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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. umm..recent music....ohh.. anyone know a guy called Clark?
  2. fuckin a! flink's back! that post made me feel fuzzy. fnnaarr
  3. a new face on the thatguy scene, but i reckon Alan Tudyk makes a good show for himself
  4. I'm pretty sure that's why they made IMDB
  5. but everyone knows who he is. Technically, as soon as that happens you're not a that guy anymore. He is everywhere though. tru fax.
  6. I was watching the Daniel Day-Lewis film of The Crucible today, and aside from being a passable adaptation and a good way to attend a seminar and pretend I'd slept properly, it has some crackin appearances from a bunch of 'that guy' actors- people you recognise from all kinds of sub poster grade acting roles across hollywood. It took me a few moments to realise that one prominent character was Jeffrey Jones from Ferris Beuller's day off and Deadwood. On top of that, That Guy supremo Bruce Davison took me a good 2 thirds of the movie to place as Senator Kelly in x-men. On top of that, I saw him in an episode on BSG, couldn't place his face and have only just now realised it was him. so- who is the ultimate that guy? who are your favourites?
  7. “Any society that would sacrifice a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and loses both.” pretty much sums up how I view bullshit international politics
  8. it's fine by me- my dad likes The Who, Richard Hawley, Four Tet and Amy Winehouse from my collection, all of whom kick ass immeasurably.
  9. 'am i having a seizure or is someone making omelettes?' was my line of the show. classique.
  10. risk is alright, but it's all about diplomacy.
  11. got drunk and danced with hot French girls to electro
  12. yeah i assumed that, too
  13. it's poo compared to the book. hopefully the Watchmen film will do Moore's source material justice. "You're asking me to weigh the life of one against the fate of mankind? kill him"
  14. he speaketh truism-ness. dow is awesome and cheap as funk.
  15. am i right in thinking that the girl in the comic book is actually monica? i'm assuming all the 9th wonder comics are part of mendez' powers
  16. bits of it are- it's just that large parts of it are flag waving jizz. Just watched Sunshine again as I got the DVD for my birthday last weekend. Fucking hell it's good. It's like the perfect 70's and 80's dark sci-fi, only better. 20 quizzical physicists out of 5.
  17. yeah. I can't actually think of another British act I actually give two shits about. There's the odd album like Jamie T that I like but other than that, Indie and bands in general have gone to shit last few years.
  18. me, obviously. Kid's make so many pointless threads these days. back in my day...
  19. 'George Zipp said that?'
  20. that one is from blazing saddles and it'd be gene wilder's hand.
  21. Rósin Murphy's latest effort, Overpowered is a bit fucking quality. winner!
  22. In Rainbows is fuckin mint. I can't find myself listening to much else atm- it just seems a waste of good radiohead time.
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