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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Fairly accurate as long as you have set it to a local host server. If you are getting measurements over 30Mbps then yes the data won't be accurate but that's pretty much no one. Bear in mind that this won't take into account several things such as: Load on multiplayer server Load on Nintendo's servers (sure they will be involved somehow with authentication) Connection distance to both of the above Varying contention on your ISP during different times of the day Doesn't really take into account simultaneous up and down No idea how many simultaneous connections will be kept open for the Wii U or well/badly it handles traffic.
  2. I can't say anything negative about Prime 1. Absolutely fantastic game on every level but I think it's easy to debate it's Metroidness. Personally I was happy for the departure and enjoyed getting lost
  3. They'll resurrect Ann Diamond just for the scrawl of epileptic rage!
  4. and You see I completely disagree with you here. You have said that these are independent levels or new sections in Rayman right? Good stuff to me as it means more content. My argument is that replaying the levels in a sped up mode will add very little for me to the point where I might not even bother. So you agree with me that they use completely different mechanics? I don't even understand why you are arguing with me about this? I value the fact that I get different gameplay in the middle of the game and despite the fact that there is this change in gameplay, you are somehow saying that the core mechanics stay in tact in Rayman? That's just flat out incorrect. Yes, thank you for your amazingly patronising take on judging the way I perceive value.
  5. Just sold my original playstation, Master System + games and a car boot full (couldn't fit any more in!) this weekend. Made £65.... ahh yeah.
  6. I'm extremely hesitant about this game. I feel burned by Revelations and the little things about the gameplay really haven't been addressed yet (and I would include the kind of thing that Cube is talking about in that). It's going to be a rental before purchase for that reason as I don't want to watch a ton of reviews (which generally spoils it) which will probably still not answer my queries and suspicions. Stupid thing is, I still feel compelled to trudge through AC:Revs to finish the story :/
  7. What I don't understand is why they are doing it. The show was gaining popularity in the US before they did any of that so why feel the need to put in this kind of effort.
  8. Thought this episode was an absolute travesty. Piss poor story with a mild attempt to delve into the doctors personality using a mirror character. Similar to things that they have done with Matt Smith in other episode but it all ends the same, by the end of the episode it might as well not have happened. At least with C.E and D.T those kinds of insights got woven into the long running fabric of their character and were referenced as part of an ongoing arc. The series is trying hard to American audiences and is forcing it to go into territory that it doesn't feel comfortable with. The recent episode was completely derivative and poorly directed. The vast majority of the screen time was spent with held or slow panning shots, like in Anime where they don't want to spend much money on making things move. It didn't make it moody or atmospheric, it just pointed to how ridiculous Matt Smith looks when he's trying to be hard or angry. This is literally the worst episode I've watched since the reboot.
  9. So you just spend your money and then decide whether you like it? That's a bit of a cavalier way to spend your cash... Also you could say the converse with you, that you have decided that you are willing to put down your money without having played it. How is my decision any different to yours? Bear in mind that I'm basing my decision on having played NSMB and NSMB Wii as well. On a different note, I really think you should look up the difference between hate and criticism. Criticism really doesn't have to be negative but on the other hand it generally suggests being impartial rather than overly optimistic (that's you).
  10. Right, so I have a mid-2010 Mac Book Pro 13". I'm starting to lose patience with the crap cooling situation as it has 1 little fan to cool the entire unit and the vents on the back are almost always covered by the screen hinge. I've also had to go get a fan controller for when I'm running Windows on it. Transformers was melting my processor until I realised the fans weren't even kicking in but it's still not enough. Any suggestions? Pissing me off that the system can easily handle what I do but can't cool itself properly :/
  11. Wow.... that filter sounds practically made up :/. I'd raise it with ATI though. You may have detected a relatively random bug but if you submit it as an issue then at least they know. Are you happy though? I know what it's like to feel like you don't trust your hardware!
  12. Eurogamer have done a bit of a pricing summary, well worth a look as it does all 3 bundles: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-14-wii-u-pre-order-price-round-up-wheres-cheapest
  13. Sounds like someone has misunderstood the music sections of the game. I'd assume that it was a description of how that gameplay worked rather than the main game!
  14. Hmmmm.... well this might have just popped most of my "Rayman > NSMBU" arguement. Surely if you just play single player with the Wii mote, you can play it as Rayman? Dazzy, have you got a source?
  15. It's about value for money, for me personally. Yeah it will probably be a fun game but it has far too much in common with it's past 3 predecessors. If you think about the main Mario series, there was never this much repetition. Mario 1, 2, 3, World, 64, Sunshine and Galaxy all brought something very new to the table and that's why I was happy to fork out top dollar for them. My opinion of the situation with the "new" series is that the Wii U game doesn't represent enough value for me to fork out that kind of money because, for the most part, I've played it all before. For some people, that might be the case but for me it just feels like a big DLC pack for the Wii game. This is why I disagree: On rails bit of shooter, you are still using the same gameplay, with the ability to move (and usually reload) removed. In this second mode in Rayman, they have taken a mechanic from a completely different genre (music and rhythm games) and used that as an expression of visually playing the same game. It's completely different gameplay. They have found a way to allow you to enjoy the levels, animation and art style of the universe in a completely different way which justifies spending more time with the game. By comparison, Mario's "play it again but fasterer" seems weak. Don't get me wrong, this game will sell well and Nintendo have made the right decision to cash in but for me personally, it's not getting my money yet. They have fully explained the gameplay modes and videos have shown the gameplay, art style and power-ups so I feel that I can make a judgement on the game as I know what I don't like about the "new" series and it's all still there. And don't confuse hate with criticism. It's a value judgement as I don't have infinite time and money!
  16. Wasn't even due to the 3DS. 90% of the problem was due to the Japanese exchange rate. But yeah, totally agree with you. People should stop being morons and realise that Nintendo is financially doing well currently and that Sony is far more likely to die off before they do.
  17. Only other thing that I've found on ATI is a known issue about Warhammer and wire frames on certain settings... Have you tried testing different graphics settings/catalyst settings to see if you can narrow down what process is causing it?
  18. Well as I'm saving for a wedding, the only way I'm going to be able to afford this is by trading in my old stuff. Just got £90 credit for stuff at CEX so I'm quite a way there already. It's just the roulette of whether they will have one in stock anywhere around launch and quite how much they will charge everyone for it!
  19. Will be interesting to see what developers generally leave up on the screen. I would say ammo and health are the 2 most important. Everything else can either be represented in the graphics of the game (like weapon choice) or chucked on to the tablet. Can't wait for a metroid map on that thing!
  20. Hey Cube, I would do as the guy on the steam forum suggested with updating the ATI drivers and DirectX. I'll keep looking around for what I can find though...
  21. Yeah do it mate. The Pi has a couple of python programs kicking around in Windows X if you install the wheezy distro so that might be a good place to start.
  22. I kinda get where he's coming from with the value of this product. The way that they have extended the play time of this is with extra modes that are frankly cheap extensions, reusing the same assets and design. The only new thing of merit are the challenges. I'm not bashing the game per se, I just don't think it's worth full price especially when you stick it next to something like Rayman, which has has used a complete sub-genre of platforming (the music mode) to extend it's game.
  23. The 360 version (really the only one that should be played) had a Metacritic score of 90% from 86 reviews... and I can personally say that it's a fantastic game and I even thought so when it was on the test bench back at SEGA. It's criminal that the first one didn't do better but I really think you have to play it to see why it appeals and why the action system works so well. As for the people complaining? It's stupid, end of. The games industry is a business, get over it.
  24. Well I just think of the guys who are porting Baldurs Gate and the hate they spill on Nintendo, for what is actually them being incapable at their own jobs. Sad really.
  25. Yeah, it's not a major worry but I'm just aware that things might changes and lots not forget western developers ability to discount Nintendo systems for being.... Nintendo systems.
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