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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. for reference: hot chip is face meltingly awesome, but perhaps sound of silver is something everyone should own. on principal, really.
  2. Happy birthday, kiddo.
  3. we've got heads on sticks you've got ventriloquists standing in the shadows at the bottom of my bed.
  4. yes. yes you are.
  5. The m14 is a monster. it's like a g3 with alot of recoil but kills in 2 hits with stopping power. it also looks and sounds savage as fuck.
  6. it's easy. 25 kills with the m16. same goes for any other gun, actually. The m16 takes a bit of practice because it's burst fire, which is a bit trickier than full auto guns like the ak47 and the carbine, but once you learn to use it, it's utterly baddass. also, cod4 dlc in spring. 4 new maps, but no other details yet.
  7. For the record, The Big Lebowski is a work of magnificent genius.
  8. flux is win, but i hate the wombats so much. Klaxons just...I have no time for them, and they're clearly massively produced and shitty musicians- just watch their 07 glastonbury set and marvel at how piss weak they are.
  9. yeah, whatever. Don't act like you're not impressed.
  10. Dan_Dare


    hahahaahahahaahahaha that's genius Like my man Eevil said though, it's clearly stocked entirely with clippers. I need a haircut on the morrow. I'm going to look hawt.
  11. what's wrong with 'let me put my love in to you?' oh, wait....
  12. fuck this thread in the eye
  13. but..but..i'm an adorable cartoon!
  14. A Perfect Circle, drawn free hand, was supposedly a sign of demonic alliance back in the day. True story.
  15. I'm from Sheffield, but don't let that put you off :p
  16. edited first post for clarity. i should mention that i'm asking friends too
  17. i should add it'd be £16.50
  18. i'm more in the 'fuck this i'm sickeningly bored on my own, somebody take me home' phase.
  19. I have a spare, for our 18+ clientèle EDIT FOR SPAZZISMS: It's actually the 15th. d'oh. and it's £16.50
  20. this just in: I'm entirely fucking sick of being single.
  21. Ian Curtis biopic from last year
  22. that's actually revolting.
  23. really? that's a massive sack o gay.
  24. I know, I know. Hull is a cultural wasteland though and it's not been on it's finally turned up apparently so it's a must see for me.
  25. shit you not- i had a dream about this film last night. I think it was a message from The Big G warning me that I should avoid it like the plague and go see Cloverfield and Control instead.
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