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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Just read Uncanny X-Men Land murders this issue. It's absolute shite. Fraction continues to do good stuff, referencing more of Grant Morrison's run again and bringing in some quite surprising elements at the end but it's absolutely ruined by Land. The action is shit, nonsensical trash and fails completely. Why won't marvel ditch this hack!?
  2. "I rather like the Danes... Some of my occasional fucks are Danes"
  3. What moral cesspit *is* this place? ....might go on later.
  4. I like the Cameron ones: it's all explained (if you look in to it, not in film) that they're soldier bugs, whereas the original is a proto queen/ young female. It makes sense that they're different. Same with Alien 3. If you have the DVD of Alienwith the cut scenes, the captain isn't killed, he's the first host for a new batch of eggs to start a new hive. Helps establish all the caste stuff.
  5. Viva Pinata is digital serotonin. Lovely little game.
  6. That's the single fucking coolest thing I've ever seen in my life, and I've seen boobs for real.
  7. bless her mental cotton socks. I actually think she's ace. Not really in to the music but as a persona, she's absolutely brilliant- the perfect antidote to landfill indie and miserable bastards in the music industry. and bad romance is absolutely fucking stellar. It's so much better than anything on The Fame.
  8. Their White Russian is a sexy motherfucker of a drink. It's absolutely amazing.
  9. If memory serves, it goes like so: The events of Razor are taking place in Series 1 and in to Series 2 on the timelime but plot elements exist that strongly reference, or require knowledge of, Series 3. I'm almost certain that it was released after season 3, so it's probably the safest bet to watch it after.
  10. Man, the thought of Mad Men from the off on Blu Ray is pretty immense. Fantastic series- easily my favourite show on TV now.
  11. 3 days short of Spring. Nice.
  12. On Reflection: I now hate the cover for Avengers #1 JRJr best pull out some amazing interiors because he can't draw Iron Man for shit- a cardinal sin in my fanboy eyes. It's weird, because I've loved his work in the past. Daredevil: The Man Without Fear and Kick-Ass look amazing. I just think he's a really bad choice for Avengers. He's just not in the same league as the current team.
  13. Smoked salmon and cream cheese, people. Believe.
  14. BigShinyRobot are reporting a few TWD casting scoops on Rick Grimes with Jamie 'Fraking Adama' Bamber topping the list. Not the first name that springs to mind but never under estimate the powers of a good makeup artist and an accent coach.
  15. Happy birthday dude
  16. so, how long have you been a gay icon?
  17. I'm a fan of Alley Cats and Brothers, myself. Great album though. It's bloody brilliant, it is.
  18. but that picture also features Cage. Given his place on Thunderbolts, that can't be a team rosta.
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