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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. That's awesome. My dream was less interesting, but it was alot filthier so...
  2. Yeah that was kinda mental.
  3. In other 'Oxigen_Waste is wrong' news: Anyone read T-Bolts and New Avengers yet? two of the best issues in ages. T-Bolts especially is absolutely ace.
  4. My god, that looks amazing.
  5. Wow they're really expanding on GotG, aren't they? Lets hope we see it hold in Invincible later down the line. The Guardian interviews Mark Millar.
  6. YES. A thousand times, yes. They actually kept the SFX from the book! I'd say it's a first but it's just been a while.
  7. Thursday was, I think, Thor's Day.
  8. So who was responsible for the "Adonis Weekly" suggestion?
  9. Yeah the tank missions suck pretty hardcore. Combat is rubbish too, seeing as the only way they could get it to fly was by building it out of tissue paper- the only way to kill anything is to hammer the fire button and pray that the auto aim takes out the silhouettes of geth ants on the horizon as they stand there, A.I patiently awaiting your arrival in to some nebulous trigger range inside which they execute you instantly like a crack squad of interstellar assassins. Terrible stuff. The only highlight is at the end with the cool effect on the prothean device. That's it.
  10. Good episode this week, although the way people in this show talk is monsterously bullshit. With all the crazy stuff kicking off left right and centre, nobody would be so quick to accept the amount of half truths and allusions that major characters, who clearly have the full answer, spout on a regular basis. They just accept everything and march off in to the jungle again At this point, the style wears thin but at least the rubix cube remains fascinating. A lesser proposition would have left me bored and an ex viewer some time ago with the same stunt. Hallo, Heroes.
  11. That's the best pun since Rex-Splode. Amazing.
  12. I can play with...wait, no. Not here.
  13. Ok so actually giving Joanna Newsom a shot. Weird as fuck. What a champ.
  14. Wednesday is new comic day! Always worth looking forward too.
  15. Reverberate my soul with the expanse of your infidelity/ 10
  16. I can't. Task fail.
  17. I'm blameless. I'm just passing on the link. Cheers anyway, guys. Important bees on the interwebz.
  18. here! It's for an election based magazine aimed at young voters in the UK. If that applies to you, I really need some results post haste. Much love, y'all.
  19. Anyone seen part 2 yet? superb, again. Really painted a picture of the absolute hell the men on that island went through. The sheer insanity of their situation really hits home. Properly brutal, too. Some shocking scenes that really shocked me.
  20. Less money troubles for my J-Dawg? awesome-o! In Design continues to terrify me. Making progress though. I just wish more and more that I had any idea about font styles- i can't do it by eye or knowledge at all so I'm literally flying blind now and it's only something I can grasp over time and experience- but I need to know now!
  21. It's basically gone insane. I'm being misdirected all over the shop. 'Fact x Importance = News' sent me to a Pokemon thread in the handheld boards.
  22. Massive over reaction I mean, really,What's the worst possible scenario you can imagine coming out of this?
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