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Everything posted by Iun

  1. All go around here! We have the "Mini-Talk Show" today - basically the pupils present a ppt made by their parents on the theme of "What do you want to be when you grow up?". Nice enough topic, lots of variety. From 60 pupils in two classes I needed to whittle it down to four from each. Tough task, given that everyone put in a really great effort (bar one who has ADD). So I get the eight finalist sorted: I've differentiated by outcome rather than chosen the out-and-out stars. That is to say, I've chosen the pupils who did a great job who normally struggle rather than the pupils who ALWAYS do amazing. Seriously, if I just picked those guys every time, no-one else would get a chance. It would just be the same five pupils over and over again. Besides, this is what the department head told me to do. So it's all fine... except with one parent, who is also a teacher at the school. She got her son to recite a wall of text and the ppt was not outstanding. He did a good job, but nobody was "wowed". She came into the class without asking permission, without saying a word and filmed him and a few of the others, then walked out without any acknowledgement. He wasn't chosen as a finalist. Can she accept it? Nope. First she gets a look at the marks I gave out (shouldn't happen) then gets the class english teacher to hassle me out of hours as to why her son didn't get selected. Doesn't say a word to me personally at all. Then she gets on at the coordinator "Look at this video! His teacher only gave him a B!". Fortunately the coordinator isn't having any of it. After this, she gets one of the star pupils in my class to ask me "Why didn't people like me and (teacher's son) get chosen?". Sneaky B, but no luck there. So she then goes to the headteacher, who also expresses no interest. Everyone is on my side over this issue, but the teacher/parent has not been made to apologise or had any kind of disciplinary action for the anxiety she caused me, or even the attempt to abuse her power. The headteacher expressed her support for me, but again, no action was taken. It seems that people in this school get ahead by being shit to everyone else. Maybe that's a tack that I should take.
  2. To be honest, I was largely fine with Pardew. Genuinely had very little problem with him. He was passionate, and while not world-class, I can't say that we deserved world-class.
  3. Ah, the circus act that the Magpies have become continues. Back down to the Championship we go, and I welcome it, because it looks like our only chance at silverware for the foreseeable future. SAD SMILEY FACE.
  4. This appears to be English, so I know I should understand it, but...
  5. Congrats @Goafer! Just got a message on one of my Instagram pics from the official Lego account -they want permission to repost! Thrilled!
  6. Damn, forgot all about that... Maybe they can guarantee more profit on Star Wars so they intentionally made the Age of Ultron trailers seem shit... no, that doesn't make any sense either. Hmm. Dear Disney, Why did you make the Star Wars trailer and Age of Ultron trailer poles apart in terms of quality and excitement? Was someone having a bad day? Regards, Iun
  7. THAT is how to do a teaser trailer. Marvel and Disney, take note.
  8. Have not played in such a long time, but I'm looking forward to the Mewtwo download later.
  9. Ooh, burn! More like it to say "We'd be Newcastle". Because apparently all our best players get sold and we don't get replacements and our management structure is a joke. Yeah, nobody want to be Newcastle. Sigh.
  10. Actually, panic attacks can subside. I used to have them regularly (Especially around my grandmother) and since I've... moved...away... from the source of the stress... ...yeah, you're screwed. Joke. It can get better. I usually find grabbing a pillow and holding it as tightly as possible helps.
  11. I'm sorry to hear this Murr, I think you did the right thing. I had a similar experience, except I euthanised the cat by smothering it. There was no way to get to a vet, the poor thing was yowling and there was mess... everywhere. It's tough, but if there's no hope for survival, better to stop the pain.
  12. Iun


    Well said @sumo73 A good friend invited me to church the other day just to "see what's happening" and I politely declined. Another friend went ballistic: "How can he invite you to that? How can he dare impose his religion on you?!" I just replied that it was obviously important to him and he wanted to share it with a friend, that's all. There was no imposition. Respect is very much a two way street, but nobody ever said it ran in an exactly straight line.
  13. @Jimbob A masterly summary, sir!
  14. Haven't done anything less than a 12-hour day in the last two weeks. I'm bringing 15 kg bags of books home to mark and full software suites along with all supporting materials to plan lessons for a shitty new Oxford writing curriculum that is useless for non-native speakers. And then the department coordinator insisted on a three-hour meeting on our inquiry topics for the next five years. It's nice to be asked to be part of the full planning process, but to be honest, it's his job. You want me to do your job, fella, give me your salary.
  15. Tapdancing penguins. In top hats.
  16. Sad loss, I have virtually every Discworld book. Always a fan of Death: "KNOCK KNOCK." "Who's there?" "DEATH." "Death who?" "ER...I WONDER IF WE MIGHT START AGAIN..."
  17. I watched the last scene from Wrath of Khan in remember acne - that moment has always brought me close to tears, but this time it pushed me ver the edge. It's amazing how one individual, who I have never had the pleasure of meeting personally, had such an impact on my life.
  18. Of all the souls I met in my travels... he was the most... human. http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-25945690
  19. HOT DIGGETY! DKC, DKC 2 and DKC 3 have been released on the Wii U eShop in the US! I don't know about the UK... but still, YAY!
  20. So long as Biehn and Weaver are in it, I'm good.
  21. Blomkamp's Alien Movie Will Ignore Alien 3 and Resurrection: http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/02/26/blomkamps-alien-movie-will-ignore-alien-3-and-resurrection YES! YES! YES!
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