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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I was just about to suggest you, on the grounds that we are brain twins, and thus would form an invincible psychic assassin squad when in close proximity. Just think Summer Glau with more facial hair and the pressing need for a codpiece in a combat environment.
  2. I just found out about In Rainbows. I have a massive erection.
  3. anyone who fancies a game, add Dr Oatker.
  4. can we have a general assumption that here be spoilers? tagging every post is a bit much for a sequel, right?
  5. Superman theme, obviously. failing that, Al Green.
  6. that was fucking Gold. Holy shit
  7. Dan_Dare


    it's definitely the 2nd level. The first is a cunning training section cum corridor blaster but Halo, as a level, blew me away with panoramas, tactics and the sweet, sweet rhythm of the classic Halo skirmish.
  8. I'm rekindling my love for simian's we are your friends album. it's bloody ace.
  9. sweet, sweet 142kbps download. bring me booty, piracy!
  10. people! enough with the lists again! Please, keep it to posts someone is likely to give two shits about and read
  11. it's ineptitude (seriously folks, great word) was what made it so amusing. The special school performance from the kid along with Anakin ' miscellaneous anger face!' skywalker was just prime unintentional comedy.
  12. it was hilarious.
  13. the scene where Anakin kills them? that was amazing. Never has psychotic child murder been funnier, or more deserved. I chortled muchly at that scene. In a crowded cinema. Fuck I'm awesome.
  14. awesome. I've not even seen that film edited image for massive spoilers
  15. this is a bit more blurred than I thought. Oh well...
  16. I know it (it rocks) but I'll leave it for now.
  17. right I'm sure you'll be familiar with this oft repeated thread by now. It's just a good ol forum distraction by which I post a picture of a film/ tv series then you lot try to guess what it is. The person to get a guess right posts the next picture and so on. quick note: unless you are positive that you've guessed right, wait for confirmation for answers. Any unanswered pictures can be skipped after 24 hours so to keep the game moving. oh, and this is for kudos only. No custom title promises ala the forum quiz. Round One bit easy if you've seen it, but it's a great movie anyway.
  18. ah yes, I do remember the time I crapped them out. Rather amusing story actually...
  19. the hands monster scared the living fuck out of me. Brilliant.
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