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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. My point was, as you so brilliantly failed to see, was that the film is substanceless- the script is a third trimester of an abortion compared to the graphic novel, which is utterly brilliant. but then, you haven't read it so I'm not sure why I'm bothering with this when you clearly haven't the means or the ability to understand my point.
  2. Actually, it's more that I hate crappy, brain sapping adaptations of artistic masterpieces that undermine the ideas, emotions, characters and basic fucking principles of the original while crediting their audience with the collective intelligence of an autistic gerbil. but, you know, feel free to carry on this ridiculous defence without having any idea what you're on about. Don't let me stop you kiddo.
  3. strangely enough, the exact same thing happened to me, Shino. In our case, the signal was pretty high on the 'holy fuck that's loud' scale, and was a bit like having radio five live hammered in to your poor, poor skull by Brian Blessed.
  4. then they don't have a unique sound. that's my point. I'll give you distinctive.
  5. yeah that's because my taste is impeccable in all things. FYI, that makes no sense. Uniqueness is an absolute, and doesn't come in varying degrees like 'quite'. sigh. pet peeve.
  6. you know, the mendez paintings really are awesome. it's a shame there won't be any more.
  7. aye that's it. That last line is utterly brilliant. fuck, now I have to watch it tomorrow.
  8. yeah that's a fantastic quote. there's a really good one in Alien, too. I've forgotten it now but it's from the android about the nature of the xenomorph.
  9. it's true- it's a song that really marks the apex of the album emotionally and musically for me. also: how fucking good is eternal life live? gyuyuuuaaahjh!!!
  10. that sounds like Mememto, only real and utterly terrifying.
  11. BSG aint dead. they're going to screen the first...ten, i think, then the rest when it's all sorted in the mean time- razor is awesome so watch that.
  12. Joining in the fun: I just bought 4 tickets to see Hot Chip they're touring all over the UK in February if anyone's a fan. tickets just went on sale.
  13. that's probably my favourite song of all time. It's utterly gorgeous.
  14. surely they have the studios by the balls- it can't last long...
  15. I have issues with people complaining about how fast others get in to bands- a good album is still good six months after release, so it's not really a problem unless they wilfully ignore new music.
  16. Aliens is my favourite- mostly for the fucking immense script and Michael Beihn
  17. it would be, only the real person has a bangin rack and thus out ranks you
  18. admirable effort dude. I wish I was feeling as inspired with my writing. I only have one good idea and it's still brewing in my head like some foaming conduction, ready to become some baddass fuckin course work in December
  19. I'm actually fairly easy in my own company- I have my friends and enjoy their company obviously but I'm the kind of guy who can spend entire days curled up with nought but a book, a good game, dvd and a bottle of fine beer and never find fault. I have been feeling emotionally lonely lately though- I really want to be with someone in Sheffield and I'm feeling stuck in Hull a bit. it's all horribly complicated though and can send me through ups and downs like nothing else can or should.
  20. slight spoiler about adam:
  21. ah, yeah sorry I'm confused. but you may be pleased to know that
  22. well, if you're after a big mano love in, you're in the right place:p
  23. just say no? seems like you'll have to be pretty explicit with her dude...
  24. actually that was Apollo you're not far off though.
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