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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. this is a good thing! any game thread, every online game thread in particular would be improved, the funny links thread would be usable without death by tab, the music thread would be massively improved... besides, system abuse makes this place home
  2. ..like being in uni
  3. Bjork is awesome personified. I should dust off Volta some time I've not had a listen in a while.
  4. I'd do it in a few years. Like Blackfox though, I'm at uni and I'd decline the call for now. It's not something that bothers me though- if you believe in the legal system then you should be able to become part of it.
  5. I'm a bit disturbed that both my mentions of Simian Mobile Disco and MSTRKRFT have gone all but ignored. I'm left with no option to declare you all muppets and/or heathens for not taking heed. You're all missing out massively! get it sorted!
  6. no you don't. Every point 9/11 conspiracy theorists have come up with has been disproven. By definition, that pretty much means the opposite of having to respect anything they say. In fact, it's a licence to mock them for being cretinous *****.
  7. i'm already gearing up credit on my tv torrent site in preparation of this and Heroes. I've always liked Prison Break- even at it's most ridiculous it's always fun. Hopefully they reel it in a touch though. As much as I loved Mahone gazing into the storm and declaring that 'they have the cover of nightfall' in time to thunder and lightning, the first season has a better sense of tension, what with the whole impending death/meticulous plan thing.
  8. saw 28 weeks later this afternoon. Holy shit. I'd heard it was good but that opening five mins is quite possibly one of the most nerve racking, disturbing and alarming scenes I've ever seen. The rest didn't let it down either and it was a really good follow up to the first movie. Everyone needs to see this. 8 not zombies of the dead
  9. if it helps, I could arrange for the Triads to take out a family member- give you a more dramatic motive an everything. Hell, you'd practically warrant a montage.
  10. not the bit in China :p best o luck dude. sounds interesting!
  11. it's all a sack of rancid bullshit. if you believe that conspiracy theory, you'll believe fucking anything. every shred of 'evidence' put forward by the film has been debunked and disproved by people who actually know what the fuck they're on about. The entire premise of the film is conjecture and misrepresentation. this isn't a thread worthy of discussion simply because anyone who imagines that The Man was responsible probably needs the following: 1. A slap, for being a spakker 2. Their balls removed so that they can't rear spakker children. 3. Another slap for good measure. or a punch in the eye. Possibly both.
  12. I'm proper excited about it. Prison Break the week before, too. Bring on the season!
  13. let me know if you want to 'aquire' the album. otherwise, look for a track called sleep deprivation. it's fekkin ace
  14. heh. I'm also a big Justice fan, so I dunno bout that. They're both sick
  15. it didn't work before so lets try again! listen to Simian Mobile Disco you ingrates! Honestly. Some people...
  16. yeah it's wicked. generally I'm really not in to hip hop as the 'urban' cockswinging often takes precedent over any musical ambition. The reverse of this seems to be the case with West though, and I find myself enjoying it far, far more than I usually would. also downloaded Pharaoh Monch's latest, what with all the recommendations heading my way. impressions to follow.
  17. only..like...not, because they're the most important band of their generation. massive change of direction! I've just downloaded (legally, honest lol) Kayne West's albums. Listening to Graduation atm. It's really, really good.
  18. Joy Division are fucking incredible. Anyone who sayeth otherwise is a godless forsaken heathen.
  19. yeah, but spirit of the beehive is boring as shit, and thus looses.
  20. pan is a wonderful, wonderful film. One of the best in years I reckon.
  21. yes. course I am. but they helped define an entire genre and decade! they're a hugely important influential band.
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