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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Well it's the animated series, innit. It's not exactly designed to fit in with the rocksteady art design
  2. Snap! It's so coooooooooooooool
  3. Alt skins for The Boy Wonder, too. Happenstance will enjoy the Red Robin suit (#2)
  4. Yeah, I guess it all comes down to the workman / tools thing. For the record, I thought Avatar was another really good example where tech was used to do something genuinely new and exciting. Just a shame the script wasn't as ground breaking in the end.
  5. Awwwwww yeah! Nate Grey on New Mutants, then. I actually had him pegged for Uncanny myself.
  6. So who's seen Rise of the Apes? Thought I'd mention it because it does something interesting with CG in that it genuinely does something that puppetry could never achieve and in a really good way, too. Ceaser and the other apes are genuine digital actors and, though they're mute, convey tonnes of range and emotions throughout the film. Stuff like this, which is obviously backed by great physical performances in the mo cap studios, is where CGI justifies itself and pushes the boundaries a little.
  7. Uncanny X-Men is starting to look like one of the best Fear Itself tie-ins. The X-Men trying to stop the completely unstoppable Juggernaut is great - loads of great ideas from Gillen showing just how powerful and versatile the united X-Men can be, all to no effect at all. Not really sure I'll like what they're doing at the end of it all with Colossus but hopefully it's temporary.
  8. Oh, wicked. That's a pretty clever trick.
  9. Looking good, though I can't really work out why Cerberus want Shepherd dead so bad that they try and stop him saving the galaxy from Armageddon.
  10. Oh! Man I really need to read the list again. I'm liking how the Bish is going- Rez is a monument to small town boredom and mental instability then lower down we've got a couples death match going on. Some other really good stuff from everyone too
  11. Got my tickets to see this on my birthday. Aww yeeaaah.
  12. That looks absolutely fucking astonishing.
  13. I'm happy to buy some trades n all but buying monthly is for rubes. Too expensive, too fragile. yeessss
  14. Na I mean I was going to Mrs Robinson for the recreate a scene bish. Shall have to reconsider my options.
  15. It's an alternative version of Iron Man where Tony Stark is half man half Pug. He's basically the same but has a really flat face and his fortune is in pet food, not arms manufacture.
  16. Yeah I think they need to work out how to make randomised loot more interesting because most of it in the original was just the same guns with minor variations on multipliers and rate of fire. I think making the brands more distinct, with specialist roles is what they're going for. Rockets were weird. I never found much use for them either but Brick has an entire tree for explosives so that must work. Bit like sniper rifles in that the Hunter is really the only one who gets anything out of them. And definitely more weird stuff generally. The shotgun that fired a salvo of rockets was fun (if too silly to really work) I'd like to see more of that.
  17. Pretty sure that the Iron Man suit is partially real at least. I've seen set shots with RDJ in a kind of incomplete version. Presumably they match the suit over that to make it more convincing. Obviously in the more outlandish scenes it'll be entirely CGI though. Either way it is damn impressive and totally convincing.
  18. Some concept art- looks like they're really setting the manufacturers apart this time like they said. Teaser
  19. for me: The Internet.
  20. Yeah I just caught this recently. Starts out promisingly but I thought it ran out of steam by the final third and ended quite boringly. The conspiracy plot was too vague to take in to account and the gangster story felt contrived. Cooper was good though.
  21. I was planning on doing this, you pair of vandals.
  22. Team Mike.
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