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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Na he'll just be pulling 'the wolverine' and doing 2 teams at once. He's a great character, but it bothers me that every member of NA so far has either super strength or some form of invulnerability. Kinda bullshitty.
  2. it's online.
  3. It's The Thing!
  4. Lol, Edge 5.
  5. Tim Burton is called a 'singular visionary' by his fans, but I realised some time ago that what it really means is that he only has one single idea. Absolutely no interest in seeing Alice.
  6. I always understood the extravagance involved in a gay pride march as a kind of 'fuck you' to conservatives who don't want to acknowledge homosexuality. It's a kind of 'yes, we're here and we're here in the most elaborate way to make sure you see us'
  7. Then they should do what Avatar does and bump the saturation. I don't see why people are so anti 3D. Done properly, it takes nothing away and if you want to see a film in 3D it adds a nice layer of depth and a bit of fun to the experience. I really enjoyed the effect in Avatar and it really enhanced the film.
  8. I watched a blu-ray rip the other night and it left me breathless. When I could speak I said 'Dan, you massive cockpiece. Why didn't you see that at the cinema?'
  9. yeha that's right. Some great looking changes in that vid: Needler is now the replacement for the carbine. This is awesome. Fuel Rod seems to have become a sticky grenade launcher, and some kind of equivalent to the Spartan Laser or Rockets. The new Ar/Br look fantastic. Much meatier and lethal, espcially the AR. I hope it has a little more range. I'd like to see the SMG as the real close range scenery chewer.
  10. dude, seriously? 3D is sweet.
  11. This just in: Ryan Reynolds Will Fly In Your Face
  12. Great addition to the team, but by god in that? Girlfriend, please.
  13. I disagree completely. Sure,
  14. Clearly going for more players, too. The scale looks colossal. Sprinting, jet packs and commando rolls all say large scale combat to me. This is going to kick so much ass.
  15. But the wii can't do anything like this. It's just not up to scratch.
  16. Dan_Dare


    Sounds generic-o platinum games have a certain way with polygons though. I'll keep an eye out.
  17. Hawkeye is probably going to be a 'full' Avenger. He's a classic. Wouldn't pass up on Mockingbird though, or maybe even Echo. She's got sweet powers and was really under-used last time. Iron Fist is fantastic and would be more than welcome. Dare Devil would be cool (Ronin was originally going to be Matt Murdoch) but his involvement in The Hand would make things too complex.
  18. really? this is your pr campaign? really?
  19. You should all check out Craig Charles' Funk and Soul show on....saturday nights? or Friday. I don't even like funk, but the show is amazing- the team are all genuine experts and their well of knowledge runs deep. Charles is a good presenter too, making the whole proceedings hugely entertaining. That's what I love about 6. They can take you in to whole new areas of music with such assured skill that it leaves you so satisfied and full of the benefits. It's the radio 4 of pop music.
  20. this game looks hamstringed by the decision to develop on wii. Balls out HD would have been much better.
  21. Oh, nice. Brubaker rules.
  22. Sorry brah. It hurts so deep
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