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Everything posted by Iun

  1. First World Problem Alert! So, went to Vegas a couple of weeks back for ten days... loved it. came out up $200 from the slots and tables, stayed out all night just walking around, talking to people, went on a helicopter, rode the High Roller, the coaster at New York, New York... now I'm back, I desperately want to return! There's so much I missed, and all I can do is think about being there again. Such a beautiful city surrounded by beautiful country.
  2. @MadDog Holy heck, I hope you get sorted, that's an enormous amount to be going through.
  3. Yeah, I'd actually do something about this @Animal Drag him in front of the Area Manager, if no joy there, take it to court. SAY NOTHING PROVOCATIVE between now and then.
  4. @Animal Absolutely, report the bugger.
  5. Very much so @EEVILMURRAY And the hilarious thing is here... the shitty, squeaky, does-fuck-all-wheel gets the grease. Then: Head of EAL - farmed out all his classes to his subordinates, basically spent his days watching videos and having meetings where he wasn't prepared. NOW: Vice principal of our newest campus. Then: Head of Bilingual department, never turned up to her classes, never bothered telling anyone. NOW: Head of Admin in our leading Shanghai campus. Then: Other head of Bilingual stream, did fuck all herself, but took credit for everyone else's hard work, even going so far as to put her name only on a jointly-authored article that was later printed throughout Asia. NOW: Principal. Then: Slimy, rat-fuck ex-army guy in charge of our most popular campus, runs it into the ground... NOW: Headof two campuses, including the new most-subscribed. The decent people get absolutely dicked-over sideways and the pricks get promoted.
  6. I'm on holiday for two months, biznitches! WOOOOOOO! But the bad news is, I have to go back and have "The Conversation" with the department coordinator in September. i.e. "This department is a bit of a dead-end for anyone who wants a career, so what are you going to do about it?". Which is a bummer, because it's a relatively simple teaching job (Year 1) and the pay is good, but there's quite literally nowhere to climb up the ladder. There's not even a first rung. Heck, I think they threw away the ladder too.
  7. Excellent, let them be as fucking miserable as I am! with their sexy tight t-shirts, perfect hair and really awesome house parties.
  8. Iun

    Star Fox Zero

    Yeah, definitely giant fish. Command was okay, certainly better than Adventures or Assault, but it just wasn't much of a "Starfox" game. At least to me. *shrug* But that, said, I'm basing most of my opinion on loving Starfox and Lylat Wars - maybe THEY were the aberrations and everything else was normal?
  9. Iun

    Star Fox Zero

    Also, a disclaimer at the beginning CLEARLY STATING that neither Assault nor Adventures happened. Ever. What little story the Starfox series had up to that point was ruined for me by those games. I'm not counting Command because... well, because it was not a terrible game, I just can't remember what happened... something about invading fish?
  10. Term is almost ovrr, just need to pack up the office... but the resource room has no boxes. Good job, guys.
  11. Was surprised to hear he had scored a few of my favourite films, sad loss.
  12. Let's go and spill some blood in his coffin. He'll be back. Come on, we've all seen the Dracula movies, you can't keep this guy down. He was a phenomenal actor, a very classy individual and a true talent.
  13. @Animal Feel for you, man.
  14. Did I make it in time? Happy Birthday!
  15. They are price gouging like mo-fos here in China. Still, I might invest in a few more - though I am going to Vegas in about a month.
  16. ... ... ... ... Ahem. Squee. Very squee.
  17. Why are you trying to cross your balls?
  18. And some of us are FLAAAAAAMING! And also, everyone's a little bit racist!
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