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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. that looks amazing in motion
  2. my text tone is the item fanfare from Super Metroid. It's fucking awesome
  3. are you implying that oiled up slow motion beach vollyball in tighty whities, soundtracked by a song called 'playing with the boys' is gay? you make me sick.
  4. Pete, you've utterly missed the point: see my earlier posts- they've been quoted enough and should have ended the thread on page one, frankly. This isn't BT, it's a University.
  5. proof of the merit of a good cover: The Beach Boys didn't write Sloop John B.
  6. Damn, and there I was thinking the plague was over....
  7. buh. comedown days suck
  8. if you're with friends and you take it easy you're pretty much perfectly safe I reckon. Like anything, it's only dangerous if you go berserk on them and get in trouble.
  9. that it is.
  10. tried pills recently. Fuck me they're nice. It's hard to describe but it's like a mix of energy and a total lack of negativity. Very fun.
  11. yes later funsies no no
  12. if you're in halls, it's the same network as if you're in a computer lab. is it obvious yet?
  13. A good cover or remix should bring out a new personality to the song. Saying they're all shit is retarded considering Jeff Buckley and Jonny Cash's efforts are already in the thread.
  14. how about: 'it's a fucking academic network, privately owned, run and maintained by the university for the purpose of work and research.' seems good enough reason for me.
  15. ha! perish the thought!
  16. aye, I suppose I have more issue with them. Still, a poor man's Xenomorph at best, yo.
  17. they are shit though, yeah? I mean, they fucking blow so hard it's not even funny. Toxic! Now that's a good track.
  18. I'm waiting for the slow motion pistol polishing scene, myself.
  19. Bleeding Love is actually a pretty awesome pop song. Might be a guilty one but it's still a pleasure.
  20. Summer Glau in tight jeans?
  21. I swear, if this game has Wtretches in again, I'm going to personally kneecap CliffyB in front of his children.
  22. only a good thing. saying that though, in T3 Sarah died of Leukaemia and John is in his 20s. it's not entirely ruled out or retconed, just not alluded to much.
  23. you are aware, aren't you, that the idea of Linda Hamilton playing sarah, and Arnie being involved in tv, is utterly, profoundly ridiculous?
  24. ok- on further investigation and purchase this afternoon I can evaluate the above: you are either utterly fucking batshit insane, or have never read a book, seen a film or gone to see a single play in your entire life. Jesus christ, what barrel scraping turd are you judging the story and acting in this game against!?
  25. commendable effort, that. The Greeks are mean motherfuckers to attack on that game.
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