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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. man, Jumper was shit. Cool fx for teleporting, though.
  2. Perry White is black? Who next, Spider-man?
  3. Fuck knows. Some times I think I'm all that stands between this place becoming a feral abyss.
  4. Yeah, um spoilers in spolier boxes plz
  5. Tell you what she needs: A Hoplite skirt. Feminine by today's standards but with a warrior heritage, associated with one of the most powerful civilizations the world has ever known. She wore something a bit like it in Kingdom Come, but it was quite sexualised. She should wear powerful clothing. And it's Greek! aside from her war-era genesis, I never got why she'd wear stars.
  6. That's brilliant.
  7. Agreed. Though in the comics, Bane is often overlooked as a tactician and military mind because of his appearance. Hopefully Nolan is emphasising that element of his character, which as you say is a much more exciting prospect.
  9. Finally caught up on a bunch of stuff Avengers #15 was a gem. Spider-Woman taking on the Hulk is ludicrous but brilliant, sets up some cool character stuff and shows Bendis doing what he does best. And of course Bachalo is perfect for the issue. The Page with the Hulk looming over Spider-Woman with his hammer in hand is so expressive, so demented that it just totally captures the battle in one image. Easily my favourite FI tie in so far. Avengers Academy continues to be probably Marvel's best book right now. We're all fans (right?) so I won't go on about it too much except that it's everything a team book, an Avengers book and straight up a comic book should be. Perfect. Schism #2 is shaping up the event very nicely indeed. It's looking like the thing that's causing the split might be Cyclops harbouring Quire on Utopia, which is...interesting. The Hellfire side of the story is turning out to be utterly mental, too. Wahey. also catching up on No Way Out in The Walking Dead . No discussion plz. Also! I have decided to start a comics blog. I'm opening up the floor to some name suggestions. Go!
  10. I'd argue it's really lacking Bat-Nipples:awesome:
  11. I'll get on it today, then.
  12. zomg. Are they in the game?
  13. Will it give me any beef with apps or anything? And, more importantly, is it reversible? I don't want a situation like jailbreaking where an update could brick my warranty voided handset.
  14. I'd imagine it's all on a redeemable code or somesuch on consoles. Couldn't comment on pc, mind. But yes, Deus Ex is a game you need to really play going in 'naked' to get the full experience, so standard ed it is for me.
  15. I thought they sucked. For one thing they fill up your whole inventory - though I did like the smart hack things you could use on locks you weren't good enough for otherwise.
  16. whatnow? Is that safe / easy / etc/ what?
  17. Tool in this case means cock. No idea about weapon, that's new to me.
  18. I might check it out. Aaron is the shit and I like the art. Always wanted to like Hulk more, too. I need a new sig. Comic themed, obv.
  19. Anyone know if they'll be releasing the full cinematic teaser? There's a bunch of other bits in that, like Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill.
  20. But in fairness, you don't want to be friends, no? He's got the right to not want you around if you want to be with his girlfriend.
  21. eerrrrrr...really? wow. OK. Well it's supposed to describe a muscled guy- ie "he's been working out a lot and is starting to look really hench" I've heard it used for other stuff to describe it as either massive or kick-ass too, though, like a "hench bonfire" but sweets? Lulz.
  22. presumably from 'henchmen'
  23. Sorry to hear that man
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