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GAH! I HATE MYSELF I HATE MYSELF! Look at my last posts. That's a person who's clear about not buying something isn't it? There's measured arguments and a clear purpose. I'M NOT BUYING THIS GAME it says. You couldn't be more certain. Why then, have I still pre-ordered it? I mean, what's wrong with me? I'm a total no-hoper, that's the truth. The fact is I'm gonna gamble it for £15. I just honestly so totally love PES on the Wii, that I have to see its last hurrah on the console, and just pray that they've put enough extra stuff in there to make me smile when it arrives. I've played the bejesus out of 2011, and yet it still hasn't gotten boring. It rocks, even though I'm old enough to know better. Fingers crossed then, that 2012 is even better still. I'll let you know. Come on Konami. Don't let us down. Just to make me feel less stoopid, I also pre-ordered the new Zelda. There. That's better.
I'm more than happy to play the game either way. I love the Wii playmaker, but I also think with the conventional controller the game is still better than the other consoles' versions. I've been playing it a lot lately with the classic controller and really enjoying it. It feels a little limited I suppose in comparison, but then I do feel the playmaker setup makes the game very easy. I still think the game will be OK, especially for £15 if you haven't played it since 2009. Yes I would imagine you'll notice a difference. I certainly did with 2011. But for those of us who have one of the last couple of releases, I reckon even £15 will be pushing it frankly. Like I say I'm not hopeful that it will offer much. Konami still haven't released any info about this game, and it's out soon. Speaks volumes imho.
Thread split. Needed doing. Thanks Tapedeck.
Sorry to keep bumping this thread, but I have to say I think it's really poor form from Konami that we haven't seen anything of PES 2012 on Wii even though it's supposed to be out in a couple of weeks. No gameplay video demos, no previews, nothing, in spite of the fact that there's already a ton of info out there about the other versions. This says to me that obviously they don't expect it to sell very many, which means they will have put only the minimal requisite effort into the game to warrant those few sales, which in turn means it will offer nothing new in the gameplay department and will likely just be a kit update for last years edition. Which is a joke in itself as everyone knows PES has only a handful of official kits, rendering this purchase completely redundant for owners of any past edition. So on that note I'd like to thank Konami for their excellent PES series on the Wii, it really did turn out stonking all told, and I've had a hell of a lot of fun with the game on Wii. But sadly I won't be buying this one. It would be a total waste of money, no matter how cheaply they sell it. Ah well.
PES 2011 £9.99 on Zavvi. OK the new one should be due soon enough, but I'll wager it won't be much better than this one. I've played the crap out of PES 2011 on the Wii. Well worth the money. Still no news on PES 2012 though. Usually by this point there's a video or two floating around...
I would definitely recommend the 2011 version over 2009. It's just better. The graphics are better, the controls are better. Sure, in time honoured PES tradition, it's not a massive difference, but I've seen 2011 for about £13-£17, and it's definitely worth it imho. Is there going to be a PES 2012 for Wii then? I've not seen any info on it...
/Resurrects old thread... To be honest Banana Blitz is a fantastic Monkey Ball game. The controls are insanely tremendous, and practically, if not actually 1:1. I think the only thing Sega got wrong with the game was the bosses. It just didn't need them. The game is strong enough on its own. The music is the single and only highlight in this game. I've not played it with a balance board, but controlling it with a remote reveals it to be perhaps the worst game I ever played, certainly on Wii. It's not the controls that are at fault: they are as tight as they were in Banana Blitz. It's the stupid and cheap blocks that Sega chose to litter the levels with. It just kills stone dead the flow of a Monkey Ball game, and reduces the play to insane wavy maze scrambles to the end, usually only just in time, if at all. I've just got to Far East world, and I'm giving up on the rollercoaster level. It's just plain shit, with cheapo blocks placed in your path to add artificial and unnecessary difficulty to the game. It's like did no-one playtest the fecking thing? A fucking monkey could have spotted this! I love Sega, and Banana Blitz, but this one is bollocks. Sorry everyone. Had to get that off me chest.
Yeah, PES might be a bit lacking in the presentation department, but I still prefer it over FIFA's. I agree the graphics are still a bit jaggy too, but it's still a look I find attractive somehow. I dunno why. I do play with the classic controller occasionally, but I find I'm a bit more unpredictable in my approach with the remote and nunchuck combo, and I like the flow of the game better. I do think though that the remote and nunchuck, once you get good at it, makes the game a little easy. I wonder if we'll see a PES2012 this year on Wii. I have a feeling Konami may just focus on 3DS for the time being, and skip the Wii now.
Yeah I definitely reckon PES2011 on Wii is much better than the 2009 version. They did only put one update out for 2009. I think 2011 has had about three updates thus far, but I don't expect to see any more frankly. I don't think Konami loves us any more after PES2011 flopped somewhat.
Fantastic game, utterly misunderstood. I was lucky and picked it up for a tenner recently off Amazon, but I think it's gone up now. No problems at all with the controls. It's a very clever approach if you ask me. And there are some absolutely outstanding graphics and settings. A marvellous addition to the series.
I recently picked up Sin and Punishment 2 for the Wii, and it has completely blown me away, both as an amazingly classy game and a sheer audio and visual tour-de-force. That incredible level through the underwater tunnel, and the terrifying boss that climbs up the level lashing it's tongue out at you. For such a short game (though I haven't beaten it yet), it packs and incredible wealth of imaginative, exciting and surprising visual ideas.
7 is a bit harsh. It's a fantastic game, there's no doubt, and masses of old school fun. I agree the music is a bit repetitive, and doesn't help when you constantly restart tracks trying to grab the gold, but it's part of the deal and I love it. I mean, I'm usually the sort of gamer who turns off a game when it gets tricky, but the tightness of the controls here means you'll never feel cheated by the game, and it all comes down to your skill. You always feel that you can beat the tracks, no matter how tough they might seem at first. I'd definitely say to use either the classic controller, or the remote plus nunchuck option. I use the classic myself, as it just makes sense for this particular game. It's all about tight turns and clipping corners to take pole position, and I don't think the 'remote as a wheel' option does justice to that. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to any Wii gamer who loved Excite Truck. Just brilliant. I've already played it more in the two weeks of owning it than I have the few years of owning Mario Kart. And there's hundreds of tracks, not dozens as the review claims. I'm on about 180 or so out of about 470-odd.
I love this game. I think a lot of games commentators really got the wrong end of the stick with this one, expecting something approaching Mario Galaxy in gameplay. It's very different, being more adventurey and less about mental platform challenges (though it has it's moments). I think it's a very sweet game, and I loved spending Christmas with it. I said somewhere else that I think it's way closer to the old Castle of Illusion game (in a sense) than many give it credit for. I think you can tell the Disney suits got the team to rush the game for a Christmas release (what were all those pins for?), but it's still a lovely slice of Mickey. I hope it gets a sequel.
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This game is phenomenally addictive. The short races make it a "no, I can get it this time" sort of game, and that makes it very compulsive. It's really worth getting hold of imho, especially at the low price you can get it for now. I think it's up there with Excite Truck personally, and is very well suited to the Wii. Gotta be careful - I've just got this and ordered Sin and Punishment 2 for about £16 off the Hut. The missus will go crazy if she knows I'm spending on the Wii again. I'm wanting to put some time into Little Kings Story too, so my next few months will be tied up with some great Wii games. "I don't care if you want to watch Corrie love...."
Anyone here got this brilliant game on the Wii? I picked it up very cheaply off Amazon recently, and have to say it's yet another hidden Wii gem. It's just about to come out in the US (I think), and if there are any US forumites about, you ought to have a look at this. Everyone ought to. For me it's easily up there with Mario Kart for sheer fun.
The missus got herself a HTC Desire before Christmas, and I have to say I'm incredibly impressed and amazed by it. I never really cared much for the iPhones and the W7 phones, but this thing is simply stunning. You could replace your desktop PC with this thing! There's nothing it can't do. Nice that it's powered by Linux too. I'm a Linux user myself mostly, on the desktop, so it's cool to see it broadening it's appeal and abilities.
I don't think Mario and Mickey is a fair comparison really. It's quite different to Mario. The pacing is much slower and a bit more Zelda like in that respect. I think a much fairer comparison is the Xbox classic Psychonauts. It's quite similar in many ways - camera, pacing, combat, environments, structure...even the twisted take on the fantasy realm is very similar. Mickey tops that game for me by virtue of simply being more fun generally to play and having the charm of the 1930's and 40's Disney shorts. It's just steeped in the game, and it's lovely. Maybe it's because it's Christmas, but I've taken to this game very much personally. I just think it's so well done and such fun to bimble around. Another Wii highlight for me.
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Well I'm at Plutopia the Tomorrow World now, and I'm completely smitten with the game. I take some of the negatives; yes the fetch quests are too many, and the camera is a little slow. My own grumble with it is the unsophisticated pointer target. It's a bit naff and clumsy compared to almost any other Wii game. But these gripes do not ruin the game for me. I just unlocked a classic cartoon - "Oh What a Knight!" - and was completely spellbound. What a great idea to round off the package, and a totally unexpected surprise. I never expected a Mickey game to really challenge Mario on pure gameplay terms, and sure enough he doesn't really. But then what game does? At the end of the day the Mario series has bigger money and more time to polish it, and you can't beat Nintendo's experience in the field. But Epic Mickey is a thoroughly charming and enjoyable adventure, in a brilliant and subtle (and sometimes beautifully melancholic) gaming environment. I can easily see myself playing through it again and again, just because it's such a lovely place to be, and also because you won't quite see everything on one play through. Fantastic, and recommended. Especially at the Amazon price.
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Thanks Santa! Got this for Christmas, and have to say it's everything I'd hoped it would be. Terrific fun, and with an exceptional sheen of quality. Thoroughly enjoying it so far. For those of you still on the fence, it's £17.99 on Amazon now. Shouldn't all new releases be this price now? It's a complete jip releasing them at £30 only to drop in two weeks to almost half that leaving punters feeling ripped off. It doesn't bode well for an industry trying to attract new gamers.
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Reviewed on GameFace on Bravo this morning, and I have to say it looks absolutely stunning. I'm really gonna have to get this somehow. I love my platform adventures, and this looks big, beautiful and varied enough to fill the gap after Mario. Gorgeous.
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And do you know, just to be opposite I've been playing it recently and have been really enjoying it! Which has surprised me after my earlier rants at the game. I was mightily disappointed when I first got it. It really ought to have been a budget release. Yes it's a true retro game, offering much the same as the old Saturn game, but it still has a lot of fun in there even today. It makes a nice companion title for Sonic Colours which I got recently too. It does look a bit dated I suppose, but it does have it's fair share of gorgeous levels too that still look the part. I dunno, I think I was a bit harsh. I've had a lot of play out of it, even though my criticisms still stand about the presentation standard. I hate the voice acting with a passion, it's just totally unnecessary and tips the atmosphere off the wrong end for me. But the soundtrack is probably the very best on the Wii imho. It's just a stunningly evocative and dreamy mix. I love it. If only they'd spent more time refining the gameplay and challenges. It could have been perfect. As it is it's a fan letter to the original game, that misses the originals enigmatic appeal.
If it's any consolation, I was going to get it anyway. The Play price just got me off the fence. Yeah this seems to be true. You can't get it this cheap anywhere else.
Thanks for the gameplay vids Boomstick. Confirmed what I expected - it's shit. Shame, as I really enjoyed Nitro and thought they had finally made something they could build on. Never mind, money for Sonic instead. Watching those vids...God, what happened to the speed? I can hear the nitro but it's having zero impact on the game! At least in the last one it had an impressive turn of speed. EAlol.
I fucking love Dexter! Hope this turns out to be true. Loved the first game. Sorry, fucking loved it.
Marvellous innit? Really glad you are enjoying it Nando. I hate recommending things to people only to have them left utterly disappointed! For me it just gets better and better. Some of the goals I have scored on it have been amazing and better than anything I did on 2009. Annoyed at the measly 6 slots for saving them in fact! I play mostly with the remote and nunchuck combo, but I'm finding the classic controller setup has been much tightened too, do you think so? It's just a fantastic all-round great Wii game imho. But yet look at the Wii sales charts and they're all buying FIFA. I spoke to a work mate who'd bought it for his son and they ended up taking it back because he found the gameplay too simple. He was 10. Go figure.