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Everything posted by K-project

  1. Metroid Prime was...is a staggering achievment. Many gamers dismiss it because of the exploratory nature of the adventure, but to do so dismisses a game that, as you say, has the same power as Ocarina almost. Maybe you're right and this should have been a defining moment, but I do also think that perhaps it was just a little too hardcore. To not let gamers save where they like was criminal to me, and to then repeat that in the sequel just beggars belief. There have been many times I threw the pad down in disgust when after beating a difficult boss I couldn't save immediately afterwards. I'd walk into the next room trying to find a save point, only to have my last dregs of energy sapped by some random baddie, and have to do the boss all over again. Hardcore, or just plain ignorance from the developers I don't know, but I never had moments like this in Ocarina, or SM64, or even Super Metroid on the SNES. I do respect the achievment however, but as a complete gaming experience it fell a little short of perfection for me.
  2. No online presence wasn't so much an issue as it is now when the GC first came out. There's no doubt that Nintendo were quite slow to react to it, but on the other hand it's still something that's relatively niche as far as userbase goes isn't it? Particularly on the consoles where it's only fairly recently that people have been taking to it. For me I still don't care at all about it. I hear too many stories from friends that like it for a time, but then it all goes downhill, what with idiot yanks and all. Plus, the type of games they play online are so one-dimensional, because those are the only types of game that work in that environment. They're all shooters, racers or sports games. How would something like a Mario game work, or a Zelda? Not sure. Still, that's my personal. DEFINITELY agree with shenlong about the advertising during kiddie programs. I can't see how that would help them appeal to a wider audience, and help them shake off the (somewhat unfair) kiddie image. Probably something they decided would be better off in the Revolution!! You make a fair point though, that Nintendo seem to have left the GC to fall by the wayside. In truth I think the rot started right at the beginning, when they said they were going to make shorter games, and more of them. Remember that? Bad idea. What separates Nintendo from the others then? I became a Nintendo fan because the games were always of a higher quality. A Link to the Past on SNES completely sold me. You just couldn't get pure gold like that anywhere else. Once Nintendo started to dilute that special ingredient, they began to erode their whole reason for being. Gamecube has struggled because it had no real defining moments like the N64 did with SM64 and Ocarina. Without these killer games, the GC just looked like an also-ran, with not enough to entice PS2 or Xbox owners away from their system of choice.
  3. Thing is, for as long as I can remember Nintendo have been hammered for their lack of marketing presence, and in truth it's never made one jot of difference to the quality of the games, or the sales thereof. I think a lot of the problem is one of perception, which is purely based on where we are in the world. Nintendo just isn't big news here in the UK at least, let alone Europe. Over in the USA and Japan, while not completely top dog, Nintendo command far more respect from say, the high street retailer for example. Argos and Curry's style stock withdrawals just wouldn't have happened in other territories. I remember reading an article some time ago that Microsoft had spent many, many hundred times more on their marketing budget (billions globally in fact) for Xbox than Nintendo has for GC. Xbox apologists may think this is great, but in truth where did it get the Xbox? It's still no. 3 (on a global scale) after the Cube. Of course in the UK it's a very different story, Xbox is perceived as a more "important" machine. We just don't like games unless they're seen as "grown up". Sad really, and it perhaps shows how little a sense of fun we have, and how cynical we are. Would a bigger spend on marketing have helped the GC? I really, really doubt it. A bit more than they have done would have helped - agreed, but big spends and TV presence are a waste of money. The best way Nintendo can reach gamers (and beyond) is to create the very best games experiences, only available on Nintendo machines. Thankfully they seem to have realised this with the recent delay to LoZ:TP. Word of mouth alone will see it spread surely. Look at the movies - did a MASSIVE TV and press marketing saturation help out say, The Hulk for example, or Alexander? Nope. A lot of these type of rants (not having a go Overlord!) just sound to me like people upset with the fact that Nintendo aren't no. 1. As a gamer I'm more than satisfied with the GC, and am patiently awaiting the Revolution. I don't really lament their lack of status/kudos among the mass-market plebs in the UK. It's a badge of honour! As for a DS player incorporated into the GC, I'm not sure I see what you mean. How would you use the touch screen on that? Or have I missed the point truly? The reason the DS has been so successful is it's uniqueness coupled with Nintendo's eye for gameplay. Any attempt to meld it with GC would lessen it's functionality surely. I do think that Nintendo have seen something in your last paragraph however, but it's just too late to do anything about it this generation. In short (too late!) it's seems to me that Nintendo are very much alive and kicking, despite much negativity from fans. The Revolution so far seems to be turning heads; both gamer's and developer's. The DS is doing better than they could have hoped for surely. It's not ideal that the GC is facing the end, but then so is the Xbox despite it's big yank mouth. And at least we have Zelda to come. I wouldn't miss that for the world.
  4. Wind Waker for me too. The sheer delight of seeing a cartoon Link inhabit an incredibly expressive cartoon world. Those baddies with the lamps completely sold me! Anyone who doesn't like it is dead inside. F-Zero GX though, is probably the game that completely cemented the Cube as my system of choice. I wasn't fully convinced of the console's power 'til then. It still betters other racers on other systems even now. They'll never top it...
  5. Yep it's true. N64 magazine told you how. I'll have a look back through my collection if you want to know how. I'm sure it was quite difficult to do as I remember. Something like hold all the camera buttons then press A and B. I do remember actually doing it once.
  6. You could do that on ISS 98 on N64 too. Can't remember which buttons though.
  7. ...And you can't say fairer than that really. Well, I've been playing it every day now since launch, and I must be getting at least 3 hours a day on it (for shame)! I'm absolutely loving it. My concerns over the shooting have since disappated. The ball has a very pleasing weight to it which really reveals itself over time (well it took me time...), and makes shooting feel very satisfying indeed. Particularly so when you add spin to the ball, which again helps make crossing perhaps the best I've seen in a footie game. There are some flaws....the slowdown that occurs occasionally on other versions is also present on GC, there is a "Back Four Flaw" that NGC outlined (which again is present in other versions), and for some reason on the GC version all the pitches are the same. Not the stadia, but the grass itself is all the same. On PS2 and Xbox you get different styles of lawn for different stadia, on GC it seems to be just the one! All told though, none of this has had any impact on the quality of the gameplay. Gameplay? Fifa? Who woulda thunk it?!
  8. NGC is good. I've been a fan of Future's Nintendo mags since Super Play (I still have all my original SP's fully bound!), but I still don't think it's as good as Cube magazine. Cube always seems to have something to report in the world of Nintendo, whereas NGC always seems to be struggling for something to say, and ends up padding the mag out with silly features. I don't agree with this sentiment at all. I've read Edge since issue 1, and am convinced now more than ever that it's really up it's own kazoo. GamesTM is a far more relaxed, more entertaining read. Kinda like gaming's own EMPIRE magazine. I hate how Edge interviews marketing guys as if they have anything to do with the creative process of gaming. As though gamers should care what the marketing men think. I, for one, couldn't care less.
  9. What was the last version you played dazzybee? Sounds like it must have been 2004, because those issues you describe were solved (in the most part) in last years game. It does take a little getting used to, taking the ball around people, but I've not had any problems. The ball shielding button is used to help with this, combined with the C-stick moves. I find the tackling much better than previous versions. There's a lot of shirt pulling as you lean into the player with your analogue, and sometimes you'll pull him over, other times he'll skip over your challenges. Yes, same as 2005 really. The power of the shot is determined by the bar at the bottom, which also affects the height. So pushing top-right on analogue stick with say, 3/4 power on the bar results in top-right corner shot. Pushing bottom left on analogue, with low power results in low shot into bottom left corner. I have previously said though, that shooting still isn't quite as powerful as you might like if you're used to PES. Erm, I can't really say about higher difficulty settings. I'm still getting to grips with semi-pro! It's definitely less predictable than before, but not because of any unfairness in the game logic. It seems to me that they are playing better football all over. It takes some adjusting to! Crosses always threaten now, and though you can overshoot occasionally when you get a bit keen, the AI usually has somebody hanging around to whip it back in. Throw-ins are the same as 05 and I liked them then as I do now. Corners are the same as the old ISS 64 (or at least as I remember it). Arrow pointing direction, and a power bar. No fuss. No stupid menus. As for freekicks, well frankly I just can't do them yet so I can't comment. First impressions are though, that they are at least different to 05, but I can't say whether that's better or not yet 'cos all mine end up in row D. More practice required. Hope this helps!
  10. Well, I was only joking y'know! For me it's always been the other way 'round...as soon as I mention to anyone that I prefer FIFA it's like I've given away some kind of dark evil secret about my personality. I'd like to make clear now that my choice of football game says nothing about who I am as a person!
  11. I disagree. Simple as. I don't feel the need to "debunk" PES. It's a great, great game. But I prefer the latest Fifa personally, and this thread is for the rest of us who do. As for people playing it for 2 mins then slagging it off on the internet, it just proves my point. It needs more commitment than that. I've seen too many reviews (in particularly NOM and C+VG) that have their opinions formed before they even play the thing. I reckon Fifa could have exactly the same gameplay as PES and it would still get those poor reviews, because essentially "Fifa" is a catch-all buzzword for "evil franchise" isn't it? It doesn't matter how good it is because y'know, Konami aren't an evil corporation at all with a yearly franchise that hey - hardly changes, and they make the "superior" game. I'll re-iterate it again: PLEASE lets not get into FIFA vs PES (even though I just had my tuppence worth!). If there's nobody on the site who cares about FIFA - fine. But I suspect that most FIFA fans are bullied into submission now every year, and are afraid of voicing their opinions. Honestly, every year it's the same. Out come the PES thugs jumping into FIFA threads threatening us all!
  12. Fifa 99 was the last Fifa I played on the last gen (N64/PS1), and I didn't play an other right up to Fifa 2004 (which was so so...terrible, really terrible). At the time I thought it stank, I really did. It's surprised me to see so many posts on various forums declaring their love for the 99 iteration. To me that was Fifa at it worst. No power or feel to shooting, shots going where they damn well pleased, and worst offence of all, the ability to take a defender for example, and use him to weave unchallenged across the entirety of the pitch, and wallop one into the top corner! I remember showing my mate how to do it on his PS1 at the time and he couldn't believe it! Needless to say, we both got N64's after that with ISS... But really Fifa's come a hell of a long way now. Don't get me wrong there's still issues here and there (the shooting, either heading or booting still doesn't feel as powerful as you might like). But if you have the ability to see beyond the negativity that the Fifa word seems to hold, I'm sure you'd enjoy the new game. Give it a go, but be warned: Now more than ever before Fifa needs a little commitment to get the best from it.
  13. Yeah that's pretty much me too. What I didn't expect though, and what's actually upset me more than the US soundtrack for Sonic CD, is the lack of a 60hz mode. I know most times the PS2 doesn't get one but still, it's a Cube I have, and I expect a 60hz option. Had I known there would be no option, I wouldn't have bought Gems. I don't mind the US intro track for SCD in truth. It's just as much fun as Toot Toot Sonic Warrior, though the inclusion of an option to choose would again have been nice. Isn't the US track still very actually a Japanese created song? If not it still sounds very J-pop doesn't it? Actually the package overall feels very rushed, and I'm very disappointed. If you're thinking of getting it I would advise against it. The god is in the details I'm afraid, and here it looks like he was taking a day off!
  14. Did anyone here, like me, get Fifa 06 on launch day for the GC. What's your thoughts on the latest, and in my opinion greatest Fifa yet? Are you looking to get it? If you have any questions about it come here and ask those who do have it. Please, no zealous PES fans thankyou, I'd hate for this to turn into Fifa vs PES thread. I used to love PES a couple of years ago (no. 3 was the last one I played) and I know all too well how wonderful (and flawed) that game is. We don't need to cut and paste the same old arguments year after year! My own opinions so far are many and varied. First off it's a lovely conversion to the cube. Or at least I would suppose it is having never seen the rival systems versions! The graphics are much more solid feeling and the kits are much more detailed for the most part. Gamecube doesn't seem to get the "shiny graphics" syndrome that owners of Xbox's have complained about, and that's either a good or bad thing depending on who you talk to. There's also a true 16:9 mode hidden away in the game settings menu, which is excellent. There's clearly an incredible amount of depth to the gameplay this year, which I expect will fully prove itself over many weeks/months of play. At first it's a bit of a culture shock having to pass the ball intelligently and retain the ball, while spaces are made and options reveal themselves on the pitch. Once you acquit yourself to this new way of thinking about Fifa, you'll start to make headway into the game. Anyway enough of my opinion (unless you want to know more!), I'd love to know what you think. Better or worse than 05?
  15. I've only got a cube now (I sold my PS2 a while ago) and I don't think it's that bad. I've already got Fifa 06 (and Sonic Gems ahem) on the way, and I've got my eye on GUN and King Kong, not to mention the actually-quite-good-looking True Crime 2. I don't have a great deal of cash (or time) to spend regularly on games anyway, so that's about enough for me. I do agree that Burnout should still be on GC. Surely there are enough active users of cubes to justify the port. Then again, I don't think any of us would feel this bad if Zelda was still on for Xmas. It doesn't help that Nintendo's own winter line up is possibly the worst I've ever known from them. You'd have thought they would've had a back up plan better than Geist! Bring back Rare....
  16. I too have ordered the UK GC version, sans Streets of Rage. It's a let down for sure, but I really don't think it's worth £35 for the Jap version. In truth if I had to make your choice I think I'd go for the PS2 version, although I've heard it has no 60hz mode. For me though, I'm quite content to wait patiently for the Revolution, because I've no doubt that these type of retro Sega games will turn up on it. Sega will surely plop it's Streets of Rage series onto the Revo's download service. I'm sure if you had a look on eBay you'd probably pick up a Megadrive with the SoR games for about £35-40. I had no idea Lik-Sang was charging so much. It's a ripoff at that price imo.
  17. Finally (finally!) managed to pick up Burnout 2 for my beloved Cube, and am currently sampling it's delights. Clocked Crash mode (all gold medals) yesterday, and I'm racing now. In spite of the sequels, I don't think Burnout 2 has aged at all, and is still as vibrant now as it was 'back in the day'. Wow, loads of people playing Tales of Symphonia. I'm in the process of choosing between that and Baten Kaitos at the mo. I quite like the sound of the card battle system in Kaitos, because I'm not usually too keen on the standard RPG battles. I'm willing to give it another go though, hence my current dilemma. Which would you recommend?
  18. Ouch! That's a pretty harsh score judging by the general vibe. It seems to have been fairly positively received by most people (bar the odd PES purist), and I had hoped it would turn out really good on GC. Especially as my copy's on it's way now, and CUBE gave it a very positive write-up (8.3) saying it was the best Fifa in ages. Out of interest, what's the gist of NGC's review? Is it a poor conversion to the GC, or is it just not so good a game? I'd buy the mag myself to find out, but it doesn't seem to be out yet (well, not 'round here anyways!). Cheers.
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