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Everything posted by K-project

  1. How come only Play.com have this available for pre-order in the UK? I can't seem to find it on any other site. I have it pre-ordered, but I have a funny feeling that the release date they have (09/10/2009) could be wrong, unless anyone here can confirm it. It just seems odd that even Amazon don't have it listed.
  2. Good... ...grief Please stop talking. This looks a proper mess.
  3. That's somewhat reassuring Daroh! Thanks for posting up. It's the only thing keeping me from W7 at the moment. They might be crusty old games, but I loves 'em! It does really sound like Microsoft have got this one right this time, and I'm not going to be able to ignore it. Another question: I have an AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+. Should I go for the 64 bit install? I do use Ubuntu as 64 bit and it's been fantastic, but my XP is 32 bit. Still not sure whether I should go 64 bit with Windows. Thanks.
  4. Well, I have some stuff like PoP: Sands of Time, Jade Empire, KotOR, Resident Evil 4 (excellent with the mods), GTA Vice City and San Andreas, Fable, even crusty old PES4 I play all the time! I'd be really gutted to lose these games by switching my OS. Then I have Bioshock, Prey, Street Fighter IV, Sega Rally, Burnout Paradise...it's very difficult finding out info on the net about their working status under Windows 7. The beauty of XP is you know 99% of the time you can just stick the disc in and it'll be working as it should be in no time. @fex - I hear XP mode isn't in the Home Premium Edition. Is this true?
  5. Does anyone here know what the current state of play is like with games compatibility? One thing I absolutely love about XP is it's compatible with so many older titles as well as the latest ones. They might be a bit naff nowadays, but I have a few older games that I'd hate to lose by switching to W7. I'm also hearing that all is not great with more current titles too. Stuff like Street Fighter IV and Bioshock aren't too hot on the new OS apparently. Is there a complete list anywhere? Cheers all.
  6. Ah right. So we don't have an accurate date for it then beyond "2010"? Thanks. Actually I kinda hope they polish it right up to next Christmas, rather than release it in March or something. Something nice about buying a new Mario game at Christmas. Thanks for the speedy reply. I dunno why I thought it was this year!
  7. Bit confued here. I dunno why, but I got it in my head that this was out this year, but according to this site, it's not due till next year. Play have it down for this year, but they're the only retailer taking orders for it for this year that I can find. Amazon are taking pre-orders, but it's noticeable that they don't give you a date for release as they do for other pre-orders. Help! When's it due out?
  8. K-project


    To people having problems drawing circles and swipes etc - try sitting a little closer to the telly. Trust me, it works. I've played loads of games on the Wii that work just fine from where I usually sit, but for some reason Okami requires me to sit closer to the screen. I have had no bother with any of the drawings since doing this. Worth a shot.
  9. It is. That is very sorry looking for a Wii game imho. Just as Retro says above, it's the same as they did with Grid 2. Appalling. The console might be a generation behind the Xbox 360/PS3 graphically, but no, there's no excuse for N64 quality graphics on it. It's frankly disrespectful to Wii gamers imo.
  10. Confused. I remember reading about how Sega were really pleased with the sales of MadWorld. Now they're saying they were disappointing? It could be that it's all a load of crap...
  11. Crikey. My experience right from the get-go was completely the opposite! Had no bother getting any Linux online wireless or otherwise, but Windows...had a lot of trouble with the wireless there! I don't think it's for geeks at all. I use it FFS, and I'm no geek. Neither is the missus and she uses it on her Dell laptop. As for the command line, well there's a command line in Windows too, and it's no harder than that really. Sometimes it's just the quickest way to get something done. It's not really something you have to use all the time (well it hasn't been for me), but even then I actually miss it when I'm in Windows. I do think people mistake different for difficult sometimes. It certainly is different. Anyone expecting a free Windows will get their asses bitten for sure. But I can't in any honesty say it's "harder" than XP to use. It's not been for us anyway.
  12. I use both Ubuntu and Mandriva on this PC alongside XP, and they're both absolutely brilliant. It's not as hand holding as the Microsoft OS's, but if you're keen to learn you'll have a blast. There's a lot of talk about convoluted terminal commands, but to be honest I've been running Linux for about three years now and only had to sporadically use the terminal. Mostly I just use it here and there to fetch a text configuration file for MAME or suchlike. If you're used to the Windows command line you'll be fine. I'm sure we'll be able to help anyway should you need it.
  13. Dunno if you guys know here, but it's available to pre-order on Play for £25. I thought that was pretty good so I've ordered it, but if anyone knows of it any cheaper elsewhere please post it up. It looks bloody fantastic!
  14. I'd appreciate that too! So far, just going on what I've seen on the internet, it looks very much like Vista....
  15. I think it's mainly all to do with the fact that the pre-order was so cheap. £50 for a Microsoft OS is unheard of. However I'm somewhat disappointed. I really do feel that it's about time MS charged reasonable prices for their software, lest everyone just pirate it. The £50 offer really ought to have been kept in place for a longer fixed period. How pissed off are people going to be buying this thing only to find that if they'd got an order in for the first 24 hours they would have got it much cheaper? I'd be pretty annoyed if I had to buy it for £150. I got a pre-order in for £50, but I'm not too sure I'm going to be using it personally. I may just be selling it on for a modest profit. It looks really nice and all that, but I'm mostly a Linux user these days with a bit of XP for gaming. Maybe MS will talk me into it over the next couple of months.
  16. Though I do hate hawking products, apparently the proper Nintendo one is much better than the usual audio CD lens cleaners. You have to insert it in a different way and wiggle it about to clean the lens. When I used it, I was really surprised to see so much muck on the pad. One here on Play.com. I always default to Play.com! Sorry guys. I don't work for them. Honest...
  17. Have you tried the Wii lens cleaner? It could just as easily be a dirty lens causing the problems. I had all sorts of bother with my Wii - it would only load games sporadically, and would sometimes even crash mid game. I was convinced it was knackered. I bought the lens cleaner as a last resort before buying a new console and it honestly worked a little miracle on my Wii. It's been absolutely fine ever since. Could be worth a shot.
  18. Thought I'd pop it up here that this is now £10 on Play.com. Pretty good price for what looks like a very original title (OK, with a bit stolen from Katamari). If you already have the game, please let me know what you think of it. I've just ordered it!
  19. I've got Guilty Gear for the Wii and it's brilliant if you love the 2D fighting style. It's quite different to SF2 though in many ways. It's very special move heavy, and relies on you learning some tricky moves and combos. You'll burn your thumb print off, trust me! However, it's a lovely addition to any Wii gamer's collection, and I've spent many an hour on it. For Mario's sake though, don't even attempt to use the remote/nunchuck for the game. You really need a GC or Classic pad. I have one of those strange hybrid pads that looks like a Classic controller, but is actually a GC pad, and it's great for this. As I say though, whatever you use the D-pad and your thumb will take some breaking in. You can't go wrong for a fiver. Yep, he's still in it. There's this one bizarre bloke (whose name escapes me) who fights bent over backwards!! It's a crackers game.
  20. There's a pretty convoluted solution here, but it's far too complicated for me to bother. If you do try it, let me know. As for PES 2010, I'm kinda glad they've moved it to a better release date, but a bit worried that it might suffer in terms of improvements with a shorter development time. Really hope they improve the grphics too this time. PES 2009 managed to somehow look worse than the 2008 game generally, and I'm hoping for a game that looks better than both next time. No reason really for the Wii version to look worse than the PS2 game.
  21. I am so getting this sequel! It sounds absolutely fantastic and tickles my geek gland. No More Heroes is a Wii classic, and Travis is a brilliant character. Been playing the original again this week and it's lost none of it's charm and verve. It's one of those games that I know I will always look back on fondly in the years to come.
  22. Presuming this is a full price release and not a WiiWare game, let's not lie to the developer here - it looks bad. Really bad. It looks like they took Extreme G off the N64, put cars in instead of bikes, and thought "hey, that'll do"! What's up with the racing game genre on the Wii? We have the marvellous Excite Truck and Mario Kart, aaaand nothing else.
  23. Glad I stuck with this now. Really picked up on the higher level. Got my game sorted and it's really turned into a fave again. Phew eh? Kinda had the point rammed home recently too playing PES on the PC with a regular pad. Yes the graphics are better (though I reckon the Wii could match it tbh), but the Wii has the better game hands down. The AI drives me crackers with a normal controller! Being able to control players runs off the ball and play the ball ahead of the player is something I don't ever want to be without. You cannot take it for granted, it's a genuine improvement to the game. But, dear Konami, please please please give us better graphics next time. It really is an eyesore on the Wii, and it really ought to be better than it is. Oh, and a couple more camera options wouldn't hurt either. Thanks for listening.
  24. That just looks appalling doesn't it? Can we petition them to not release it? I'm all for some great driving action on the Wii, but this really doesn't look like what we're after at all.
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