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Everything posted by Dcubed

  1. As a fan of Wii Sports? Honestly? Switch Sports left me feeling cold. The local multiplayer feels like a total afterthought (along with poor splitscreen perfomance), with online being the focus; blasphemy as far as I’m concerned. There is virtually no single player content to speak of, and some sports (like Volleyball) are outright bad; so bad that they were significantly redesigned post launch. The vibes are all off, it feels like a knockoff product made by Namco; rather than a proper Nintendo EPD game. With a weird, almost competitive esports vibe, that just doesn’t feel right. Music sucks too, nothing memorable at all. And good lord do I hate the Sportsmates, with their dead, soulless eyes and gormless faces; and unfortunately the Mii support is totally half arsed (you can’t even use any of the unlockable costumes with the Miis; making the costume feature completely useless for me). Not to mention that the game was initially released outright unfinished, with an entire sport missing, and core features just… not there. One of the most disappointing first party Nintendo games in the Switch library as far as I’m concerned. I was shocked to find out that it wasn’t outsourced, it just doesn’t feel like a proper internally developed Nintendo game at all. Very rough and unpolished feeling.
  2. Sorry Jonnas, but you're no better than Chris Pratt... No, they're not the same thing!
  3. Millenium Kitchen you say? You have my interest. Loved Attack of the Friday Monsters and I'd be well up for another similar game from the same devs
  4. Oh nice! Always wanted to give Sigma Star Saga a whirl, its got such a bizzare concept! (Shmup + RPG)
  5. Evidently I stand corrected! Was probably thinking of the SNES game then.
  6. To be fair, it was exclusive to the JPN NSO service for a good while due to said trademark issues, but it did hit the western service eventually.
  7. England win on penalties? But that’s impossible!! Jammy doesn’t even begin to describe how ridiculously lucky England has been throughout this tourney. Utterly undeserved, but hey! Semis are semis at the end of the day.
  8. Sorry Glen... but this isn't even the first fighting game to feature Pepsi Man... and as a playable character to boot! The Japanese SEGA Saturn version of Fighting Vipers (not the western release, and not the arcade version, no; only this specific version) features none other than the man of Pepsi himself! Complete with theme song even! What is it with the obsession for Pepsi amongst 90s Japanese developers!? It's not even a good drink! Pepsi is disgusting!
  9. Absolutely fabulous night! Tories completely BTFO with what appears to be the largest single election swing in British political history, Reform’s hot air going up in smoke (in fact, they went on to help Labour by splitting the votes that would otherwise have gone to the Tories) and the LDs beating their previous best seat record. An absolute Tory bloodbath of biblical proportions. You love to see it Just a shame that IDS, Hunt and Sunak survived… The last one is even more baffling considering that he’ll almost certainly be resigning in a matter of hours anyway!
  10. The latest Nintendo Investors Q&A is now out in English: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2024/qa2406e.pdf
  11. https://www.timeextension.com/news/2024/07/mister-fpga-now-supports-the-sinden-light-gun Oh, that's sick! Defo gonna be getting some Sindens when I move and get the space for them
  12. Oh man, if you were able to eek some enjoyment out of Castlevania 64 of all games (seriously, that's your first CV game? That one!?), you're gonna be in for a treat when you do eventually get round to playing the rest of the series
  13. Appreciate the very subtle shoutout to Smash Remix at the end there, it's bonkers good! These days, I find myself enjoying the original Smash Bros more than its immediate sequel (Melee), mainly because it plays quite differently from the rest of the series with its crazy hitstun; where every hit is basically a potential zero-to-death combo I'm no competitive player by any means, but I appreciate how unique it plays and feels compared to the rest of the series. Variety is the spice of life after all, and that's the Smash Bros' series' biggest strength. But yeah, these days, if I'm gonna play the original Smash Bros, it's gonna be through Smash Remix. Easily one of the greatest fan mod projects of all time, the sheer amount of extra (and high quality!) content that they've added to the original game is just an absolute marvel; and to see it all running smoothly on original hardware to boot? Wow! Incredible!
  14. I appreciate that they went out of their way to call it a Deluxe Remaster, purely because they knew that it would give the game a stupid looking initialism
  15. It’s a feature, not a bug
  16. Woah! We’re like, all hip & modern & swish now innit! That being said though… Saying that we represent Europe in all of its totality is probably a tad presumptive Edit: Oh wait, never mind, fixed already! That was proper fast!
  17. Credits list is here (scroll down and you’ll see it): https://gdri.smspower.org/wiki/index.php/Credits_Repository I’m out and about using my phone right now, so I’m not in a position to check myself, but have a look and see if there is any shared staff who worked on the ISS games; I’m pretty curious about this one now!
  18. I’m surprised Konami didn’t attempt to sue. That match HUD is basically identical to what ISS uses Still. If you’re gonna steal, might as well steal from the best!
  19. Astral Chain is many things, but generic ain’t one of them. There’s literally no other game quite like it.
  20. You're thinking of Taito's Qix. This game is basically softcore porn Qix. Funnily enough, this isn't the first time somebody made a softcore porn take on Taito's game... of all companies, Namco took a stab at the concept with an arcade game called Dancing Eyes in 1996 (though I don't believe there's any actual nudity, there's definitely visible underwear and a certain luridness about the game).
  21. Suppose it has to go to penalties doesn’t it? Wouldn’t be a proper England Exit without one Edit (Again!!): Or perhaps not!
  22. What can I say? England faaking useless as usual. They’ve sucked throughout the whole tournament so far, completely undeserving of going through. Edit: Wait, WHAT!?!? Gareth fucking jammy as shit!
  23. SGDQ 2024 starts today at 17:00 BST! https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48 HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE! @drahkon The Balatro run is due at 01:05 on Tuesday 2nd. You won’t want to miss it (but if you do, you can watch the catchup vid when they upload it to their YouTube channel a few hours later ).
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