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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Iun


    @BowserBasher Is it easy to photograph the interiors? It looks like the rooms are a bit small.
  2. Eurovision is still a thing? And it's still a thing people get excited about? Who'da thunk it! Still, have fun!
  3. I did not enjoy this as much as the first season, it was still better than The Defenders and Iron Fist, but the lack of a really threatening villain made it fall flat.
  4. I would have set fire to it, but then, there's something horribly wrong with me. Also, that cat has superb handwriting.
  5. Aye, we have turned things around alright, but we need to sustain this into the next season and not lose any of our best players. Fingers crossed that Ashley will just sell up and piss off.
  6. Iun


    I recently downloaded the Demo for the global event thing, and three of us got absolutely smashed by this guy. I liked the basic idea of the game, but the motion controls were not sufficiently responsive to make me take the tumble.
  7. Three day weekend ahead! But six day working week after!
  8. Argh! This always happens: I get to a good level of fitness and then I get injured! I finally started to run sub 19-minutes for 5k on a regular basis, then yesterday after a minute of playing football i land awkwardly on my left knee...
  9. Getting the impression from management that literally anyone else could be doing my job and that they wouldn't notice: My Year 1 colleague demanded to go part-time next year or she would leave. Request granted. This means that I'm now the only experienced EYFS teacher in Year 1, which you would think make them more motivated to keep me... well, motivated. But no. "Where's my career going here?" "Wherever we say it is and we're not interested in discussing it." "Look at the improvements in teaching and curriculum content delivery I have made over the past few years. Is that perhaps something I can do more of across the department?" "No." "I've led workshops before and have everything prepared, I hear that someone has dropped out of the cross-campus development seminar. Would you like me to present?" "No, we don't want you to do it, we'd prefer to cancel the time slot." "Oh, so I'm essentially nothing and nobody here?" "We didn't say that. We did imply it, but we didn't say it. Stop presuming to speak for us."
  10. I have a Xiaomi Yi Sport Camera that has been to Vegas, Thailand and Malaysia with me, the quality is acceptable and it has been treated roughly. The main issues I have had is the wifi connectivity to the App, which can be slow and spotty, plus the App is in chinglish and I'm never sure if I have it set right to record audio AND video.
  11. I think there are religious reasons that automatically should be put in the category of "Opt-Out" - IIRC Judaism and Islam require the complete body untouched for burial? I could be wrong on that one. But I'm relatively ambivalent on this, generally speaking.
  12. There were rocky moments, but generally I liked the tone. I didn't believe the Tyler arc though, even for sci-fi, my limits were pushed.
  13. I'm a die-hard fan of the TV show, but I have to say that I am "over" Negan and the Saviours with their creepy, almost prescient ability to bounce back from everything. And yeah, I thought Rick was supposed to be a badass, but he seems to have been de-powered these last two seasons.
  14. That's a good feeling! Glad to see you on a positive road.
  15. There are still independent game shops out there? That's awesome!
  16. I think he was basically born to be Deadpool in movies. Everything else up to this point has just been... practice?
  17. I enjoyed Jessica Jones, much more than I did Iron Fist. Ok, so the self-hating, alcoholic anti-hero thing was a little draining, but it's no worse than Daredevil's "I must obey the law", Batman's "My parents are DEEEEEAAAAAADDDDD!" or Danny Rand's boundless optimism.
  18. Slightly delayed, but nonetheless, happy birthday!
  19. Based on the trailer alone, I'm not interested. But I'm ready to be surprised.
  20. Please come to St James' this Sunday and be consistent, so that we can at least salvage a vague sense of pride out of our inevitable defeat.
  21. Parent-Teacher conferences today at work. Co-teacher tells me she has the flu, says "should I come in?" "No Because I'll be sitting next to you all day. You could also infect the parents and the kids" School management says "Yes! Come to work, it's an important day!" I swear, if I get sick, there's going to be serious, serious trouble.
  22. Stay safe, bro.
  23. Or a porn simulator called "Labiia". It would sell millions. Soggy cardboard, though.
  24. Iun


    Darling, you know it's the real me.
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