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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. The gold/platinum awards are mounting up on my play history. First time I took out those...leaping claw motherfuckers without taking a hit today. Took out two of the dog bastards flawlessly straight after too. Boom Boom Pow. Sadly, I missed out a hidden verse right at the end which I forgot to look for. Rats.
  2. so Vampire Weekend's latest impresses. It's basically trying to be Graceland but not to it's detriment because the songwriting is really rather excellent. It's playful, intricate and well produced. Interesting stuff.
  3. I have an interview thing today. I'm following in the footsteps of my hero, Ashely, and going in to mentoring support. They're offering me £13.50 an hour to coach one of the undergrads. Admittedly, only for an hour a week but they said there would be more opportunities if I was interested. After that, a six hour workshop with no breaks in the hottest room known to man. Yargh. Last week was pimp as fuck though, so I'm looking forward to it.
  4. Goddamn I love The Onion
  5. Chuck Season 2 YEEEEEAAAAH! Great season. Amazing. Best finale evar!
  6. I didn't expect the ending but I knew it would wrap up this issue. Invincible Returns is out this week, right?
  7. Trade dress means the design for all the issues #25 is just the first of many. Invincible easter egg:
  8. It's absolutely fucking amazing is what it is. Best trade design since, well, Stark Disassembled. And before that, Immortal Iron Fist/ Weapons.
  9. Telekenesis is kind of a 'win button' power, as is Telepathy. I agree that it would suit a villain because in a way, it has the most potential for abuse- taking control away from people and leaving even the strongest totally powerless. You should watch Akira also Stunned. Essential. Incapacitating.
  10. Well that describes neither of these games...
  11. Good casting, but really? another one?
  12. my Kick-Ass hardcover has been delayed again by Amazon
  13. mm, yeah that's pretty much how it goes. The cut scenes are just rotten guff to be honest but the game is so good. Currently replaying for collectibles before tackling Hard mode fully tricked out.
  14. Yeah I am.
  15. ok actually been on lot of wanking. not much else. Anyone else being disconnected almost instantly?
  16. I'll play.
  17. fairly sure there is, yeah.
  18. Dan_Dare


    fuck snow in the eye.
  19. That's pretty cool. Mate of my mine took an out of warranty 360 corpse off me a while back and fixed it himself, too. seems an easy process.
  20. but given the precedent that marks it as a form of protest by the religious right and the pseudonym it's not just going to be a random prank, is it?
  21. the DA continuity is pretty weird. It's currently set way before Siege but I'm not sure how it fits in around 9-10
  22. Just read Uncanny X-Men Land murders this issue. It's absolute shite. Fraction continues to do good stuff, referencing more of Grant Morrison's run again and bringing in some quite surprising elements at the end but it's absolutely ruined by Land. The action is shit, nonsensical trash and fails completely. Why won't marvel ditch this hack!?
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