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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I actually like the way they handle that- Masterchief first appears coming out of Cryo as he's desperately needed in the final crisis in the war, then receeds as this still faceless avatar of a character. It'd be sweet to see him come back in another situation
  2. people who don't get SOAP as a spoof....erm..what? half the fucking script is an homage to Airplane! for fucks sake.
  3. Radiohead in but a couple of days. might seep. uaargh
  4. my sky plus just recorded Henry V and The Cider House Rules win. Verdicts later.
  5. shotty snipers can suck mah balls. however, territories is clearly the game of kings. also: my skillz check out the 'perfect capture' one for a text book surprise speed attack on territory 4, Highground style.
  6. what a stupid waste of money. hahaha.
  7. epic lulz? look no further than R Kelly f Usher- Same Girl. the full effect can only be achieved with Youtube tho.
  8. high five on the Kate Gash abuse man. She's fucking dire.
  9. it's not too complex. Basically, the Flood don't just kill their hosts- they absorb their minds. once the flood absorb enough sentience, they develop a type of flood form called Gravemind that becomes intelligent because of the amassed memories from all the hosts. Once this happens, they stop being dumb zombies and start spreading out with a purpose. They start doing stuff like capturing ships and heading through space to other planets. I think that in Halo: CE, Captain Keyes' flood form was the beginnings of a Gravemind, as he was hooked up to the bridge of Truth and Reconciliation when the Flood were trying to escape Halo.
  10. am I right in thinking that The Flood are now trapped permanently outside the galaxy? I think I'm right in saying that the Gravemind was killed by the Halo pulse (he's sentient, and the pulse kills anything that can think) so the rest of the parasites will be trapped and eventually starve to death. one thing I'm confused about though is, on the first two games, why are the flood even on a Halo? shouldn't they be dead?
  11. I was just about to suggest you, on the grounds that we are brain twins, and thus would form an invincible psychic assassin squad when in close proximity. Just think Summer Glau with more facial hair and the pressing need for a codpiece in a combat environment.
  12. I just found out about In Rainbows. I have a massive erection.
  13. anyone who fancies a game, add Dr Oatker.
  14. can we have a general assumption that here be spoilers? tagging every post is a bit much for a sequel, right?
  15. Superman theme, obviously. failing that, Al Green.
  16. that was fucking Gold. Holy shit
  17. Dan_Dare


    it's definitely the 2nd level. The first is a cunning training section cum corridor blaster but Halo, as a level, blew me away with panoramas, tactics and the sweet, sweet rhythm of the classic Halo skirmish.
  18. I'm rekindling my love for simian's we are your friends album. it's bloody ace.
  19. sweet, sweet 142kbps download. bring me booty, piracy!
  20. people! enough with the lists again! Please, keep it to posts someone is likely to give two shits about and read
  21. it's ineptitude (seriously folks, great word) was what made it so amusing. The special school performance from the kid along with Anakin ' miscellaneous anger face!' skywalker was just prime unintentional comedy.
  22. it was hilarious.
  23. the scene where Anakin kills them? that was amazing. Never has psychotic child murder been funnier, or more deserved. I chortled muchly at that scene. In a crowded cinema. Fuck I'm awesome.
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