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Everything posted by K-project

  1. I loved Tennant's end two-parter, barring the silly and pointless nonsense that someone's already mentioned about the magic potion bringing the Master back. I mean, what the hell was all that about with his wife? I loved it though otherwise. However, I did feel the regeneration was terribly drawn out, and, if I dare to add, a little disrespectful. I don't know what RTD hoped to achieve by setting out the tenth Doctor's regeneration as an "end", a death in the way he did. It was too sentimental and lacked the impact for me of past regenerations. When Ecclestone swapped with Tennant, it was a brilliant scene. Moving, funny, and well written. Perfect. Your thoughts were on the future, because the Doctor doesn't die, he lives on. But RTD seemed to want to almost draw a line under Doctor Who, and I found that a little arrogant. Not only that, but I just didn't feel as upset about it as I expected I would. I think if he'd gone after the glass box incident, with Wilf there, it would have been much better. But, otherwise, I've loved the whole of RTD's era (both Ecclestone and Tennant). It's not been perfect, but I'm so thrilled he brought it all back in such fine style. After seeing Matt Smith in the regeneration scene and the new series trailer, I could not be more excited for Who at the moment. He's a fantastic choice for the role, a brilliant actor (going on what I've seen him in), and has such an utterly unique appearance! He just looks bang on for the part imho. And with Moffat writing, it's gonna be a terrific year for the series. I just cannot wait.
  2. See, I knew it! The announcement was originally meant to be for the US. We just thought everyone was affected. Thanks for posting this. Just read it on Eurogamer too.
  3. A lot of the UK online retailers are showing this as only "temporarily out of stock" almost right across the board. I've only found a couple of places that list it as actually "Sold Out". I wonder if the limited stock thing was actually only for the US then. Did we ever get an official word on the European version? I might stick an order in for it on Amazon in case it comes back in. I don't mind waiting...
  4. I don't think you'll find anyone disputing the worth of the set anywhere on the internet. What is frustrating to me, is making a brilliant set very limited in this way. I will add again, that I personally was not aware that when this was released it was intended to be for a limited time only. I simply don't remember reading that anywhere. The upshot is that it's doing well in the charts again. I'm upset that I can't afford to get it (limited disposable income these days for games ), and will probably never be able to get it now thanks to the mad rush it's seen. All the shops are out of stock and not getting any more (obv.). Never mind eh?
  5. Well, whatever your opinions are of this, we really ought to have kept it quiet. Because I've no doubt now that profiteering game shops and twats on eBay will up the price toot-sweet.
  6. I didn't know it was a limited time only release. I think it's a shame, and a bit silly really. It could have done with a price drop here to attract people I reckon, but that's not the way of Nintendo. I would have bought it at some point, but I certainly can't justify £35 right now because Nintendo say so, so I'm just gonna have to do without.
  7. Totally agree. How many people, who have never even heard of the series, are going to want to risk £35-40 on it? Why not drop it down to around £20-25 to at least make it appealing to a regular audience beyond the hardcore gamer? I for one won't be rushing out to buy this just because Nintendo says jump. And I'm a bit upset about that, because I did intend to buy it later in the year when I had some spare cash, but it's Nintendo's loss now. At a time when the headlines are reporting how the more hardcore gamer is abandoning Nintendo, it's seems a pretty stupid and stubborn trick to pull imho.
  8. Loved Tennant and whatnot, but glad he decided to bow out in spite of that. It was about time really, as it had all gotten a bit sugary for me. His *ahem* "death" scene was a bit drawn out for me, and rather unnecessary. Love the look of the new lad though, excellent choice for the role having seen him in other things. I can see why Moffat picked him. Great initial scene for him (his expression was a picture right after the regen!), and well handled, especially when you consider the phenomenal pressure on him and the team. And the new series trailer is absolutely corking. Should be a cracking series. Out with the old, etc, then.
  9. Ubuntu and Linux Mint use the EXT4 filesystem, and not Microsoft's NTFS filesystem, so you'll need to create an EXT4 partition for it to install to. I always like to use this free tool to prepare the space before I install to it. I've just used it this week in fact, to create a new partition table to install Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10 fresh to. I always find it easier if I create the space first, format it to the correct filesystem, then install. That way I know where I am when it comes to installing, and what to look for. Windows typically will not see an EXT4 partition, so you won't get a a G or H drive in your Windows. However, Ubuntu will see the NTFS partition. Good luck with it all anyway dude.
  10. Been using Linux for a couple of years now. Mainly Ubuntu, but tried many. I would say for a first timer, go with Linux Mint. Based on Ubuntu, but easier out of the box, with lots of codecs and whatnot pre-installed and ready to go. Mandriva is also a fantastic place to start. If you know how to partition your hard drive, I'd say you've got nothing to lose. Most Linuxes will read from an NTFS partition. I can't imagine you'd need to write to one, but if you do there's a driver available for it. My hard drive is only 300Gb, but I have 160Gb for Windows 7, then a 60Gb FAT32 partition for backup, and then an 80Gb partition for Ubuntu. Obviously, divide up your space how you see fit. You can use the Ubuntu disc as a Live CD and use GParted (Gnome Partition Editor) to resize if you wish, but please make sure you know what you are doing before you attempt it. Nothing worse than destroying all your data and forever blaming the Linux. But I'd definitely say try Mint first. Let us know how you get on.
  11. It's the little touches in Galaxy that mark it out as a special game, and one that only Nintendo could have made. I'm always in a state of playing through the game to one extent or another, and today I was on the Space Galaxy Tarantula boss level. One little touch I really loved, that had absolutely zero effect on the gameplay, was the ability to use the pointer to cause ripples in the spider's web completely independently of controlling Mario. Sure, it doesn't really do anything that affects the game, but what a lovely touch. How many developers would have completely jettisoned the idea as a waste of time, or worse not even thought of enhancing the game in this way? I sat after beating the boss just playing with the web making the ripples. The missus thought I was crackers! It's what marks Nintendo out as the only developer that really thinks about the player and the overall gaming experience beyond pressing buttons. Magic.
  12. If it's an older PC, have you considered the Linux option? I use both XP and Linux myself, and have no problems with it at all. If you're new to it I'd recommend you try Linux Mint, or Mandriva 2010. There's always the perennial Ubuntu too. Worth a look.
  13. Some fair points, and yes, being based on the older PES games means it's not going to feature the new mechanics. I do feel though, that playing the game with a classic controller misses the Wii deal. I think the Wii setup offers a completely fresh approach tot the game that many just simply miss out because it looks too complicated. Going back to regular pads on PES 2009 on my PC just feels laborious and strained, and always results in me shouting at the AI. I can't stand having to cycle through a clumsy cursor system to get the player I want. I hate how when I get a good attack going the stupid computer makes the players backpedal at the wrong moment. With the Wii game, though it takes some practice, these problems are not an issue. Plus, the passing is sublime in the Wii game. It's a shame the graphics are so poor. The old PS2 versions didn't look as bad to me, and it lets the side down a bit. They could do better with the Wii version imho, though the latest one does look a little better. However, I would really urge Wii gamers who get this game to spend some time getting their heads around the Wii's controls. It really makes this a next-gen experience for me.
  14. No widescreen?? There's widescreen in PES2009 on the Wii, I'm sure of it. Actually, I might skip it this year. Without much improvement to the graphics and only a couple of additions to the gameplay there's little point spending, even though I love my yearly footy fix. It sounds difficult to justify £30 on, especially with money being so tight. I might have felt differently if it had more kits, or at least the ability to upload patches to it. PES 2009 completely locked you out of patching it easily. Konami need to be less aggressive on this with the Wii version imho. I may change my mind as more reports filter through, but for the moment it's looking unlikely. Looks like I'll be sticking with the last one until next year.
  15. Well. It's out today, and I've been very surprised to see there's not a single review anywhere. Did anyone here get it? Is it much different to last years? Let us know. Please!
  16. There's some absolutely fantastic second tier 'underground' games on the Wii that go unnoticed because of the bad press the Wii gets. You've touched on one or two there for sure - MadWorld is tremendous fun, as is Zack and Wiki and Okami etc. Overkill is absolutely fantastic - I only got that one recently myself and have been blown away. A Wii classic imho. Have a look at Bully, No More Heroes for sure, maybe NiGHTS if you liked the old Saturn game, and also Pro Evolution Soccer , which has the most incredible control scheme. I'm also playing PES 2009 on my PC, but it's not a patch on the Wii game, though admittedly the Wii can't match the graphics of a PC. I'll take the Wii version anyday though. I mentioned Bully, which to me is a brilliant Wii game, perfect for the system. Has a great atmosphere and sense of humour. The school and surrounding area makes a fun sandbox to play in, though it's a little slow to start. Don't let that put you off, because it picks up a lot once you unlock the gates at the front! Lots to love on the Wii!
  17. It looks great to me, though it's had some funny write-ups around the net. Mostly from the so-called hardcore lot. There's been a few good reviews too around the place too. I'm surprised it hasn't done better tbh. The thing that looks good to me is it seems to have a proper sense of football, rather than special moves and crazy score-lines. I'm sure that'll creep in (of course, it's a cartoon footie game!), but I do think from looking at it that Mario Strikers looks more like Ice Hockey than football, whereas this game keeps the "nature" intact. I like the size of the pitch on this (lots of room for movement by the look of things, while still keeping gameplay tight) and the camera seems much more dynamic and fun. It's just my early impressions though - I don't have it yet, but I'll be sure and post up if anyone's interested when I do!
  18. It's a tenner on Zavvi right now if anyone's interested. I'm picking it up. Even though I'm a bit of a PES saddo, I like the look of this going on the videos on YouTube of it. It looks fun and pacey, and me and the youngest will be able to play it together. It does remind me a bit of Sega Soccer Slam, but I think it looks better tbh. We'll see.
  19. Blimey, it's all very quiet on the PES Wii front. It's out in two weeks and all I can find is this video on YouTube. C'mon Konami, let's see some more! It does look like they might have improved the graphics a wee bit. But look at those free kicks. ISS 98 returns!
  20. Jeezuz...why does the video need such happy, twatty presenters? Why does it need presenters at all? The lass looks like she's going to pee her pants when she announces it. Good lord... Let the games do the talkin' Nintendo.
  21. Heh. Sounds better than the new FIFA. Thanks for the heads up though. I'll look out for this. Might be worth a pop on the cheap.
  22. Be better of Ebaying it surely. As long as it's brand new, unopened and still sealed, you should be able to make a little profit on what you paid for it, and still sell it for a good price to the buyer. I'm sure you're safe to do that, unless anyone wants to correct me...
  23. I can't see the difference between this N64 game and the newer Wii one. Granted YT video isn't of a high fidelity, but I still can see the awful textures, static backdrops and rough framerates in this video and the two above from Retro. For shame.
  24. It's the opening sequence isn't it? It does indeed look as though they might have improved the graphics. Thank the Lord. PES 2009 is the best footie game there is imho, but by God does it look like a dog. The PS2 games of old look better! Hopefully this will now be rectified, and along with those improved free kicks and more it's going to be a buy.
  25. My apologies. I never saw that. Thanks for the heads up.
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