Do you mean facing away from it or full on reverse-mode? Don't confuse me.
Anyway, I'd like to see Hicks back: I don't agree that it was good for Ripley or her development. It was a c*nt-punt/kick in the gonads to anyone who enjoyed the second film and invested in the characters. And to kill them off-screen was just bullshit. There was no fall-out from their deaths for Ripley, it brought nothing. What we should have seen is Ripley taking on the role of defender to an injured Hicks, and Newt overcoming her fear of the aliens. What we got was turd.
In fact, I would be totally, TOTALLY behind it if the whole of Alien 3 was revealed to have been a dream Ripley had on the Nostromo in hyper sleep. I would stand up in the cinema and shout to express my joy. MY ABSOLUTE JOY.
I have no opinion on District 9 as I have not seen it, but I enjoyed Elysium despite the ending.