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Everything posted by K-project

  1. Whenever you want! The control dribble is supposed to be for closer control, and I find it useful when your attackers are in the area. But really you can get pretty nimble with the pull control enough for close control in the same way. In 2011 I tend to find control dribble useful on the wings now with the Z sprint, so you can position other players as you dash down the side ready for a pin point cross. Your best bet is just to play the game a bit and see what works best for you. It's a very free flowing system without much in the way of "rules" outside of the regular sports ones.
  2. Heh, thanks for the offer. I wouldn't want to share my piss poor skills with anyone, so I tend to shy away from online play. I love the game very much but I'm not that great at it. It's odd but I only have a passing interest in actual football, but I'm a big fan of football games. I'm still only on 4 stars difficulty, and though I do win plenty of times I know for a fact that facing a human opponent would be a real lesson, and I'm such a coward!
  3. It is still a brilliant game. Last thing I want to do is say "hey rush out guys and get the new game, it's way better!", when really there is not a massive amount between them, and many wouldn't be able to justify the purchase. However for me there is plenty new in it to warrant the upgrade, and if nothing else the game has completely reinvigorated my love for PES on the Wii. It's truly amazing, and for me the new one is the best version yet. Hey I wonder if they'll adopt the Wii controls now on the PS3 version...? They have that Move thing like the Wii setup don't they?
  4. Shooting is much the same, or at least I haven't come across anything yet that seems to make it any different. There's no way to control the power, which is probably due to the fact that you can't manage that on the nunchuck well. To be honest it's not something that bothers me very much at all on PES, since in all the years I've been playing the game the power control has always been crazy and pointless. I remember PES4, where if shots were controlled with even the slightest tap of the button, the power bar would shoot through the roof and the shot would balloon. It's never been consistent through the years or any cop. At least on the Wii there's the B button shot where you can select the angle. That was another funny one with old PES's. Wrenching the stick into a particular angle of shot, only to sit wondering why the guy shot into the other side. I'm really sorry but I can't speak for the online modes sadly as it's something I don't use. I'll have a look though and see if there's anything. As for the camera, no changes there either I'm afraid. I was a bit upset about this at first. What would it hurt to put a couple of different angles in for the player to choose? I can only imagine they were either too lazy, or as I suspect is more likely the game just isn't playable in this way with closer up viewing fields. For some reason it hasn't bothered me much this time. Maybe it's because the ball doesn't seem to get lost in the action at the far side. There are two closer angles for those of you playing with classic controllers though. The classic controls feel much better imo this year. Much nicer feel than 2009. It's available for £19.85 on ShopTo, and I will say that I'd never used these before but they seem pretty cool. Mine arrived next day delivery which really surprised me, and I'd definitely use them again. I'd been playing the PC version of PES 2010 for about a year now, and I absolutely love it. I think it's one of the best PES's there's ever been (though I know some might disagree, they always do). I decided to plump for the Wii game after playing the PC demo for 2011. It's not that it's bad, far from it. It's a brilliant step on for the game. It's just that a lot of what they're trying to achieve with the game on other platforms is already there in the Wii game. Particularly the passing this year. The PC game has added this passing power bar and intelligent movement system that really tries to ape the Wii system imho. It does a great job of it, but it's much less complicated on the Wii and makes more sense once you get used to it. Plus, I've missed playing footie on the big TV. Woah, big post. Sorry dudes.
  5. Yay, mine turned up too today! Brilliant! Big up ShopTo.net. Luckily I'm off work for a few days too. So far I have to say I'm absolutely loving it. First impressions were a bit muted though, and I was a bit disappointed. It's initially very similar to the 2009 game (sorry I didn't have PES2010 so can't compare), even down to the menu structure. You can't help but feel a bit cheated. There's some (I think) licensed new music, but I didn't recognise any of it. Dig a bit into the gameplay though and there's little improvements to love... Holding Z trigger while running with the analogue stick now makes your player sprint, leaving your other hand free to position other players much easier. A small but brilliant inclusion. There's now also much better analogue stick control over any player you highlight. Previously you didn't have this ability in PES2009, and could only drag players with the remote. It's great to have this option, and it adds an extra layer of control. The zonal defending is sooo much better. Positioning a defender in the path of an attacking player results in the defender displaying much better intelligence defending an area automatically, by actually trying to take the ball. It's brilliant. In fact, AI is way better right across the board I think, and this is especially evident when playing with the classic controller, which has had some control improvements too. Chiefly, I don't have to tap the sprint button all the bloody time any more to get the player to run consistently. The new free kick system is much better than previous efforts. You can switch to a close up view, and then by moving the remote you can position the shot then add bend by tilting it left or right before letting rip. Again, it's a much better solution. The graphics are better. There I've said it, but not massively so. It's a bit more realistic looking and the players eyes move around a bit. The team's sporting proper kits and whatnot look great, but again the generic ones look dated, and the stadia are showing their age too. Shame, but I'm kinda sneakily hoping that it'll be easier this time to add a community patch. Hopefully Konami won't have been so aggressive this time out. I'd love an easy way to update the game properly. There's still that funny screen refresh shimmer for some reason though. It's early days yet for me with the game, and I've spent a bit of time just enjoying the feel again and uncovering new bits as I go. I haven't touched the Master League or much else yet, just the training camps and exhibition games, and normal league and cup games. But after a sombre start for me it's really starting to show it's colours somewhat. For me PES is still one of the very best examples of what the Wii controls can do when properly approached. PES 2011 is not a massive leap though, and for those of you who feel you've played this game already in previous iterations there might be little incentive to upgrade. But for the saddos like me there's subtle improvements that only enhance the game further.
  6. Cynical bumpage just to add that my copy's been posted out now from ShopTo (It was a good price!), so I'll let you guys know my initial feelings (presuming you care of course;)) as soon as I get my grubby mitts on it. Been playing a lot of PES2009 lately just to prepare (and compare), and have been surprised by just how much I've missed the Wii controls. Amazing some of the things you can do in the game that just aren't possible with any other football title. Hope this will be good.
  7. Is it safe to pick up a copy of this now, or is the bug still present in retail copies that are on sale? I quite like the look of it, and we're all big Ghostbusters fans here. Let me know.
  8. Thought you guys might like to know, this game is only £12.93 at the Hut. I've ordered mine for sure. Loved the first, this looks amazing too.
  9. Thanks for the video LostMario! Dunno what I think yet really. On first glance there's not a lot in it is there? Looks much the same as the 2009 version initially. But I'm liking the look of the set play changes (and secretly hoping it's not too complicated in use!), and I seem to be right that the players have had a slight graphical improvement. But beyond that it's hard to say without actually getting your hands on it. I think I'll wait and see what the reviews are like before ordering. Not so much the professional reviews, as they don't really get the Wii, but reviews from gamers here and around the net. If it's a good price I may be tempted.
  10. I was an absolutely massive fan of the original Saturn NiGHTS. Huge fan. I got the Wii game at launch and paid £30, and it ripped my heart out! They'd changed the gameplay structure, and added in some goddawful and completely unnecessary voice acting. The story was too much and over done, enough to make even the gooiest fluffy bunny embarrassed. The lovely thing about the original game, and what made it so special, was the whole enigma of the character and the stories. Why change that? I was so disappointed, but over time I've kinda warmed to it and still play it a lot now (it helps that you can skip the soppy cutscenes once you've beaten the game), so it's well worth a cheap punt. I love the fact it's so different still from everything out there. I'm not sure how a casual passer by might find the game though. It really does help if you've played and loved the original game. I also love the fact that the original musical director returned to the sequel. It features some of the very best game music this gen I reckon. One for the adventurous gamer, imho. (Hint: It's best with a GC pad)
  11. Really glad my bumpage unearthed your hidden love for this game people! It's a stone cold classic imho. It's funny because what got me back on it was watching my daughter play it again recently. She's 10, and already a bit of a serious gamer these days and a natural talent, which takes me back to when my own reaction times were better and excitement at gaming was at a high. She's completely pasted through the whole game no problem. Really put the time in (and no, her school work isn't suffering as a result...she's doing absolutely brilliantly there too!), and has bested this game easily while her sad dad still struggles. But the beauty of Excite Truck is no matter how crap you are at the game it draws you back in for more, simply by virtue of being fun to play. The reward of the game is purely in the playing of it, the scores and extras come later. It's just such rollicking, stomping great fun without any fuss, and it's one of the Wii gems that takes me right back to when I was most passionate about gaming, and crucially it underlines why I was too. What a great, great game. I won't say any more than that now.
  12. Old thread bump! How lovely is it when you plunder your back catalogue and rediscover an old flame? Been playing this again a lot recently, and I stand by my comments years ago that this is one of the best Wii games and a complete joy. What's so startling is how it seemed to hit the ground running with some amazing controls and levels so early in the Wii's lifespan. There's nothing like grabbing big air and hearing the whoosh of space and the music stop as you drop back to earth with a thump on top of a rival and a cheeky boost. A classic Wii gaming moment for me. I'll never forgive some of the low scores it got at the time (Edge 6/10! WTF??), but I think time has revealed the true diamond within and it has quite the following now. For me this is easily the racing classic that the Wii needed and like F-Zero GX on the GC before it, it deserves to be remembered as such. If any of you are craving a truly great Wii racer and you haven't played this...where were you? Try and get it now if you can.
  13. . Pretty poor quality and you don't get to see much. To me it doesn't look like there's a lot between this and the 2009 version I'm still playing on Wii. Hard to tell if the graphics are any better or if they are just using a better TV than me! If I'm really looking it seems perhaps the camera isn't quite as zoomed in as the last versions, which is a good thing imho. Often the ball gets lost in the action in 2009, which grinds my gears and sends me back to PES2010 on the PC. I know it needs to be pulled back to enable the gameplay, but to me if it loses the ball then it loses the plot. This looks a bit better initially. Can we have something official please Konami?
  14. Yeah I know what you mean there. It does look somewhat better in the graphics department, mostly on the players, which would make difference to me personally. I didn't expect to see much improvement to the stadia and the pitches, and the video bears this out. What I'd really like to see is Konami easing off on the patching of the Wii version. They made it so prohibitively difficult on the last versions that it made it pointless attempting it, thereby negating a huge amount of the game's appeal. It's crazy really, as it's a major feature of PES and being able to use community patches and upgrades to the game adds to it's popularity. I'm playing the PC version of PES2010 with the Smoke patch, and frankly I couldn't look at another football game after that without it being patchable. The Smoke patch is just incredible, and while I wouldn't expect a Wii patch to match it for detail, it would go a long way to making the game look much better. I get the feeling with the Wii version though that Konami have done what they set out to do with the game and won't be adding much more to it from now on. A shame, as I've been a big champion of the Wii control system and how much it can bring to a football game. Like you, I don't expect v.2011 to be that much further on from any of the last games. But I remain hopeful.
  15. Relax guys, I don't have any new news, but I wanted to start the discussion, and hopefully soon we'll get to see something solid. I have to say it seems very late in the day and yet still we seem to have nothing new to go on. It's released soon! I managed to find which claims to be gameplay from the new Wii game. Looking at it, even though it's pretty low quality footage, it does indeed seem to be neither the 2009 nor the 2010 edition. It seems to have some better detail on the players, and there's also what looks like a new option to swing the camera around the field on set plays, which could prove useful. Please, if you have any news or info, post it up here for us all, especially me. I love to see the new Wii PES every year, and though I skipped the 2010 edition (offered little over 2009 imho) I'm edging towards picking the 2011 version up if it has some worthwhile improvements. Cheers all.
  16. That is annoying, not least of all because the last one on PS360 got mostly hammered for favouring visuals and locations over the story and the characters, and adding in some naff combat. This Wii game gets all the good reviews, and gets stiffed at the bill. Disappointing. But then I'd rather have one great game than a collection of uninspired sequels and hangers on, wouldn't you?
  17. I've recently bought this after watching the (imo underrated) movie and being inspired. I've played the series before but I like the look of the approach in this one. Can be picked up for a song these days (I only paid £15 for it), and looks like yet another humble hidden Wii gem. Will hopefully get to actually have a proper play on it this weekend.
  18. Yeah, the motor had completely gone. There wasn't much dust on it, though I know that can cause problems. Apparently it's quite common with the type of card I have. It has a "unique" "custom" (or "rubbish" ) fan cooler called a Glaciator or something. Went in the first year. The temp went bananas, and then the PC started glitching and rebooting. I thought I had a virus. Took a bit of Googling and experimenting before discovering the knackered fan. I mean, I suppose it's a bit silly for me to say it's definitely your fan. It could be owt! But you have uncannily similar symptoms to mine, and as Speedfan is showing you, the GPU just shouldn't be that temperature. Mine runs at about 42c in hot weather, and slightly more after a game. When the fan stopped mine hit nearer 92c!
  19. Bit late here, but looking at this it's definitely your GPU, and I'm guessing the fan has gone on it. What you're experiencing is exactly what happened to my Nvidia a while ago. Mine's a 9800GT. You seem to have an 8800GT which is indeed a dedicated graphics card and not onboard. My PC went completely bananas in exactly the same way, and I was getting similar readings to yours with Speedfan. Luckily it's pretty easy to fix and a new fan can be bought fairly cheaply these days. I bought an Akasa Vortexx Neo for about £15, and the difference it made was amazing. Let us know how you got on.
  20. I'm surprised there's even a discussion. To me Galaxy 2 is easily up there with the first game, and has fresh new gameplay ideas of it's own that completely justify the sequel. My 10 year old daughter is now well into the Greens stars, while sadly her rubbish dad lags behind on 70 stars! Watching her play it, and the game never ceases to astound with it's sheer creativity. The SMW vibe really grabs me in too, and I'm always looking out for references, which there seem to be quite a few of. It's completely a 10 out of 10 experience for me. For something like this to still amaze and surprise you after already playing through the first game is no mean feat. It's the single one game that keeps me gaming still.
  21. Need For Speed: Nitro. I still play it all the time. It's just fun to play.
  22. Fantastic end, fantastic series overall. I can't tell you how much I've loved it this year. Matt Smith is a complete revelation as the Doctor, and has managed to walk right into my top spot as my favourite Doctor ever over Tom Baker. He just has the lot; funny, warm, heartbreaking, scary, magical. Complete genius performance. "I can buy a fez." :D Glad the whole cast is staying too, as we all fell in love with Amy and Rory. Massive sigh of relief that they'll be here next time. Moffat's first series to me has been massively better than previous ones from RTD, and I don't say that lightly. I loved the RTD era and felt Moffat had a tremendously tough task ahead of him. That he batted it out of the park in this way has made me extremely happy! Can't wait for Christmas on the Orient Express, and series 6/32/etc/whateverwe'recallingit.
  23. Lovely. Mine's been despatched from Gameplay.co.uk. Hopefully will arrive before the day. Can anyone confirm, are there more interesting ghosty levels this time? I love the ghosty levels, but they were a bit spartan last time out...
  24. Getting a bit worried about all these people saying how much harder than the original game this is. I thought the difficulty balance of the first game was pretty good. Yes it had some easy bits early on, but as you progressed to the 120 star mark it got terrifying. I don't much fancy a whole game of me screaming at the thing!
  25. Looks like it. I thought it was a really good episode, and a strong two parter all told. The Silurians are absolutely stunning, tremendous make up, and I loved the city too. Great set up imho as well - we're bound to see them again in the future (much sooner than the 1000 years I imagine), and very pissed off too! I think if you're this far in and hating the series, then I'd probably just watch something else on a Saturday night! Sad you guys don't like it, but we love it here, and spend all week looking forward to it.
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