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Everything posted by Iun

  1. I will remember him.
  2. Congratulations to Leicester, it's unbelievable!
  3. I tried it once - but just like that time I had fun - I didn't much care for it.
  4. Didn't get that job on account of "the fact you're not Chinese". As expected, but still...
  5. There was a period from about 2010 - 2013 when our upstairs neighbours were CONSTANTLY redecorating. But it turns out that the apartment had changed hands a minimum of three times during that period, and in China, when you leave the house you spitefully rip out everything and leave it by the roadside, so whoever buys it has to completely redecorate. That includes floorboards, by the way.
  6. Iun

    Comic Cons

    Never been, would like to go. Definitely cosplay - provided I can pay someone else a small fortune to make the shit for me.
  7. Pretty sure you can make millions by suing the gym?
  8. Maybe make several racial slurs while near the hole and wait for them to move out in disgust?
  9. Interview for a bi-lingual coordinator position here at the school. They are clear that I won't get the job, as they want a Chinese person doing it, but at least they will see me actively trying to push forward good ideas and be aware that I am not happy remaining in the same position as I am.
  10. Happy birthday!
  11. By "worship" I'm assuming you mean "Take it into your m..." So, anyway, how are things?
  12. This was an issue for me - IF you are assuming that Chewie owes Han a Life Debt as he does in the EU, then there is almost no way that he would have left with Rey at the end of the movie, as he would be focused on protecting Leia.
  13. I mean, of all the bloody places in the world... Belgium? The only more inoffensive and totally relaxed-about-their-shit country would be what, Denmark? Complete and total dick move. But what is the response? Is it more tolerance and respect? No, because that's viewed as weakness by these people. Is it a "Throw-them-out-of-the-country" approach as favoured by that mental case, Donald Trump? No, because that's inhumane and completely against the spirit of what makes most of our countries great.
  14. By genre... Horror - Aliens because it blends the right amount of pathos with fear. Action - Avengers the final scene in New York is just such an amazing thrill. Comedy - Airplane! I don't think enough good can be said about this movie. Without it, I don't believe that a lot of modern comedy would be possible. Drama - To Kill A Mockingbird probably the greatest book-to-movie adaptation of all time. I dare you not to tear up when Tom Robinson starts crying, protesting his innocence. Animation - A tie between The Iron Giant and The Lego Movie. Both very intelligent movies that reward second viewings. Sci-Fi - Wrath of Khan. A beautiful movie. Probably the best of all the Star Trek movies, and certainly the equal of virtually any science fiction movie before or since. Genuinely fantastic performances from everyone in the cast.
  15. RIP. He was a figure of fun for many people, but he was a huge talent.
  16. Sounds absolutely awesome @Goafer . I am a huge fan of the US, it's really a brilliant place to visit. Especially Las Vegas. Where I'm going again. YES.
  17. No, sadly. It just processes things a lot quicker than normal. If the typical human body can process a glass of wine an hour, mine can do a glass and a half. And I build up tolerances to medication really quickly. It took three nights of taking Xanax before it had absolutely no effect whatsoever. That was about four years ago, and taking it now produces no effect still. That shit was great for the first three nights though Similar. Except instead of a vaguely hot blonde waiting for me to blow up the bad guy, there was a beefy nurse wearing Crocs.
  18. Booked a ten-day trip back to Vegas this July! Staying in the Monte Carlo, Golden Nugget and the Mirage! I'm going to see if I can't do my Fallout New Vegas dream tour: Goodsprings Saloon; Primm Rollercoaster; Spring Mountain Ranch; Red Rock Canyon; Lake Mead; Hidden Valley and so on! And then of course the Stratosphere rides where they dangle you off the tower, the Neon Museum, Atomic Testing Museum, Hoover Dam (again), Valley of Fire, Mount Charleston, all the casinos, the Flamingo Habitat... ...ten days is not enough time
  19. Good news/bad news thing: Had a tumour removed from my eye socket yesterday - good news is that even though it was a millimetre from the place where my skull was drilled into to remove a brain tumour years ago, it was non-malignant. Bad news is that my hyper-metabolic liver syndrome means that poisons, alcohol, soporifics, hypnotics, happy pills and ANAESTHETIC wears off very quickly. Or doesn't work at all. Doctor gives me the usual shot of lidocaine "You should lose all sensation in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..." "Nope. I can still feel everything." *poke* "You can feel that?" "Yes, sir." "We can give you another shot..." And THAT worked. For five minutes. Doctor made the incision, dragged the little bastard out of there. "Okay, let's stitch you up..." "SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!" "You...you can feel that?" "Needle. Thread. Dragging. Skin. OW." "We can't give you any more lidocaine... Erm... Just bear with it?" Two across, four down. And apparently I have an impressive pain threshold. The nurse was even yammering excitedly to her colleagues about it as I left. Full sensation, in the soft facial tissues.
  20. Well, slap my thigh and call me Charlie. I would have thought Mike Ashley wouldn't want to pay the severance money, but he's apparently in tune with the fans on this one.
  21. I think Pardew made the right decision for himself - he was neither loved nor liked at St James', nor was he going to be. He was a company man because they paid his salary, and that's all there is to it. I would love to see someone take over from Ashley, someone who really gives a rats ass. But with things the way they are, it's not going to happen.
  22. Poisoned chalice - who would honestly want to take the reins with the way things are right now (and even for the foreseeable future)? I feel we may have MacLaren at least to the end of the season, and maybe even for the beginning of the next.
  23. Everyone always blames the managers, but let's face it, it's the overpaid a-holes who just never bother turning up to the games who are the ones losing on the pitch. MacLaren doesn't inspire much confidence, but the players themselves are the ones saying "We get paid regardless. So... whatever."
  24. No. Heck no. HECK NO AT ALL.
  25. Very much this. As the archetypal fantasy novel, it's the genre-definer. But as a series of novels... it's primarily extremely dull.
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