatcher is a better model of independence. Madonnas has gained her status through exploiting her sexuality. Thatcher proved that a woman could run a country, albeit poorly in the eyes of some. Both are positive and negative: Madonna turned lust into control. Thatcher became masculine in order to succeed.
  3. Jesus... I dreamed about Margaret Thatcher last night - her chin was slowly getting smaller and smaller until she had almost no chin at all.
  4. Don't worry - I'm personally intimidated by slipper socks.
  5. Oh shit, someone's ruined a perfectly good piggy bank by scrawling some kind of offensive gang sign on the side.
  6. "Down" in Manchester? Where are you from, the North Pole? Anyway: if you are into clinical drugs etc, I'd say do something that is of direct benefit to humanity - if that's the research that will happen through the PhD, then go for it. You'll feel better if you actually do something that brings results to real people.
  7. Answer this question honestly and for your own sake: Is this an issue that you have resolved? If not, there's no point in contemplating talking to her again. Sorry to be brutally honest, but if you admit that it's YOU with the problem, and you haven't solved it, there's no incentive for her to get back with you. Even if she does, the same thing is going to happen again. If you HAVE resolved the issue, then you should just put the feelers out very gently: see where she is now in her own mind and whether or not she could consider being close as friends again. Then you can build from there. However, be aware of the "unfinished business" trap: my ex and I were ultimately wrong for each other, but we got back together after two years. I was still as emotionally distant and she was still living in a fantasy world. There was a reason we had split up in the first place, and it was a good one. But we never got to end it properly, and I spent two years mooning over the way I had ended it. It was good for us to get back together, because we worked out the issues we had before and finally came to the conclusion that there was no hope for us. And, thank goodness, I've never been troubled with thoughts of her again. It's possible that what you had can be had again. But you both have to want it, you oth have to need and it it has to be for the right reasons, Mein Freund.
  8. They were just a better team, keep your chin up.
  9. I concur. I reached this conclusion by examining the pixels, and from having seen a few 'shops in my time.
  10. Earth: please stop turning. Gravity: please stop working. Trees: we beg you to cease growing... ...all these things are far more likely than Luis Suarez ceasing and desisting his c*ntishness.
  11. I looooooooooove glow in the dark stuff!
  12. I'm sorry man. In order to cheer you up, here's a dog raping a chicken:
  13. Man, I always "dump the load" before weighing. I bought a new bathroom scale now, should be here in a few days.
  14. But I was sweating like a sex offender on a nudist beach on Sunday! I played 60 minutes of football! It's insanity!
  15. Sorry to hear that, it's a bad situation.
  16. Someone needs to explain something to me: On Saturday morning when I did my end of week weigh-in I was 73kg. Yesterday when I did my post-weekend weigh-in I was 77kg. I had a (one, singular) cheeseburger on Sunday night, but I can't account for how that would be a 4 kg increase. I even feel fatter! My trousers are tighter! How? HOW?!
  17. Thanks! @rortro_link
  18. I had two of their CD singles - "Shout" and "Falling". Shout was my favourite - I used to come home from school on a Saturday afternoon, put on A Link To The Past, turn the TV volume down and put Shout on repeat play.
  19. Well, at least your loved ones will be taken care of when I come for you. I'm coming for you, Cube. I'm coming. (in a non-sexual way, that is)
  20. Jay was the one who wanted to be black?
  21. Most important question: Where were 5ive?
  22. Happy Birthday, Ike! Make it a good one.
  23. I think to be honest, I'd let all of them win the "Throne" and the Royal "Sceptre" and by "Throne" I mean me and "Sceptre" ....yadda yadda yadda. I'm gay for Kit Harrington.
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