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Everything posted by K-project

  1. K-project


    I think what's putting people off a bit is the news that Capcom have hacked off the ending video. From what I gather, it's not just a bit video with some credits, but it also contains a plot revelation. This is really disappointing if it's true, and I'm hovering over cancelling it if anyone can confirm this. Is there anyone here who can confirm we're missing serious details from the ending on the Wii version?
  2. Good god no more Rabbids. Please.
  3. Never played this on the DC, but I'm aware of the prestige it has so I'll probably get this as long as they get the controls right on Wii. Horrible ad though.
  4. As I say I loved both the Jap and English voice acting. I mean, the English one was terrible, but really that was part of the charm. The subs didn't bother me at all on the Xbox. I like to watch foreign films, so I'm used to reading subs. Shenmue 2 was my fave though, and that really surprised me to be honest. I adored the first one, and didn't expect no.2 to have anywhere near the impact of it. But it did and more so for me. The music is just something else. I've never heard anything like it before or since, and I still listen to it every day. I loved the peril of an alien place for Ryo in Hong Kong, and I loved the beauty you could find in it's ugliest corners. Stunning.
  5. I played both DC versions through, and the Xbox Shenmue 2 and I have to say I'm happy with either the voice acting or subtitles for the Wii version. Ideally I'd like to see an option to select one or the other. Also, you can't complain about the voice acting in the English version. It's part of the Shenmue deal. This is going to happen isn't it? /crosses everything
  6. Who do I have to kill? Totally welcome this idea. I would love to play through these games again on Wii. I still listen to the Shenmue 2 soundtrack all the time, and it's so evocative. Shenmue is perfect for the Wii I reckon.
  7. Please let this be true. Please....? I don't think you could say Shenmue has a massive fanbase, but it's certainly passionate and I would imagine it would be enough to support a move like this onto the Wii for starters. I would keel over if this happened. I think it would make my gaming year!
  8. Still sorely tempted to get this. It really looks like fun, and my type of game. What puts me off is so many diverse opinions on the game. People seem really divided on it. I think if it was a bit cheaper I might have bought it by now. It's a pity there's no Wii demos available so I could give it a try. Ah well.
  9. K-project


    Whenever they decide to release it - I'm there. I think it looks fantastic, and is perfect for the Wii. I'm sure they'll do the motion sensing justice. I don't think they can go wrong tbh.
  10. It's funny is PES on Wii, because there's definitely a period early on where you are almost resisting it. If like me you're used to the series on PS2 and Xbox, then it really can take a leap before you commit yourself to this new approach. I complained about all sorts when I first got it - defending, shooting etc, etc. But once you let yourself go with it, it really starts to shine, and you realise that actually, this is a genuine next-gen improvement. The decisions the PES team have made here begin to make sense. For me it started to take shape once I began the Champions Road. I thought I might have to get good at the game before even attempting it, but there's no need. It does it's best to make the game accessible, and then cleverly reveals how deep it can be, and that's the best place to start. I'm even preferring it to the old Master League, and I never thought I'd say that. I'm totally smitten. Can you tell?
  11. Right... ...Not being funny or anything, but this is fantastic. Really getting to grips with it now. It's marvellous.
  12. Well, in spite of saying I wouldn't buy it, I caved in yesterday. So far....really impressed, but it's going to take time. There's no two ways about it, you're going to have to tune yourself into it after years of dual analogue fun. There's very little that you could honestly call "intuitive". Only time and commitment will improve your skills I reckon. It's real strength is the passing game. It's so flexible and is the most simple thing to do in the game. Thank heavens for being able to finally pass into space properly and have players make their runs onto the ball. It just works so well. Less straightforward is defending, which I'm having some problems with, but I'm finding that once I target an attacker with the A button and send in my swarms, as long as I keep tapping the Z trigger they will try to get the ball. The difficulty is doing all that while keeping a close eye on everything else! Bit disappointed with the shooting. They could still have kept the power bar for the nunchuck swing. Then again, it is still as snappy as it's always been. Overall though I'm really glad I got it, and look forward to sinking my teeth into it. There'll definitely be things for the PES team to address for the next version, but the nice thing about starting with this kind of radical gameplay is that it just seems so flexible. They'll find no end of things to tweak in the years to come.
  13. Now imagine if you'd paid £35 for it! You might be less forgiving then! For your general info, it's going for £15.95 at Blah DVD. I've used them loads of times and they are extremely reliable and well recommended. So if you were clever like Strange Cookie and held onto your money, you can now pat yourself on the back! EDIT: Here.
  14. Oh undbuotedly! :D
  15. Blimey it does! I've done the decent thing and pre-ordered it now from Gameplay. I've never had a pre-order with them before, so I hope it goes well. It's sad, but I just know this'll get hammered in some quarters for being too different, and not enough like PES's of old. That's a shame, because I really feel that this is going to be very special indeed. There'll be those willing to invest their time in a new approach, and those who simply plug their fingers in their ears and go "lalalala not listening. It's better with a joypad" etc, etc. This has been the case for much of the Wii's catalogue thus far though hasn't it? But from watching these videos it's clear this could be a proper update for PES's wonderful gameplay, rather than just a visual one. I honestly cannot wait personally.
  16. Can anyone here tell me how good (or not!) Nintendo are with their repairs these days? I've finally succumbed and sent my Wii in for repair after intermittent trouble with the drive and loading games, and I'm just curious. I'd heard a few negative things a couple of months ago, but I'm led to believe they've improved things a great deal recently. I'd heard some real horror stories of people getting Wii's back that aren't theirs, and getting scratched up and damaged consoles returned to them. Please tell me this isn't true! Also, they received the parcel on Wednesday the 6th February. How long do you reckon I'll be waiting for it to come back? Cheers dudes and dudettes. EDIT: Well, there's your answer. Got it back today, and they've done nothing. It's exactly the same as before. I cannot honestly believe it. I'm utterly furious right now. OK it's an intermittent problem, but it happens most times. They'll definitely have seen it, so they've obviously just chosen to ignore it and send it back. Thanks Nintendo. Here's what I'll do as a reward - I've got PES on order, and after that I ain't buying any more games for it. I'm certainly not buying another Wii, and I don't see the point of sending it in again, so it's best if I draw a line under it. Very angry and disappointed right now.
  17. That's right. And it says something that the commentary on Konami's football titles has not come on one bit since Tony Gubba on ISS98. Oh sorry, we now have two commentators instead of the one. I remember reading an interview in an N64 mag with the guy who did the voice over on ISS64, and it was quite revealing. He was discussing how video game voice overs should work, and revealed that the comedy was all quite intentional and done to ramp up the fun. It worked in my opinion. It was funny, but not silly. Then again, I might hear it now and and think "WTF??"
  18. Ooooh I see. I didn't realise it was Jon Champion. It's still not as good as the FIFA commentary though is it? It still sounds just as wooden as Peter Brackley and Trevor Brooking to me. Though they do repeat phrases in FIFA, it's surprisingly varied and "live" sounding. Good commentary can definitely improve a sports game I reckon. Interesting your point about the ISS64 commentary. That was actually a voice actor if I remember correctly, and not a footballing "expert". And you're right: it was a very successful commentary that really worked. Maybe they should look into using actors again instead of actual pundits.
  19. Weren't PS3 and 360 owners saying exactly the same thing? At the very least it should be much more solid than the other next gen versions.
  20. I've just been watching the Italy vs Brazil video, and as expected the commentary is dreadful. Clive Tyldesley sounds great on the FIFA commentary, but for some reason on PES he sounds really wooden and bored. Ah well, it wouldn't be PES if it didn't have a boring repetitious commentary track! Regardless of over paid announcers, I'm definitely getting this in for Wii.
  21. I guess EA don't want to get hammered by Konami and the imminent release of PES! EDIT: This gives you a pretty good idea of the gameplay I reckon, though I have to say, the fumbled backpass in front of the open goal is a bit worrying!
  22. Yes, I have to agree with a lot of what you say. I too think the graphics are lovely, but I think they could sort out the shadows on the pitch a bit. I play with the old PES-style side-on camera, and the players kits are meaningless when they're in the shadows. You can't tell who's who! But overall, yes the graphics are fairly neat, definitely a step up from say FIFA 07 on the Xbox. I bet they could wring some more out of the Wii though. I'd be disappointed if they didn't! But it's a great game I reckon. Even with the lack of modes it's a game I'll be playing all year right up to the next one. It's just such fun to play, and it doesn't feel like a wannabee anymore, like FIFA's of the past.
  23. Yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong I wasn't slagging it off at all. I got it at launch last year and I still play it almost everyday. I think to be fair EA did a sterling job on the controls. Really satisfying and fun to play, and a decent approach to the game, though better when you put the camera where it should be. Rather I was just getting at the lack of any kind of single player content. I just got the feeling that EA cynically targeted a very specific type of person with the Wii FIFA, and it wasn't regular gamers. It was kept "content-lite" purposefully for an intended Wii audience that they expected to have little or no care for such things or any kind of attention span. And that's a pity, since the game more than stands up to the job on Wii. I think a bit more attention on the AI, a good career mode or two, and perhaps a bit more love for the graphics and FIFA2009 will be a good buy. I'm very glad to see that there's to be some competition for it on Wii courtesy of Konami though. I think PES Playmaker is going to be very special.
  24. Funnily enough, the first one that springs to mind is EA's FIFA08. That was certainly purposefully stripped of content to fit in with their "casual" gaming departments' business plan for the Wii. There's no technical reason whatsoever to explain the lack of any kind of focussed single player content. They did it because they had their ideas of who the average Wii gamer was, and obviously they came up with the further idea that he didn't want involved gaming. Idiots.
  25. A joke surely? Mark Lawrenson's wooden ramblings in ISS2 made even the sleepy pair of Trevor Brooking and Peter Brackley sound exciting. Hopefully they'll get a better performance out of him if they are to insist on using his services, but I don't expect much myself.... Still, sounds like this'll be fantastic.
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